Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is (as far as we know) the oldest and certainly the largest and most important online encyclopedia of philosophy. It is edited by Edward Zalta and Uri Nodelman and is published by the Metaphysics Research Lab of the Philosophy Department of Stanford University. As of November 2024, it comprises 1864 entries, of which many are new and some discontinued. 

At least the older entries are often very good and provide accurate, up-to-date information, often of an introductory kind, with "further readings" and helpful references provided. Zalta is known to be a meticulous editor, so the scholarly quality is normally very good. 

For Dialectica authors (and everyone else), we recommend citing the earliest archived entry of those listed below where the relevant claim appears. We list below the changes in entries that the SEP calls "substantial revisions", except for changes only to bibliography, figures, internet ressources and the "catalog" (ToC) which are not here added as separate entries. If an entry is revised twice within the same year, only the later version is added to the bibliography.

Click on the title will bring you to the latest ("current") version, clicking on any of the bibliography keys to an archived and therefore citable entry. 

Click here or have a look below for the table of contents,


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Alphabetical (more or less, after url)