The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is (as far as we know) the oldest and certainly the largest and most important online encyclopedia of philosophy. It is edited by Edward Zalta and Uri Nodelman and is published by the Metaphysics Research Lab of the Philosophy Department of Stanford University. As of November 2024, it comprises 1864 entries, of which many are new and some discontinued.
At least the older entries are often very good and provide accurate, up-to-date information, often of an introductory kind, with "further readings" and helpful references provided. Zalta is known to be a meticulous editor, so the scholarly quality is normally very good.
For Dialectica authors (and everyone else), we recommend citing the earliest archived entry of those listed below where the relevant claim appears. We list below the changes in entries that the SEP calls "substantial revisions", except for changes only to bibliography, figures, internet ressources and the "catalog" (ToC) which are not here added as separate entries. If an entry is revised twice within the same year, only the later version is added to the bibliography.
Click on the title will bring you to the latest ("current") version, clicking on any of the bibliography keys to an archived and therefore citable entry.
Click here or have a look below for the table of contents,
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Alphabetical (more or less, after url)
- Abduction -- 2011: douven:2011a (Douven, Igor), 2017: douven:2017c (Douven, Igor), 2021: douven:2021a (Douven, Igor)
- Peter Abelard -- 2004: king-p:2004b (King, Peter O.), 2010: king-p:2010a (King, Peter O.), 2022: king-p-arlig:2022 (King, Peter O. and Arlig, Andrew W.)
- Abhidharma -- 2010: ronkin:2010 (Ronkin, Noa), 2014: ronkin:2014 (Ronkin, Noa), 2018: ronkin:2018 (Ronkin, Noa), 2022: ronkin:2022 (Ronkin, Noa)
- Abilities -- 2010: maier-j:2010 (Maier, John), 2014: maier-j:2014a (Maier, John), 2020: maier-j:2020 (Maier, John)
- Abner of Burgos -- 2012: sadik:2012 (Sadik, Shalom)
- Judah Abrabanel -- 2005: hughes-aa:2005 (Hughes, Aaron), 2022: hughes-aa:2022 (Hughes, Aaron)
- Abraham Ibn Daud -- 2006: fontaine-r:2006 (Fontaine, Resianne), 2010: fontaine-r:2010 (Fontaine, Resianne), 2015: fontaine-r:2015 (Fontaine, Resianne), 2020: fontaine-r-eran:2020 (Fontaine, Resianne and Eran, Amira), 2024: fontaine-r-eran:2024 (Fontaine, Resianne and Eran, Amira)
- Abstract Objects -- 2001: rosen-g:2001b (Rosen, Gideon), 2017: rosen-g:2017c (Rosen, Gideon), 2021: falguera-jl-etal:2021 (Falguera, José L. and Martínez-Vidal, Concha and Rosen, Gideon)
- Abu Bakr al-Razi -- 2021: adamson-p:2021a (Adamson, Peter)
- Action-Based Theories of Perception -- 2015: briscoe-r-grush:2015 (Briscoe, Robert Eamon and Grush, Rick), 2023: briscoe-r-etal:2023 (Briscoe, Robert Eamon and Grush, Rick and Springle, Alison)
- Action -- 2002: wilson-gm:2002 (Wilson, George M.), 2007: wilson-gm:2007a (Wilson, George M.), 2012: wilson-gm-shpall:2012 (Wilson, George M. and Shpall, Samuel), 2023: pinerosglasscock-tenenbaum:2023 (Pi{\ n}eros Glasscock, Juan S. and Tenenbaum, Sergio)
- Actualism and Possibilism in Ethics -- 2019: timmerman-cohen:2019 (Timmerman, Travis and Cohen, Yishai)
- Actualism -- 2000: menzel-c:2000a (Menzel, Christopher), 2005: menzel-c:2005 (Menzel, Christopher)
- Adaptationism -- 2010: orzack-sh-forber:2010 (Orzack, Steven Hecht and Forber, Patrick)
- Jane Addams -- 2006: hamington:2006 (Hamington, Maurice), 2010: hamington:2010c (Hamington, Maurice), 2014: hamington:2014 (Hamington, Maurice), 2022: hamington:2022 (Hamington, Maurice)
- Theodor Adorno -- 2003: zuidervaart:2003 (Zuidervaart, Lambert), 2007: zuidervaart:2007 (Zuidervaart, Lambert), 2011: zuidervaart:2011 (Zuidervaart, Lambert)
- Advance Directives and Substitute Decision-Making -- 2009: jaworska:2009 (Jaworska, Agnieszka)
- The Concept of the Aesthetic -- 2009: shelley-j:2009 (Shelley, James), 2013: shelley-j:2013 (Shelley, James), 2017: shelley-j:2017 (Shelley, James), 2022: shelley-j:2022a (Shelley, James)
- Aesthetic Experience -- 2023: peacocke-an:2023a (Peacocke, Antonia)
- Aesthetic Judgment -- 2003: zangwill-n:2003a (Zangwill, Nick), 2006: zangwill-n:2006b (Zangwill, Nick), 2007: zangwill-n:2007a (Zangwill, Nick), 2010: zangwill-n:2010a (Zangwill, Nick), 2014: zangwill-n:2014 (Zangwill, Nick), 2019: zangwill-n:2019 (Zangwill, Nick), 2023: zangwill-n:2023 (Zangwill, Nick)
- Aesthetic Testimony -- 2024: robson-j-wallbank:2024 (Robson, Jon and Wallbank, Rebecca)
- 18th Century German Philosophy Prior to Kant -- 2002: sassen-b:2002 (Sassen, Brigitte), 2010: sassen-b:2010 (Sassen, Brigitte), 2021: dyck-c-sassen:2021 (Dyck, Corey W. and Sassen, Brigitte)
- 18th Century British Aesthetics -- 2006: shelley-j:2006 (Shelley, James), 2014: shelley-j:2014 (Shelley, James), 2018: shelley-j:2018 (Shelley, James), 2022: shelley-j:2022 (Shelley, James)
- 18th Century French Aesthetics -- 2004: morizot-j:2004 (Morizot, Jacques), 2013: morizot-j:2013 (Morizot, Jacques), 2019: tsien-j-morizot:2019 (Tsien, Jennifer and Morizot, Jacques), 2023: tsien-j-morizot:2023 (Tsien, Jennifer and Morizot, Jacques)
- 18th Century German Aesthetics -- 2007: guyer-p:2007c (Guyer, Paul), 2014: guyer-p:2014d (Guyer, Paul)
- 19th Century Romantic Aesthetics -- 2016: gorodeisky-k:2016 (Gorodeisky, Keren)
- Aesthetics and Cognitive Science -- 2022: robson-j-currie:2022 (Robson, Jon and Currie, Gregory)
- Existentialist Aesthetics -- 2009: deranty:2009 (Deranty, Jean-Philippe), 2015: deranty:2015 (Deranty, Jean-Philippe), 2019: deranty:2019 (Deranty, Jean-Philippe)
- Aesthetics of the Everyday -- 2015: saito-y:2015 (Saito, Yuriko), 2019: saito-y:2019 (Saito, Yuriko)
- Affirmative Action -- 2001: fullinwider:2001 (Fullinwider, Robert), 2005: fullinwider:2005 (Fullinwider, Robert), 2009: fullinwider:2009 (Fullinwider, Robert), 2013: fullinwider:2013 (Fullinwider, Robert), 2018: fullinwider:2018a (Fullinwider, Robert), 2024: fullinwider:2024 (Fullinwider, Robert)
- African Ethics -- 2010: gyekye:2010 (Gyekye, Kwame)
- African Sage Philosophy -- 2006: masolo-d:2006 (Masolo, Dismas), 2016: masolo-d:2016 (Masolo, Dismas)
- Contemporary Africana Philosophy -- 2021: taylor-pc:2021 (Taylor, Paul C.)
- Africana Philosophy -- 2010: outlaw:2010 (Outlaw, Jr.), 2017: outlaw:2017a (Outlaw, Jr.)
- Afterlife -- 2005: hasker:2005 (Hasker, William), 2010: hasker:2010a (Hasker, William), 2014: hasker-taliaferro:2014 (Hasker, William and Taliaferro, R. Charles), 2019: hasker-taliaferro:2019 (Hasker, William and Taliaferro, R. Charles), 2023: hasker-taliaferro:2023 (Hasker, William and Taliaferro, R. Charles)
- Agency -- 2015: schlosser-me:2015 (Schlosser, Markus E.), 2019: schlosser-me:2019 (Schlosser, Markus E.)
- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim -- 2007: nauert:2007 (Nauert, Charles), 2011: nauert:2011 (Nauert, Charles), 2017: perronecompagni:2017 (Perrone Compagni, Vittoria)
- Akan Philosophy of the Person -- 2006: wingo:2006 (Wingo, Ajume H.), 2024: wingo:2024 (Wingo, Ajume H.)
- `Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi -- 2015: martinibonadeo:2015 (Martini Bonadeo, Cecilia), 2019: martinibonadeo:2019 (Martini Bonadeo, Cecilia), 2023: martinibonadeo:2023 (Martini Bonadeo, Cecilia)
- Fakhr al-Din al-Razi -- 2023: adamson-p-benevich:2023 (Adamson, Peter and Benevich, Fedor)
- al-Farabi's Philosophy of Logic and Language -- 2019: hodges-w-druart:2019 (Hodges, Wilfrid and Druart, Thérèse-Anne), 2023: hodges-w-druart:2023 (Hodges, Wilfrid and Druart, Thérèse-Anne)
- al-Farabi's Metaphysics -- 2021: menn:2021 (Menn, Stephen)
- Al-Farabi's Psychology and Epistemology -- 2016: lopezfarjeat:2016c (L{\'o}pez-Farjeat, Luis Xavier), 2020: lopezfarjeat:2020 (L{\'o}pez-Farjeat, Luis Xavier), 2024: lopezfarjeat:2024 (L{\'o}pez-Farjeat, Luis Xavier)
- Al-Farabi's Philosophy of Society and Religion -- 2016: germann-n:2016a (Germann, Nadja), 2021: germann-n:2021 (Germann, Nadja)
- Al-Farabi -- 2016: druart:2016a (Druart, Thérèse-Anne), 2020: druart:2020 (Druart, Thérèse-Anne), 2024: druart:2024 (Druart, Thérèse-Anne)
- Al-Ghazālī -- 2007: griffel:2007 (Griffel, Frank), 2013: griffel:2013 (Griffel, Frank), 2014: griffel:2014 (Griffel, Frank), 2020: griffel:2020 (Griffel, Frank)
- Al-Kindī -- 2006: adamson-p:2006a (Adamson, Peter), 2024: adamson-p:2024 (Adamson, Peter), 2011: adamson-p:2011 (Adamson, Peter), 2015: adamson-p:2015c (Adamson, Peter)
- Alain LeRoy Locke -- 2012: carter-jad:2012 (Carter, Jacoby Adeshei), 2022: carter-jad-barnes:2022 (Carter, Jacoby Adeshei and Barnes, Corey L.)
- Isaac Albalag -- 2020: abdalla-b:2020 (Abdalla, Bakinaz)
- Albert the Great -- 2006: fuehrer:2006 (Führer, Markus L.), 2016: fuehrer:2016 (Führer, Markus L.), 2017: fuehrer:2017 (Führer, Markus L.), 2019: fuehrer:2019 (Führer, Markus L.), 2020: fuehrer:2020 (Führer, Markus L.)
- Albert of Saxony -- 2001: biard:2001b (Biard, Joël), 2004: biard:2004a (Biard, Joël), 2009: biard:2009a (Biard, Joël), 2015: biard:2015a (Biard, Joël), 2019: biard:2019 (Biard, Joël), 2023: biard:2023 (Biard, Joël)
- Joseph Albo -- 2006: ehrlich-d:2006 (Ehrlich, Dror), 2011: ehrlich-d:2011 (Ehrlich, Dror), 2015: ehrlich-d:2015 (Ehrlich, Dror), 2020: ehrlich-d:2020 (Ehrlich, Dror), 2024: ehrlich-d-weiss:2024 (Ehrlich, Dror and Weiss, Shira)
- Alcmaeon -- 2003: huffman-ca:2003 (Huffman, Carl A.), 2008: huffman-ca:2008b (Huffman, Carl A.), 2013: huffman-ca:2013 (Huffman, Carl A.), 2017: huffman-ca:2017 (Huffman, Carl A.), 2021: huffman-ca:2021 (Huffman, Carl A.)
- Alexander of Aphrodisias -- 2003: frede-d:2003a (Frede, Dorothea), 2012: frede-d:2012a (Frede, Dorothea), 2017: frede-d:2017a (Frede, Dorothea), 2024: frede-d-martijn:2024 (Frede, Dorothea and Martijn, Marije)
- Alexander Crummell -- 2011: thompson-s:2011 (Thompson, Stephen)
- Alexander von Humboldt -- 2023: nassar:2023 (Nassar, Dalia)
- Samuel Alexander -- 2014: thomas-e:2014 (Thomas, Emily A.E.), 2018: thomas-e:2018d (Thomas, Emily A.E.), 2022: thomas-e:2022 (Thomas, Emily A.E.)
- The Algebra of Logic Tradition -- 2009: burris-sn:2009 (Burris, Stanley N.), 2015: burris-sn-legris:2015 (Burris, Stanley N. and Legris, Javier), 2021: burris-sn-legris:2021 (Burris, Stanley N. and Legris, Javier)
- Algebra -- 2007: pratt-vr:2007 (Pratt, Vaughan R.), 2017: pratt-vr:2017 (Pratt, Vaughan R.), 2022: pratt-vr:2022 (Pratt, Vaughan R.)
- Alienation -- 2018: leopold-d:2018 (Leopold, David A.), 2022: leopold-d:2022 (Leopold, David A.)
- Moral Responsibility and the Principle of Alternative Possibilities -- 2020: robb-d:2020 (Robb, David)
- Louis Althusser -- 2009: lewis-w:2009 (Lewis, William), 2014: lewis-w:2014 (Lewis, William), 2022: lewis-w:2022 (Lewis, William)
- Biological Altruism -- 2003: okasha:2003b (Okasha, Samir), 2008: okasha:2008a (Okasha, Samir), 2013: okasha:2013b (Okasha, Samir)
- Empirical Approaches to Altruism -- 2020: doris-j-etal:2020 (Doris, John M. and Stich, Stephen P. and Walmsley, Lachlan)
- Altruism -- 2016: kraut-ri:2016b (Kraut, Richard), 2020: kraut-ri:2020 (Kraut, Richard)
- Robert Alyngton -- 2001: conti:2001c (Conti, Alessandro D.), 2006: conti:2006a (Conti, Alessandro D.), 2012: conti:2012 (Conti, Alessandro D.), 2017: conti:2017a (Conti, Alessandro D.), 2022: conti:2022a (Conti, Alessandro D.)
- Ambiguity -- 2011: sennet:2011 (Sennet, Adam), 2016: sennet:2016a (Sennet, Adam), 2021: sennet:2021 (Sennet, Adam)
- Ammonius -- 2005: blank-d:2005 (Blank, David), 2011: blank-d:2011a (Blank, David), 2017: blank-d:2017 (Blank, David)
- Medieval Theories of Analogy -- 1999: ashworth-ej:1999a (Ashworth, E. Jennifer), 2004: ashworth-ej:2004 (Ashworth, E. Jennifer), 2013: ashworth-ej:2013 (Ashworth, E. Jennifer), 2017: ashworth-ej:2017b (Ashworth, E. Jennifer), 2021: ashworth-ej-dettore:2021 (Ashworth, E. Jennifer and D'Ettore, Domenic)
- Analysis -- 2003: beaney-m:2003 (Beaney, Michael), 2007: beaney-m:2007d (Beaney, Michael), 2024: beaney-m-raysmith:2024 (Beaney, Michael and Raysmith, Thomas)
- The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction -- 2003: rey-g:2003c (Rey, Georges), 2008: rey-g:2008b (Rey, Georges), 2013: rey-g:2013 (Rey, Georges), 2017: rey-g:2017 (Rey, Georges), 2022: rey-g:2022 (Rey, Georges)
- Anaphora -- 2004: king-jc:2004 (King, Jeffrey C.), 2016: king-jc-lewis:2016 (King, Jeffrey C. and Lewis, Karen S.), 2021: king-jc-lewis:2021 (King, Jeffrey C. and Lewis, Karen S.)
- Anarchism -- 2017: fiala-a:2017 (Fiala, Andrew), 2021: fiala-a:2021 (Fiala, Andrew)
- Anaxagoras -- 2007: curd-pk:2007 (Curd, Patricia Kenig), 2011: curd-pk:2011a (Curd, Patricia Kenig), 2015: curd-pk:2015 (Curd, Patricia Kenig), 2019: curd-pk:2019 (Curd, Patricia Kenig)
- Ancient Political Philosophy -- 2010: lane-ms:2010 (Lane, Melissa S.), 2014: lane-ms:2014a (Lane, Melissa S.), 2018: lane-ms:2018 (Lane, Melissa S.), 2023: lane-ms:2023 (Lane, Melissa S.)
- Ancient Theories of Soul -- 2003: lorenz-h:2003 (Lorenz, Hendrik), 2009: lorenz-h:2009b (Lorenz, Hendrik), 2024: lorenz-h:2024 (Lorenz, Hendrik)
- John Anderson -- 2012: mcleancole:2012 (McLean Cole, Creagh), 2017: mcleancole:2017 (McLean Cole, Creagh), 2021: mcleancole:2021 (McLean Cole, Creagh)
- Animalism -- 2014: blatti:2014 (Blatti, Stephan), 2019: blatti:2019 (Blatti, Stephan)
- Anna Julia Cooper -- 2015: gines:2015 (Gines, Kathryn T.)
- Anomalous Monism -- 2005: yalowitz:2005 (Yalowitz, Steven), 2012: yalowitz:2012 (Yalowitz, Steven), 2019: yalowitz:2019 (Yalowitz, Steven)
- Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe -- 2009: driver:2009b (Driver, Julia), 2011: driver:2011 (Driver, Julia), 2018: driver:2018a (Driver, Julia), 2022: wiland-driver:2022 (Wiland, Eric and Driver, Julia)
- Saint Anselm -- 2000: williams-t:2000a (Williams, Thomas), 2007: williams-t:2007a (Williams, Thomas), 2015: williams-t:2015a (Williams, Thomas), 2020: williams-t:2020 (Williams, Thomas)
- Antiochus of Ascalon -- 2005: allen-jf:2005 (Allen, James F.), 2018: allen-jf:2018 (Allen, James F.)
- Antonio Rosmini -- 2001: cleary-d:2001 (Cleary, Denis)
- A Priori Justification and Knowledge -- 2007: russell-br:2007 (Russell, Bruce), 2014: russell-br:2014 (Russell, Bruce), 2020: russell-br:2020 (Russell, Bruce)
- Aquinas' Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy -- 2005: finnis:2005 (Finnis, John M.), 2011: finnis:2011 (Finnis, John M.), 2017: finnis:2017 (Finnis, John M.)
- Saint Thomas Aquinas -- 1999: mcinerny-r:1999 (McInerny, Ralph M.), 2009: mcinerny-r-ocallaghan:2009 (McInerny, Ralph M. and O'Callaghan, John), 2014: mcinerny-r-ocallaghan:2014 (McInerny, Ralph M. and O'Callaghan, John), 2022: pasnau:2022b (Pasnau, Robert)
- Causation in Arabic and Islamic Thought -- 2015: richardson-k:2015 (Richardson, Kara), 2020: richardson-k:2020a (Richardson, Kara)
- Essence and Existence in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy -- 2024: benevich-f:2024 (Benevich, Fedor)
- Greek Sources in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy -- 2009: danconacosta:2009a (D'Ancona Costa, Cristina), 2013: danconacosta:2013 (D'Ancona Costa, Cristina), 2017: danconacosta:2017 (D'Ancona Costa, Cristina), 2022: danconacosta:2022 (D'Ancona Costa, Cristina)
- Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on the Latin West -- 2008: hasse:2008a (Hasse, Dag Nikolaus), 2014: hasse:2014a (Hasse, Dag Nikolaus), 2020: hasse:2020 (Hasse, Dag Nikolaus)
- Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on Judaic Thought -- 2007: zonta:2007 (Zonta, Mauro), 2011: zonta:2011a (Zonta, Mauro), 2016: zonta:2016 (Zonta, Mauro), 2024: zonta-manekin:2024 (Zonta, Mauro and Manekin, Charles H.)
- Arabic and Islamic Philosophy of Language and Logic -- 2008: street-t:2008a (Street, Tony), 2013: street-t:2013 (Street, Tony)
- Arabic and Islamic Metaphysics -- 2012: bertolacci:2012 (Bertolacci, Amos), 2018: bertolacci:2018 (Bertolacci, Amos)
- Arabic and Islamic Psychology and Philosophy of Mind -- 2008: ivry-al:2008b (Ivry, Alfred L.), 2012: ivry-al:2012 (Ivry, Alfred L.)
- Mysticism in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy -- 2009: aminrazavi:2009 (Aminrazavi, Mehdi), 2016: aminrazavi:2016 (Aminrazavi, Mehdi), 2021: aminrazavi:2021 (Aminrazavi, Mehdi)
- Arabic and Islamic Natural Philosophy and Natural Science -- 2006: mcginnis-j:2006c (McGinnis, Jon), 2013: mcginnis-j:2013 (McGinnis, Jon), 2022: mcginnis-j:2022 (McGinnis, Jon)
- Arabic and Islamic Philosophy of Mathematics -- 2022: zarepour:2022 (Zarepour, Mohammad Saleh)
- Arabic and Islamic Philosophy of Religion -- 2023: mcginnis-j-acar:2023 (McGinnis, Jon and Acar, Rahim)
- Arcesilaus -- 2005: brittain-ch:2005 (Brittain, Charles), 2021: brittain-ch-osorio:2021 (Brittain, Charles and Osorio, Peter)
- Philosophy of Architecture -- 2015: fisher-s:2015 (Fisher, Saul)
- Archytas -- 2003: huffman-ca:2003a (Huffman, Carl A.), 2007: huffman-ca:2007a (Huffman, Carl A.), 2011: huffman-ca:2011a (Huffman, Carl A.), 2016: huffman-ca:2016 (Huffman, Carl A.), 2020: huffman-ca:2020 (Huffman, Carl A.)
- Hannah Arendt -- 2006: passerindentreves:2006 (Passerin d'Entreves, Maurizio), 2019: passerindentreves:2019 (Passerin d'Entreves, Maurizio), 2024: toemmel-passerindentreves:2024 (Tömmel, Tatjana Noemi and Passerin d'Entreves, Maurizio)
- Argument and Argumentation -- 2021: dutilhnovaes:2021 (Dutilh-Novaes, Catarina)
- Aristotelianism in the Renaissance -- 2005: kuhn-hc:2005 (Kuhn, Heinrich C.), 2018: kuhn-hc:2018 (Kuhn, Heinrich C.), 2024: lines-da:2024 (Lines, David A.)
- Aristotle's Aesthetics -- 2021: destree-p:2021 (Destrée, Pierre)
- Aristotle's Biology -- 2006: lennox-jg:2006a (Lennox, James G.), 2011: lennox-jg:2011 (Lennox, James G.), 2017: lennox-jg:2017 (Lennox, James G.), 2021: lennox-jg:2021b (Lennox, James G.)
- Aristotle's Categories -- 2007: studtmann:2007a (Studtmann, Paul), 2021: studtmann:2021 (Studtmann, Paul)
- Aristotle on Causality -- 2006: falcon:2006 (Falcon, Andrea), 2011: falcon:2011 (Falcon, Andrea), 2019: falcon:2019 (Falcon, Andrea), 2023: falcon:2023 (Falcon, Andrea)
- Commentators on Aristotle -- 2005: falcon:2005a (Falcon, Andrea), 2009: falcon:2009a (Falcon, Andrea), 2013: falcon:2013c (Falcon, Andrea), 2017: falcon:2017a (Falcon, Andrea), 2021: falcon:2021 (Falcon, Andrea)
- Aristotle's Ethics -- 2001: kraut-ri:2001a (Kraut, Richard), 2014: kraut-ri:2014 (Kraut, Richard), 2022: kraut-ri:2022a (Kraut, Richard)
- Aristotle's Logic -- 2000: smith-r:2000 (Smith, Robin), 2004: smith-r:2004 (Smith, Robin), 2007: smith-r:2007 (Smith, Robin), 2011: smith-r:2011 (Smith, Robin), 2015: smith-r:2015 (Smith, Robin), 2017: smith-r:2017 (Smith, Robin), 2022: smith-r:2022 (Smith, Robin)
- Aristotle and Mathematics -- 2004: mendell-h:2004 (Mendell, Henry)
- Aristotle's Metaphysics -- 2000: cohen-sm:2000 (Cohen, Sheldon Marc), 2001: cohen-sm:2001 (Cohen, Sheldon Marc), 2003: cohen-sm:2003 (Cohen, Sheldon Marc), 2008: cohen-sm:2008a (Cohen, Sheldon Marc), 2012: cohen-sm:2012 (Cohen, Sheldon Marc), 2020: cohen-sm-reeve:2020 (Cohen, Sheldon Marc and Reeve, C.D.C.)
- Aristotle's Natural Philosophy -- 2006: bodnar-i:2006a (Bodnár, István), 2012: bodnar-i:2012 (Bodnár, István), 2018: bodnar-i:2018a (Bodnár, István), 2023: bodnar-i:2023 (Bodnár, István)
- Aristotle on Non-Contradiction -- 2007: gottlieb-p:2007 (Gottlieb, Paula), 2011: gottlieb-p:2011 (Gottlieb, Paula), 2015: gottlieb-p:2015 (Gottlieb, Paula), 2019: gottlieb-p:2019 (Gottlieb, Paula), 2023: gottlieb-p:2023 (Gottlieb, Paula)
- Aristotle's Political Theory -- 1998: miller-f:1998 (Miller, Jr.), 2002: miller-f:2002 (Miller, Jr.), 2011: miller-f:2011 (Miller, Jr.), 2017: miller-f:2017 (Miller, Jr.), 2022: miller-f:2022 (Miller, Jr.)
- Aristotle's Psychology -- 2000: shields-c:2000 (Shields, Christopher), 2003: shields-c:2003c (Shields, Christopher), 2010: shields-c:2010a (Shields, Christopher), 2016: shields-c:2016a (Shields, Christopher), 2020: shields-c:2020a (Shields, Christopher)
- Aristotle's Rhetoric -- 2002: rapp-c:2002 (Rapp, Christof), 2010: rapp-c:2010 (Rapp, Christof), 2022: rapp-c:2022 (Rapp, Christof)
- Aristotle -- 2008: shields-c:2008a (Shields, Christopher), 2015: shields-c:2015 (Shields, Christopher), 2020: shields-c:2020 (Shields, Christopher)
- Antoine Arnauld -- 2007: kremer-ej:2007 (Kremer, Elmar J.), 2008: kremer-ej:2008 (Kremer, Elmar J.), 2012: kremer-ej:2012 (Kremer, Elmar J.), 2017: kremer-ej:2017 (Kremer, Elmar J.), 2021: kremer-ej:2021 (Kremer, Elmar J.)
- Arrow's Theorem -- 2014: morreau:2014a (Morreau, Michael), 2019: morreau:2019 (Morreau, Michael)
- The Definition of Art -- 2007: adajian:2007 (Adajian, Thomas), 2012: adajian:2012 (Adajian, Thomas), 2018: adajian:2018 (Adajian, Thomas), 2024: adajian:2024 (Adajian, Thomas)
- History of the Ontology of Art -- 2011: livingston-p:2011a (Livingston, Paisley), 2012: livingston-p:2012b (Livingston, Paisley), 2013: livingston-p:2013 (Livingston, Paisley), 2016: livingston-p:2016a (Livingston, Paisley), 2020: livingston-p:2020 (Livingston, Paisley), 2024: livingston-p:2024 (Livingston, Paisley)
- Artifact -- 1999: hilpinen:1999 (Hilpinen, Risto), 2004: hilpinen:2004a (Hilpinen, Risto), 2011: hilpinen:2011 (Hilpinen, Risto), 2018: preston-b:2018 (Preston, Beth), 2022: preston-b:2022 (Preston, Beth)
- Artificial Intelligence -- 2018: bringsford-govindarajulu:2018 (Bringsford, Selmer and Govindarajulu, Naveen Sundar)
- Assertion -- 2007: pagin:2007 (Pagin, Peter), 2014: pagin:2014d (Pagin, Peter), 2021: pagin-marsili:2021 (Pagin, Peter and Marsili, Neri)
- Associationist Theories of Thought -- 2015: mandelbaum-e:2015 (Mandelbaum, Eric), 2020: mandelbaum-e:2020 (Mandelbaum, Eric)
- Mary Astell -- 2005: sowaal:2005a (Sowaal, Alice), 2008: sowaal:2008 (Sowaal, Alice), 2015: sowaal:2015 (Sowaal, Alice), 2023: sowaal:2023 (Sowaal, Alice)
- Atheism and Agnosticism -- 2004: smart-jjc:2004a (Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack]), 2017: draper-p:2017 (Draper, Paul), 2022: draper-p:2022 (Draper, Paul)
- Ancient Atomism -- 2005: berryman-s:2005 (Berryman, Sylvia), 2011: berryman-s:2011 (Berryman, Sylvia), 2022: berryman-s:2022 (Berryman, Sylvia)
- Atomism from the 17th to the 20th Century -- 2005: chalmers-a:2005 (Chalmers, Alan Francis), 2010: chalmers-a:2010 (Chalmers, Alan Francis), 2014: chalmers-a:2014a (Chalmers, Alan Francis)
- Atonement -- 2023: thurow-jc:2023 (Thurow, Joshua C.)
- Attention -- 2009: mole:2009c (Mole, Christopher), 2013: mole:2013a (Mole, Christopher), 2017: mole:2017 (Mole, Christopher), 2021: mole:2021 (Mole, Christopher)
- August Wilhelm Rehberg -- 2007: beiser:2007a (Beiser, Frederick C.)
- Augustine of Hippo -- 2024: tornau:2024 (Tornau, Christian), 2000: mendelson-m:2000 (Mendelson, Michael), 2010: mendelson-m:2010 (Mendelson, Michael), 2019: tornau:2019 (Tornau, Christian)
- Peter Auriol -- 2002: friedman-rl:2002e (Friedman, Russell L.), 2009: friedman-rl:2009 (Friedman, Russell L.), 2015: friedman-rl:2015a (Friedman, Russell L.)
- John Langshaw Austin -- 2012: longworth:2012b (Longworth, Guy), 2017: longworth:2017e (Longworth, Guy), 2021: longworth:2021 (Longworth, Guy)
- John Austin -- 2001: bix:2001 (Bix, Brian), 2005: bix:2005a (Bix, Brian), 2010: bix:2010a (Bix, Brian), 2014: bix:2014 (Bix, Brian), 2018: bix:2018a (Bix, Brian), 2022: bix:2022 (Bix, Brian)
- Authenticity -- 2014: varga-s-guignon:2014 (Varga, Somogy and Guignon, Charles B.), 2020: varga-s-guignon:2020 (Varga, Somogy and Guignon, Charles B.)
- Authority -- 2004: christiano-t:2004a (Christiano, Thomas), 2012: christiano-t:2012 (Christiano, Thomas)
- Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy -- 2009: christman:2009 (Christman, John), 2015: christman:2015c (Christman, John), 2020: christman:2020 (Christman, John)
- Nicholas of Autrecourt -- 2001: thijssen-h:2001 (Thijssen, Hans), 2007: thijssen-h:2007 (Thijssen, Hans)
- The Axiom of Choice -- 2008: bell-jl:2008 (Bell, John L.), 2021: bell-jl:2021 (Bell, John L.)
- Alfred Jules Ayer -- 2005: macdonald-gf:2005 (Macdonald, Graham F.), 2010: macdonald-gf:2010 (Macdonald, Graham F.), 2018: macdonald-gf-krishna:2018 (Macdonald, Graham F. and Krishna, Nakul)
- Ayn Rand -- 2010: badhwar-long:2010 (Badhwar, Neera K. and Long, Roderick T.), 2012: badhwar-long:2012 (Badhwar, Neera K. and Long, Roderick T.), 2016: badhwar-long:2016 (Badhwar, Neera K. and Long, Roderick T.), 2020: badhwar-long:2020 (Badhwar, Neera K. and Long, Roderick T.)
- The Epistemic Basing Relation -- 2002: korcz:2002 (Korcz, Keith Allen), 2010: korcz:2010 (Korcz, Keith Allen), 2015: korcz:2015 (Korcz, Keith Allen), 2021: korcz:2021 (Korcz, Keith Allen)
- Jean Baudrillard -- 2005: kellner-d:2005 (Kellner, Douglas), 2007: kellner-d:2007 (Kellner, Douglas), 2019: kellner-d:2019 (Kellner, Douglas)
- Bruno Bauer -- 2002: moggach:2002 (Moggach, Douglas), 2009: moggach:2009 (Moggach, Douglas), 2013: moggach:2013 (Moggach, Douglas), 2017: moggach:2017 (Moggach, Douglas), 2022: moggach:2022 (Moggach, Douglas)
- Bayes' Theorem -- 2003: joyce-jm:2003 (Joyce, James M.)
- Pierre Bayle -- 2003: lennon-tm:2003c (Lennon, Thomas M.), 2008: lennon-tm-hickson:2008 (Lennon, Thomas M. and Hickson, Michael W.), 2012: lennon-tm-hickson:2012a (Lennon, Thomas M. and Hickson, Michael W.), 2023: hickson:2023 (Hickson, Michael W.)
- Beardsley's Aesthetics -- 2005: wreen:2005a (Wreen, Michael J.), 2022: wreen:2022 (Wreen, Michael J.)
- Beauty -- 2012: sartwell:2012 (Sartwell, Crispin), 2016: sartwell:2016 (Sartwell, Crispin), 2022: sartwell:2022 (Sartwell, Crispin)
- Simone de Beauvoir -- 2004: bergoffen:2004 (Bergoffen, Debra B.), 2010: bergoffen:2010 (Bergoffen, Debra B.), 2014: bergoffen:2014 (Bergoffen, Debra B.), 2023: bergoffen-burke:2023 (Bergoffen, Debra B. and Burke, Megan M.)
- Behaviorism -- 2000: graham-ge:2000 (Graham, George), 2002: graham-ge:2002 (Graham, George), 2005: graham-ge:2005 (Graham, George), 2007: graham-ge:2007 (Graham, George), 2010: graham-ge:2010 (Graham, George), 2015: graham-ge:2015 (Graham, George), 2019: graham-ge:2019 (Graham, George), 2023: graham-ge:2023 (Graham, George)
- Belief Merging and Judgment Aggregation -- 2015: pigozzi-g:2015a (Pigozzi, Gabriella), 2021: pigozzi-g:2021 (Pigozzi, Gabriella)
- Belief -- 2006: schwitzgebel:2006a (Schwitzgebel, Eric), 2010: schwitzgebel:2010a (Schwitzgebel, Eric), 2015: schwitzgebel:2015a (Schwitzgebel, Eric), 2019: schwitzgebel:2019 (Schwitzgebel, Eric), 2023: schwitzgebel:2023 (Schwitzgebel, Eric)
- Bell's Theorem -- 2004: shimony-a:2004 (Shimony, Abner E.), 2009: shimony-a:2009 (Shimony, Abner E.), 2019: myrvold-etal:2019 (Myrvold, Wayne C. and Genovese, Marco and Shimony, Abner E.), 2024: myrvold-etal:2024 (Myrvold, Wayne C. and Genovese, Marco and Shimony, Abner E.)
- Walter Benjamin -- 2011: osborne-p-charles:2011 (Osborne, Peter and Charles, Matthew), 2015: osborne-p-charles:2015 (Osborne, Peter and Charles, Matthew), 2020: osborne-p-charles:2020 (Osborne, Peter and Charles, Matthew)
- Jeremy Bentham -- 2015: crimmins-je:2015 (Crimmins, James E.), 2017: crimmins-je:2017 (Crimmins, James E.), 2019: crimmins-je:2019 (Crimmins, James E.), 2021: crimmins-je:2021 (Crimmins, James E.)
- Henri Bergson -- 2004: lawlor-l-moulard:2004 (Lawlor, Leonard and Moulard Leonard, Valentine), 2008: lawlor-l-moulard:2008 (Lawlor, Leonard and Moulard Leonard, Valentine), 2011: lawlor-l-moulard:2011 (Lawlor, Leonard and Moulard Leonard, Valentine), 2013: lawlor-l-moulard:2013 (Lawlor, Leonard and Moulard Leonard, Valentine), 2016: lawlor-l-moulard:2016 (Lawlor, Leonard and Moulard Leonard, Valentine), 2020: lawlor-l-moulard:2020 (Lawlor, Leonard and Moulard Leonard, Valentine)
- George Berkeley -- 2011: downing-l:2011a (Downing, Lisa), 2004: downing-l:2004 (Downing, Lisa)
- Isaiah Berlin -- 2004: cherniss-j-hardy:2004 (Cherniss, Joshua L. and Hardy, Henry), 2006: cherniss-j-hardy:2006 (Cherniss, Joshua L. and Hardy, Henry), 2010: cherniss-j-hardy:2010 (Cherniss, Joshua L. and Hardy, Henry), 2016: cherniss-j-hardy:2016 (Cherniss, Joshua L. and Hardy, Henry), 2020: cherniss-j-hardy:2020 (Cherniss, Joshua L. and Hardy, Henry), 2022: cherniss-j-hardy:2022 (Cherniss, Joshua L. and Hardy, Henry)
- Basil [Cardinal] Bessarion -- 2018: delsoldato-e:2018 (Del Soldato, Eva)
- Binarium Famosissimum -- 2003: spade-pv:2003a (Spade, Paul Vincent), 2008: spade-pv:2008 (Spade, Paul Vincent)
- Biodiversity -- 2003: faith:2003 (Faith, Daniel P.), 2007: faith:2007 (Faith, Daniel P.), 2021: faith:2021 (Faith, Daniel P.)
- Developmental Biology -- 2015: love-ac:2015c (Love, Alan C.), 2020: love-ac:2020 (Love, Alan C.)
- Experiment in Biology -- 2012: weber-ma:2012 (Weber, Marcel), 2018: weber-ma:2018 (Weber, Marcel)
- Biological Individuals -- 2019: wilson-ra-barker:2019 (Wilson, Robert A. and Barker, Matthew J.), 2024: wilson-ra-barker:2024 (Wilson, Robert A. and Barker, Matthew J.)
- The Biological Notion of Individual -- 2007: wilson-ra:2007c (Wilson, Robert A.), 2013: wilson-ra-barker:2013 (Wilson, Robert A. and Barker, Matthew J.)
- Philosophy of Biology -- 2008: griffiths-pe:2008 (Griffiths, Paul E.), 2020: odenbaugh-griffiths:2020 (Odenbaugh, Jay and Griffiths, Paul E.)
- The Biological Notion of Self and Non-Self -- 2002: tauber-a:2002 (Tauber, Aflred I.), 2005: tauber-a:2005 (Tauber, Aflred I.), 2009: tauber-a:2009 (Tauber, Aflred I.), 2012: tauber-a:2012 (Tauber, Aflred I.), 2015: tauber-a:2015 (Tauber, Aflred I.)
- Philosophy of Biomedicine -- 2020: valles:2020 (Valles, Sean A.)
- Black Reparations -- 2010: boxill-br:2010a (Boxill, Bernard R.), 2015: boxill-br:2015a (Boxill, Bernard R.), 2022: boxill-br-corlett:2022 (Boxill, Bernard R. and Corlett, J. Angelo)
- Blame -- 2014: tognazzini-coates:2014 (Tognazzini, Neal A. and Coates, D. Justin), 2018: tognazzini-coates:2018 (Tognazzini, Neal A. and Coates, D. Justin), 2024: tognazzini-coates:2024 (Tognazzini, Neal A. and Coates, D. Justin)
- Ernst Bloch -- 2023: boldyrev-i:2023 (Boldyrev, Ivan)
- Bodily Awareness -- 2011: devignemont:2011 (de Vignemont, Frédérique), 2015: devignemont:2015a (de Vignemont, Frédérique), 2020: devignemont:2020a (de Vignemont, Frédérique), 2024: devignemont:2024 (de Vignemont, Frédérique)
- Jean Bodin -- 2005: turchetti:2005 (Turchetti, Mario), 2010: turchetti:2010 (Turchetti, Mario), 2014: turchetti:2014 (Turchetti, Mario), 2018: turchetti:2018 (Turchetti, Mario)
- Boethius of Dacia -- 2020: ebbesen:2020 (Ebbesen, Sten)
- Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius -- 2005: marenbon:2005c (Marenbon, John), 2010: marenbon:2010a (Marenbon, John), 2016: marenbon:2016b (Marenbon, John), 2021: marenbon:2021 (Marenbon, John)
- Bohr's Correspondence Principle -- 2010: bokulich-a:2010 (Bokulich, Alisa), 2020: bokulich-a-bokulich:2020 (Bokulich, Alisa and Bokulich, Peter)
- Bolzano's Logic -- 2007: sebestik:2007 ({\v{S}}ebestík, Jan), 2011: sebestik:2011a ({\v{S}}ebestík, Jan), 2016: sebestik:2016 ({\v{S}}ebestík, Jan), 2022: rusnock-sebestik:2022 (Rusnock, Paul and {\v{S}}ebestík, Jan)
- Bernard Bolzano -- 2007: morscher:2007a (Morscher, Edgar), 2012: morscher:2012a (Morscher, Edgar), 2013: morscher:2013 (Morscher, Edgar), 2018: morscher:2018 (Morscher, Edgar)
- Bonaventure -- 2023: noone-tb-etal:2023 (Noone, Timothy B. and Houser, Rollen Edward and Benson, Joshua C.), 2005: noone-tb-houser:2005 (Noone, Timothy B. and Houser, Rollen Edward)
- The Mathematics of Boolean Algebra -- 2002: monk-jd:2002 (Monk, J. Donald), 2009: monk-jd:2009 (Monk, J. Donald), 2018: monk-jd:2018 (Monk, J. Donald)
- George Boole -- 2010: burris-sn:2010 (Burris, Stanley N.), 2014: burris-sn:2014 (Burris, Stanley N.), 2018: burris-sn:2018 (Burris, Stanley N.), 2021: burris-sn:2021 (Burris, Stanley N.)
- Bernard Bosanquet -- 1997: sweet-w:1997a (Sweet, William), 2004: sweet-w:2004a (Sweet, William), 2008: sweet-w:2008 (Sweet, William), 2015: sweet-w:2015 (Sweet, William), 2021: sweet-w:2021 (Sweet, William)
- Boundary -- 2004: varzi:2004a (Varzi, Achille C.), 2007: varzi:2007c (Varzi, Achille C.), 2008: varzi:2008a (Varzi, Achille C.), 2013: varzi:2013a (Varzi, Achille C.), 2023: varzi:2023 (Varzi, Achille C.)
- Bounded Rationality -- 2018: wheeler-gr:2018 (Wheeler, Gregory R.)
- Robert Boyle -- 2002: macintosh-jj:2002 (MacIntosh, John J. [Jack]), 2006: macintosh-jj-anstey:2006 (MacIntosh, John J. [Jack] and Anstey, Peter R.), 2010: macintosh-jj-anstey:2010 (MacIntosh, John J. [Jack] and Anstey, Peter R.), 2014: macintosh-jj-anstey:2014 (MacIntosh, John J. [Jack] and Anstey, Peter R.), 2018: macintosh-jj-anstey:2018 (MacIntosh, John J. [Jack] and Anstey, Peter R.)
- Francis Herbert Bradley's Moral and Political Philosophy -- 2011: crossley-d:2011 (Crossley, David), 2014: crossley-d:2014 (Crossley, David)
- Bradley's Moral Philosophy -- 2024: babushkina-crossley:2024 (Babushkina, Dina and Crossley, David)
- Bradley's Regress -- 2017: perovic-k:2017a (Perovic, Katarina)
- Francis Herbert Bradley -- 1996: candlish:1996a (Candlish, Stewart), 2002: candlish:2002 (Candlish, Stewart), 2009: candlish-basile:2009 (Candlish, Stewart and Basile, Pierfrancesco), 2013: candlish-basile:2013 (Candlish, Stewart and Basile, Pierfrancesco)
- Brains in a Vat -- 2004: brueckner-a:2004 (Brueckner, Anthony)
- Brentano's Theory of Judgement -- 2000: brandl:2000 (Brandl, Johannes L.), 2005: brandl:2005a (Brandl, Johannes L.), 2010: brandl:2010 (Brandl, Johannes L.), 2014: brandl:2014 (Brandl, Johannes L.), 2018: brandl-textor:2018 (Brandl, Johannes L. and Textor, Mark), 2022: brandl-textor:2022 (Brandl, Johannes L. and Textor, Mark)
- Franz Brentano -- 2002: huemer-w:2002 (Huemer, Wolfgang), 2007: huemer-w:2007 (Huemer, Wolfgang), 2010: huemer-w:2010 (Huemer, Wolfgang), 2014: huemer-w:2014 (Huemer, Wolfgang), 2019: huemer-w:2019 (Huemer, Wolfgang)
- Charlie Dunbar Broad -- 2010: gustavsson-k:2010 (Gustavsson, Kent), 2014: gustavsson-k:2014 (Gustavsson, Kent), 2017: gustavsson-k:2017 (Gustavsson, Kent), 2021: gustavsson-k:2021 (Gustavsson, Kent)
- Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer -- 2003: vanatten:2003 (van Atten, Mark), 2005: vanatten:2005b (van Atten, Mark), 2011: vanatten:2011a (van Atten, Mark), 2015: vanatten:2015b (van Atten, Mark), 2020: vanatten:2020 (van Atten, Mark)
- Giordano Bruno -- 2018: knox-d:2018 (Knox, Dilwyn), 2019: knox-d:2019 (Knox, Dilwyn), 2024: knox-d:2024 (Knox, Dilwyn)
- Martin Buber -- 2004: zank:2004 (Zank, Michael), 2014: zank-braiterman:2014 (Zank, Michael and Braiterman, Zachary), 2020: zank-braiterman:2020 (Zank, Michael and Braiterman, Zachary)
- Buddha -- 2011: siderits:2011 (Siderits, Mark), 2023: siderits:2023 (Siderits, Mark)
- Chan Buddhism -- 2015: hershock:2015 (Hershock, Peter D.)
- Huayan Buddhism -- 2019: vannorden-jones:2019 (van Norden, Bryan W. and Jones, Nicholaos J.)
- Tiantai Buddhism -- 2014: ziporyn:2014 (Ziporyn, Brook), 2018: ziporyn:2018 (Ziporyn, Brook), 2022: ziporyn:2022 (Ziporyn, Brook)
- John Buridan -- 2002: zupko:2002c (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack]), 2006: zupko:2006c (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack]), 2011: zupko:2011 (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack]), 2014: zupko:2014 (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack]), 2018: zupko:2018a (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack]), 2024: zupko:2024 (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack])
- Edmund Burke -- 2004: harris-i:2004 (Harris, Ian), 2010: harris-i:2010 (Harris, Ian), 2020: harris-i:2020 (Harris, Ian)
- Walter Burley -- 2004: conti:2004 (Conti, Alessandro D.), 2011: conti:2011c (Conti, Alessandro D.), 2016: conti:2016b (Conti, Alessandro D.)
- Joseph Butler's Moral Philosophy -- 2012: garrett-a:2012a (Garrett, Aaron V.), 2018: garrett-a:2018b (Garrett, Aaron V.), 2023: garrett-a:2023 (Garrett, Aaron V.)
- Byzantine Philosophy -- 2008: ierodiakonou-byden:2008 (Ierodiakonou, Katerina and Bydén, Börje), 2014: ierodiakonou-byden:2014 (Ierodiakonou, Katerina and Bydén, Börje), 2018: ierodiakonou-byden:2018 (Ierodiakonou, Katerina and Bydén, Börje)
- Callicles and Thrasymachus -- 2004: barney:2004 (Barney, Rachel), 2011: barney:2011 (Barney, Rachel), 2017: barney:2017a (Barney, Rachel)
- Cambridge Platonists -- 2001: hutton-s:2001b (Hutton, Sarah)
- The Cambridge Platonists -- 2013: hutton-s:2013 (Hutton, Sarah), 2020: hutton-s:2020 (Hutton, Sarah)
- Tommaso Campanella -- 2005: ernst-germ:2005 (Ernst, Germana), 2021: ernst-germ-delucca:2021 (Ernst, Germana and De Lucca, Jean-Paul), 2014: ernst-germ:2014 (Ernst, Germana)
- Albert Camus -- 2011: aronson-r:2011 (Aronson, Ronald), 2017: aronson-r:2017a (Aronson, Ronald), 2021: aronson-r:2021 (Aronson, Ronald)
- Cancer -- 2019: plutynski:2019 (Plutynski, Anya), 2023: plutynski-laplane:2023 (Plutynski, Anya and Laplane, Lucie)
- The Capability Approach -- 2011: robeyns:2011a (Robeyns, Ingrid), 2016: robeyns:2016 (Robeyns, Ingrid), 2020: robeyns-byskov:2020 (Robeyns, Ingrid and Byskov, Morten Fibieger)
- Girolamo [Geronimo] Cardano -- 2013: giglioni:2013b (Giglioni, Guido), 2023: giglioni-regier:2023 (Giglioni, Guido and Regier, Jonathan)
- Rudolf Carnap -- 2020: leitgeb-carus:2020 (Leitgeb, Hannes and Carus, André W.)
- Carneades -- 2004: allen-jf:2004 (Allen, James F.), 2020: allen-jf:2020 (Allen, James F.)
- Ernst Cassirer -- 2004: friedman-mic:2004 (Friedman, Michael), 2016: friedman-mic:2016 (Friedman, Michael), 2022: friedman-mic:2022 (Friedman, Michael)
- Categories -- 2004: thomasson:2004b (Thomasson, Amie L.), 2009: thomasson:2009d (Thomasson, Amie L.), 2013: thomasson:2013 (Thomasson, Amie L.), 2018: thomasson:2018a (Thomasson, Amie L.), 2022: thomasson:2022 (Thomasson, Amie L.)
- Category Mistakes -- 2019: magidor-o:2019 (Magidor, Ofra)
- Category Theory -- 1996: marquis-jp:1996 (Marquis, Jean-Pierre), 2004: marquis-jp:2004 (Marquis, Jean-Pierre), 2006: marquis-jp:2006a (Marquis, Jean-Pierre), 2010: marquis-jp:2010 (Marquis, Jean-Pierre), 2013: marquis-jp:2013 (Marquis, Jean-Pierre), 2014: marquis-jp:2014 (Marquis, Jean-Pierre), 2019: marquis-jp:2019 (Marquis, Jean-Pierre)
- Catharine Macaulay -- 2012: green-k:2012 (Green, Karen), 2016: green-k:2016 (Green, Karen), 2020: green-k:2020 (Green, Karen), 2024: green-k:2024 (Green, Karen)
- Causal Approaches to Scientific Explanation -- 2023: ross-la-woodward:2023 (Ross, Lauren and Woodward, James F.)
- Causal Models -- 2018: hitchcock-c:2018 (Hitchcock, Christopher R.)
- Backward Causation -- 2001: faye-j:2001 (Faye, Jan), 2005: faye-j:2005a (Faye, Jan), 2010: faye-j:2010 (Faye, Jan), 2015: faye-j:2015 (Faye, Jan), 2021: faye-j:2021 (Faye, Jan)
- Counterfactual Theories of Causation -- 2001: menzies:2001 (Menzies, Peter), 2008: menzies:2008a (Menzies, Peter), 2014: menzies:2014 (Menzies, Peter), 2019: menzies-beebee:2019 (Menzies, Peter and Beebee, Helen), 2024: menzies-beebee:2024 (Menzies, Peter and Beebee, Helen)
- Causation in the Law -- 2001: honore-am:2001a (Honoré, Anthony M.), 2005: honore-am:2005 (Honoré, Anthony M.), 2010: honore-am:2010 (Honoré, Anthony M.), 2019: moore-m:2019a (Moore, Michael S.), 2024: moore-m:2024 (Moore, Michael S.)
- Causation and Manipulability -- 2001: woodward-j:2001 (Woodward, James F.), 2008: woodward-j:2008d (Woodward, James F.), 2016: woodward-j:2016b (Woodward, James F.), 2023: woodward-j:2023 (Woodward, James F.)
- Medieval Theories of Causation -- 2001: white-g:2001 (White, Graham), 2005: white-g:2005 (White, Graham), 2009: white-g:2009 (White, Graham), 2013: white-g:2013 (White, Graham), 2018: white-g:2018 (White, Graham)
- The Metaphysics of Causation -- 2003: schaffer-j:2003 (Schaffer, Jonathan), 2007: schaffer-j:2007f (Schaffer, Jonathan), 2014: schaffer-j:2014b (Schaffer, Jonathan), 2016: schaffer-j:2016c (Schaffer, Jonathan), 2022: gallow:2022a (Gallow, J. Dmitri)
- Causation in Physics -- 2020: frisch-m:2020 (Frisch, Mathias)
- Probabilistic Causation -- 1997: hitchcock-c:1997 (Hitchcock, Christopher R.), 2002: hitchcock-c:2002 (Hitchcock, Christopher R.), 2010: hitchcock-c:2010 (Hitchcock, Christopher R.), 2018: hitchcock-c:2018a (Hitchcock, Christopher R.)
- Causal Processes -- 1996: dowe-p:1996a (Dowe, Phil), 2004: dowe-p:2004d (Dowe, Phil), 2007: dowe-p:2007 (Dowe, Phil)
- Regularity and Inferential Theories of Causation -- 2021: andreas-guenther:2021b (Andreas, Holger and Günther, Mario)
- Philosophy of Cell Biology -- 2019: bechtel-wp-bollhagen:2019 (Bechtel, William P. and Bollhagen, Andrew)
- Cellular Automata -- 2012: berto-tagliabue:2012 (Berto, Francesco and Tagliabue, Jacopo), 2017: berto-tagliabue:2017 (Berto, Francesco and Tagliabue, Jacopo), 2023: berto-tagliabue:2023 (Berto, Francesco and Tagliabue, Jacopo)
- Certainty -- 2008: reed-b:2008 (Reed, Baron), 2022: reed-b:2022 (Reed, Baron)
- Ceteris Paribus Laws -- 2011: reutlinger-etal:2011 (Reutlinger, Alexander and Schurz, Gerhard and Hüttemann, Andreas), 2015: reutlinger-etal:2015 (Reutlinger, Alexander and Schurz, Gerhard and Hüttemann, Andreas), 2019: reutlinger-etal:2019 (Reutlinger, Alexander and Schurz, Gerhard and Hüttemann, Andreas and Jaag, Siegfried), 2024: reutlinger-etal:2024 (Reutlinger, Alexander and Schurz, Gerhard and Hüttemann, Andreas and Jaag, Siegfried)
- Chance versus Randomness -- 2010: eagle-a:2010c (Eagle, Antony), 2012: eagle-a:2012 (Eagle, Antony), 2018: eagle-a:2018 (Eagle, Antony)
- Change -- 2002: mortensen-cd:2002 (Mortensen, Chris David), 2006: mortensen-cd:2006 (Mortensen, Chris David), 2011: mortensen-cd:2011 (Mortensen, Chris David), 2015: mortensen-cd:2015 (Mortensen, Chris David), 2020: mortensen-cd:2020 (Mortensen, Chris David)
- Chaos -- 2008: bishop-rc:2008a (Bishop, Robert C.), 2015: bishop-rc:2015 (Bishop, Robert C.)
- Philosophy of Chemistry -- 2011: weisberg-m-etal:2011 (Weisberg, Michael and Needham, Paul and Findlay Hendry, Robin), 2019: weisberg-m-etal:2019 (Weisberg, Michael and Needham, Paul and Findlay Hendry, Robin)
- The Philosophy of Childhood -- 2002: matthews-gb:2002 (Matthews, Gareth B.), 2005: matthews-gb:2005b (Matthews, Gareth B.), 2010: matthews-gb:2010 (Matthews, Gareth B.), 2014: matthews-gb-mullin:2014 (Matthews, Gareth B. and Mullin, Amy), 2018: matthews-gb-mullin:2018 (Matthews, Gareth B. and Mullin, Amy), 2023: matthews-gb-mullin:2023 (Matthews, Gareth B. and Mullin, Amy)
- Philosophy for Children -- 2002: pritchard-m:2002 (Pritchard, Michael), 2006: pritchard-m:2006 (Pritchard, Michael), 2013: pritchard-m:2013 (Pritchard, Michael), 2018: pritchard-m:2018 (Pritchard, Michael), 2022: pritchard-m:2022 (Pritchard, Michael)
- Human/Non-Human Chimeras -- 2009: streiffer-r:2009 (Streiffer, Robert), 2014: streiffer-r:2014 (Streiffer, Robert), 2019: streiffer-r:2019 (Streiffer, Robert)
- Chinese Philosophy of Change (Yijing) -- 2019: hon-tk:2019 (Hon, Tze-Ki), 2023: hon-tk:2023 (Hon, Tze-Ki)
- Epistemology in Chinese Philosophy -- 2014: rosker:2014 (Ro{\v{s}}ker, Jana S.), 2018: rosker:2018a (Ro{\v{s}}ker, Jana S.), 2021: rosker:2021 (Ro{\v{s}}ker, Jana S.)
- Legalism in Chinese Philosophy -- 2014: pines-y:2014 (Pines, Yuri), 2018: pines-y:2018 (Pines, Yuri), 2023: pines-y:2023 (Pines, Yuri)
- Logic and Language in Early Chinese Philosophy -- 2016: willman-m:2016 (Willman, Marshall D.), 2018: willman-m:2018 (Willman, Marshall D.), 2022: willman-m:2022 (Willman, Marshall D.)
- Metaphysics in Chinese Philosophy -- 2015: perkins-f:2015 (Perkins, Franklin), 2019: perkins-f:2019 (Perkins, Franklin), 2023: perkins-f:2023 (Perkins, Franklin)
- Mind (Heart-Mind) in Chinese Philosophy -- 2023: wong-db:2023 (Wong, David B.)
- Chinese Philosophy and Chinese Medicine -- 2015: raphals-l:2015 (Raphals, Lisa)
- Science and Chinese Philosophy -- 2015: raphals-l:2015a (Raphals, Lisa)
- The Chinese Room Argument -- 2004: cole-dj:2004 (Cole, David J.), 2009: cole-dj:2009 (Cole, David J.), 2014: cole-dj:2014 (Cole, David J.), 2020: cole-dj:2020 (Cole, David J.)
- Social and Political Thought in Chinese Philosophy -- 2016: angle-sc:2016 (Angle, Stephen C.)
- Translating and Interpreting Chinese Philosophy -- 2015: rosemont-h:2015 (Rosemont, Jr.)
- Roderick Chisholm -- 2008: feldman-rh-feldman:2008 (Feldman, Richard H. and Feldman, Fred), 2015: feldman-rh-feldman:2015 (Feldman, Richard H. and Feldman, Fred), 2019: feldman-rh-feldman:2019 (Feldman, Richard H. and Feldman, Fred), 2023: feldman-rh-feldman:2023 (Feldman, Richard H. and Feldman, Fred)
- Philosophy and Christian Theology -- 2002: murray-mj:2002b (Murray, Michael J.), 2008: murray-mj-rea:2008a (Murray, Michael J. and Rea, Michael C.), 2012: murray-mj-rea:2012 (Murray, Michael J. and Rea, Michael C.), 2021: wood-w:2021 (Wood, William)
- The Church-Turing Thesis -- 1997: copeland-bj:1997a (Copeland, B. Jack), 2002: copeland-bj:2002a (Copeland, B. Jack), 2017: copeland-bj:2017 (Copeland, B. Jack), 2023: copeland-bj:2023 (Copeland, B. Jack)
- Alonzo Church -- 2021: deutsch-h-marshall:2021 (Deutsch, Harry and Marshall, Oliver R.), 2022: deutsch-h-marshall:2022 (Deutsch, Harry and Marshall, Oliver R.)
- Cicero -- 2022: woolf-r:2022 (Woolf, Raphael)
- Citizenship -- 2006: leydet:2006 (Leydet, Dominique), 2011: leydet:2011 (Leydet, Dominique), 2017: leydet:2017 (Leydet, Dominique), 2023: leydet:2023 (Leydet, Dominique)
- Civic Education -- 2007: crittenden-c:2007 (Crittenden, Jack), 2013: crittenden-j-levine:2013 (Crittenden, Jack and Levine, Peter), 2018: crittenden-j-levine:2018 (Crittenden, Jack and Levine, Peter)
- Civil Disobedience -- 2007: brownlee-ki:2007 (Brownlee, Kimberley), 2009: brownlee-ki:2009 (Brownlee, Kimberley), 2013: brownlee-ki:2013a (Brownlee, Kimberley), 2021: delmas-c-brownlee:2021 (Delmas, Candice and Brownlee, Kimberley)
- Civil Rights -- 2003: altman-a:2003a (Altman, Andrew), 2007: altman-a:2007 (Altman, Andrew), 2012: altman-a:2012a (Altman, Andrew), 2017: altman-a:2017a (Altman, Andrew), 2022: altman-a:2022 (Altman, Andrew)
- Samuel Clarke -- 2003: vailati-e:2003 (Vailati, Ezio), 2009: vailati-e-yenter:2009 (Vailati, Ezio and Yenter, Timothy), 2014: yenter-t-vailati:2014 (Yenter, Timothy and Vailati, Ezio), 2018: yenter-t-vailati:2018 (Yenter, Timothy and Vailati, Ezio), 2024: yenter-t-vailati:2024 (Yenter, Timothy and Vailati, Ezio)
- Climate Science -- 2018: parker-w:2018 (Parker, Wendy)
- The Ethics of Clinical Research -- 2009: wendler-ds:2009 (Wendler, David S.), 2012: wendler-ds:2012 (Wendler, David S.), 2017: wendler-ds:2017 (Wendler, David S.), 2021: wendler-ds:2021 (Wendler, David S.)
- Cloning -- 2008: devolder:2008 (Devolder, Katrien), 2013: devolder:2013 (Devolder, Katrien), 2017: devolder:2017 (Devolder, Katrien), 2021: devolder:2021 (Devolder, Katrien)
- Epistemic Closure -- 2016: luper:2016a (Luper, Steven)
- The Epistemic Closure Principle -- 2001: luper:2001a (Luper, Steven), 2005: luper:2005a (Luper, Steven), 2010: luper:2010 (Luper, Steven)
- Catharine Trotter Cockburn -- 2005: sheridan-p:2005 (Sheridan, Patricia), 2015: sheridan-p:2015 (Sheridan, Patricia), 2023: sheridan-p:2023 (Sheridan, Patricia)
- Coercion -- 2006: anderson-sc:2006 (Anderson, Scott A.), 2011: anderson-sc:2011 (Anderson, Scott A.), 2023: anderson-sc:2023 (Anderson, Scott A.)
- Animal Cognition -- 2008: andrews-k:2008 (Andrews, Kristin), 2010: andrews-k:2010 (Andrews, Kristin), 2011: andrews-k:2011 (Andrews, Kristin), 2016: andrews-k:2016b (Andrews, Kristin), 2021: andrews-k-monso:2021 (Andrews, Kristin and Mons{\'o}, Susana)
- Cognitive Disability and Moral Status -- 2012: wasserman-d-etal:2012 (Wasserman, David and Asch, Adrienne and Blustein, Jeffrey and Putnam, Daniel), 2017: wasserman-d-etal:2017 (Wasserman, David and Asch, Adrienne and Blustein, Jeffrey and Putnam, Daniel)
- Cognitive Science -- 1996: thagard:1996a (Thagard, Paul R.), 2002: thagard:2002 (Thagard, Paul R.), 2004: thagard:2004b (Thagard, Paul R.), 2007: thagard:2007a (Thagard, Paul R.), 2010: thagard:2010 (Thagard, Paul R.), 2014: thagard:2014a (Thagard, Paul R.), 2018: thagard:2018 (Thagard, Paul R.), 2023: thagard:2023 (Thagard, Paul R.)
- Hermann Cohen -- 2010: edgar-s:2010 (Edgar, Scott), 2015: edgar-s:2015a (Edgar, Scott), 2020: edgar-s:2020a (Edgar, Scott), 2024: edgar-s:2024 (Edgar, Scott)
- Collective Intentionality -- 2013: schweikard-dp-schmid:2013 (Schweikard, David P. and Schmid, Hans Bernhard), 2020: schweikard-dp-schmid:2020 (Schweikard, David P. and Schmid, Hans Bernhard)
- Collective Responsibility -- 2005: smiley-m:2005 (Smiley, Marion), 2010: smiley-m:2010 (Smiley, Marion), 2017: smiley-m:2017a (Smiley, Marion), 2022: smiley-m:2022 (Smiley, Marion)
- Collingwood's Aesthetics -- 2007: kemp-g:2007a (Kemp, Gary), 2009: kemp-g:2009 (Kemp, Gary), 2020: kemp-g:2020a (Kemp, Gary)
- Robin George Collingwood -- 2006: doro:2006 (D'Oro, Giuseppina), 2015: doro-connelly:2015 (D'Oro, Giuseppina and Connelly, James), 2020: doro-connelly:2020 (D'Oro, Giuseppina and Connelly, James)
- Anthony Collins -- 2003: uzgalis:2003 (Uzgalis, William L.), 2009: uzgalis:2009a (Uzgalis, William L.), 2013: uzgalis:2013 (Uzgalis, William L.), 2020: uzgalis:2020 (Uzgalis, William L.)
- Colonialism -- 2006: kohn-m:2006 (Kohn, Margaret), 2011: kohn-m:2011 (Kohn, Margaret), 2012: kohn-m:2012 (Kohn, Margaret), 2017: kohn-m-reddy:2017 (Kohn, Margaret and Reddy, Kavita), 2023: kohn-m-reddy:2023 (Kohn, Margaret and Reddy, Kavita)
- Color -- 1997: maund-jb:1997 (Maund, J. Barry), 2002: maund-jb:2002 (Maund, J. Barry), 2006: maund-jb:2006b (Maund, J. Barry), 2012: maund-jb:2012 (Maund, J. Barry), 2018: maund-jb:2018 (Maund, J. Barry), 2024: maund-jb:2024 (Maund, J. Barry)
- The Common Good -- 2018: hussain-w:2018 (Hussain, Waheed), 2024: hussain-w-kohn:2024 (Hussain, Waheed and Kohn, Margaret)
- Common Knowledge -- 2001: vanderschraaf:2001 (Vanderschraaf, Peter), 2002: vanderschraaf:2002 (Vanderschraaf, Peter), 2005: vanderschraaf-sillari:2005 (Vanderschraaf, Peter and Sillari, Giacomo), 2007: vanderschraaf-sillari:2007 (Vanderschraaf, Peter and Sillari, Giacomo), 2013: vanderschraaf-sillari:2013 (Vanderschraaf, Peter and Sillari, Giacomo), 2022: vanderschraaf-sillari:2022 (Vanderschraaf, Peter and Sillari, Giacomo)
- Communitarianism -- 2001: bell-d:2001 (Bell, Daniel A.), 2004: bell-d:2004 (Bell, Daniel A.), 2009: bell-d:2009 (Bell, Daniel A.), 2012: bell-d:2012 (Bell, Daniel A.), 2016: bell-d:2016 (Bell, Daniel A.), 2020: bell-d:2020 (Bell, Daniel A.), 2024: bell-d:2024 (Bell, Daniel A.)
- Methods in Comparative Cognition -- 2023: halina:2023 (Halina, Marta)
- Comparative Philosophy: Chinese and Western -- 2020: wong-db:2020a (Wong, David B.), 2001: wong-db:2001 (Wong, David B.), 2005: wong-db:2005a (Wong, David B.), 2009: wong-db:2009a (Wong, David B.), 2014: wong-db:2014 (Wong, David B.), 2024: wong-db:2024 (Wong, David B.)
- Compatibilism -- 2004: mckenna-m:2004a (McKenna, Michael), 2009: mckenna-m:2009a (McKenna, Michael), 2015: mckenna-m-coates:2015 (McKenna, Michael and Coates, D. Justin), 2019: mckenna-m-coates:2019 (McKenna, Michael and Coates, D. Justin), 2024: mckenna-m-coates:2024 (McKenna, Michael and Coates, D. Justin)
- Compositionality -- 2004: szabo-zg:2004a (Szab{\'o}, Zoltán Gendler), 2005: szabo-zg:2005d (Szab{\'o}, Zoltán Gendler), 2007: szabo-zg:2007 (Szab{\'o}, Zoltán Gendler), 2012: szabo-zg:2012 (Szab{\'o}, Zoltán Gendler), 2017: szabo-zg:2017b (Szab{\'o}, Zoltán Gendler), 2020: szabo-zg:2020 (Szab{\'o}, Zoltán Gendler)
- Computability and Complexity -- 2004: immerman-n:2004 (Immerman, Neil), 2006: immerman-n:2006 (Immerman, Neil), 2008: immerman-n:2008 (Immerman, Neil), 2015: immerman-n:2015 (Immerman, Neil), 2021: immerman-n:2021 (Immerman, Neil)
- Computation in Physical Systems -- 2010: piccinini:2010 (Piccinini, Gualtiero), 2015: piccinini:2015a (Piccinini, Gualtiero), 2021: piccinini-maley:2021 (Piccinini, Gualtiero and Maley, Corey J.)
- Computational Complexity Theory -- 2015: dean-w:2015a (Dean, Walter), 2016: dean-w:2016 (Dean, Walter)
- Computational Linguistics -- 2014: schubert-lk:2014 (Schubert, Lenhart K.)
- The Computational Theory of Mind -- 2009: horst-sw:2009a (Horst, Steven W.), 2015: rescorla:2015c (Rescorla, Michael), 2020: rescorla:2020a (Rescorla, Michael)
- Computational Philosophy -- 2020: grim-p-singer:2020 (Grim, Patrick and Singer, Daniel Jeremy), 2024: grim-p-singer:2024 (Grim, Patrick and Singer, Daniel Jeremy)
- The Philosophy of Computer Science -- 2008: turner-r-eden:2008 (Turner, Raymond and Eden, Amnon), 2013: turner-r:2013 (Turner, Raymond), 2017: turner-r-angius:2017 (Turner, Raymond and Angius, Nicola), 2021: angius-n-etal:2021 (Angius, Nicola and Primiero, Giuseppe and Turner, Raymond)
- The Modern History of Computing -- 2000: copeland-bj:2000c (Copeland, B. Jack), 2006: copeland-bj:2006a (Copeland, B. Jack)
- Computing and Moral Responsibility -- 2004: coleman-kg:2004 (Coleman, Kari Gwen), 2012: noorman:2012 (Noorman, Merel), 2018: noorman:2018 (Noorman, Merel), 2023: noorman:2023 (Noorman, Merel)
- Auguste Comte -- 2008: bourdeau:2008 (Bourdeau, Michel), 2013: bourdeau:2013 (Bourdeau, Michel), 2014: bourdeau:2014 (Bourdeau, Michel), 2022: bourdeau:2022 (Bourdeau, Michel)
- The Concept of Emotion in Classical Indian Philosophy -- 2011: tuske:2011 (Tuske, Joerg), 2016: tuske:2016 (Tuske, Joerg), 2021: tuske:2021 (Tuske, Joerg)
- The Concept of Evil -- 2013: calder-t:2013a (Calder, Todd), 2018: calder-t:2018 (Calder, Todd), 2022: calder-t:2022 (Calder, Todd)
- The Concept of Religion -- 2022: schilbrack:2022 (Schilbrack, Kevin)
- Concepts of God -- 2006: wainwright-wj:2006a (Wainwright, William J.), 2010: wainwright-wj:2010c (Wainwright, William J.), 2012: wainwright-wj:2012c (Wainwright, William J.)
- Concepts -- 2005: margolis-e-laurence:2005 (Margolis, Eric and Laurence, Stephen), 2006: margolis-e-laurence:2006 (Margolis, Eric and Laurence, Stephen), 2011: margolis-e-laurence:2011 (Margolis, Eric and Laurence, Stephen), 2019: margolis-e-laurence:2019 (Margolis, Eric and Laurence, Stephen)
- Conceptual Art -- 2007: schellekens:2007 (Schellekens, Elisabeth), 2014: schellekens:2014 (Schellekens, Elisabeth), 2017: schellekens:2017a (Schellekens, Elisabeth), 2022: schellekens:2022 (Schellekens, Elisabeth)
- Condemnation of 1277 -- 2003: thijssen-h:2003 (Thijssen, Hans), 2013: thijssen-h:2013 (Thijssen, Hans), 2018: thijssen-h:2018 (Thijssen, Hans), 2023: thijssen-h:2023 (Thijssen, Hans)
- Étienne Bonnot de Condillac -- 2002: falkenstein:2002a (Falkenstein, Lorne), 2010: falkenstein:2010 (Falkenstein, Lorne), 2017: falkenstein-grandi:2017 (Falkenstein, Lorne and Grandi, Giovanni Battista)
- Conditionals -- 2001: edgington:2001 (Edgington, Dorothy), 2006: edgington:2006 (Edgington, Dorothy)
- Indicative Conditionals -- 2014: edgington:2014 (Edgington, Dorothy), 2020: edgington:2020a (Edgington, Dorothy)
- Confirmation -- 2013: crupi-v:2013 (Crupi, Vincenzo), 2014: crupi-v:2014 (Crupi, Vincenzo), 2015: crupi-v:2015a (Crupi, Vincenzo), 2020: crupi-v:2020 (Crupi, Vincenzo)
- Gender in Confucian Philosophy -- 2023: rosenlee-lhl:2023 (Rosenlee, Li-Hsiang (Lisa))
- Modern Confucianism -- 2023: elstein-d:2023 (Elstein, David)
- Confucius -- 2020: csikszentmihalyi-ma:2020 (Csikszentmihalyi, Mark), 2024: csikszentmihalyi-ma:2024 (Csikszentmihalyi, Mark)
- Confucius -- 2002: riegel-j:2002 (Riegel, Jeffrey), 2006: riegel-j:2006 (Riegel, Jeffrey), 2013: riegel-j:2013 (Riegel, Jeffrey)
- Connectionism -- 1997: garson-jw:1997 (Garson, James W.), 2002: garson-jw:2002 (Garson, James W.), 2007: garson-jw:2007 (Garson, James W.), 2010: garson-jw:2010 (Garson, James W.), 2015: garson-jw:2015 (Garson, James W.), 2019: buckner-c-garson:2019a (Buckner, Cameron and Garson, James W.)
- Sentence Connectives in Formal Logic -- 2010: humberstone:2010 (Humberstone, I. Lloyd), 2015: humberstone:2015 (Humberstone, I. Lloyd), 2020: humberstone:2020 (Humberstone, I. Lloyd), 2024: humberstone:2024 (Humberstone, I. Lloyd)
- Medieval Theories of Conscience -- 1998: langston:1998 (Langston, Douglas C.), 2011: langston:2011 (Langston, Douglas C.), 2015: langston:2015 (Langston, Douglas C.), 2021: eardley-ps:2021 (Eardley, Peter S.)
- Conscience -- 2016: giubilini:2016a (Giubilini, Alberto), 2021: giubilini:2021 (Giubilini, Alberto)
- Seventeenth-Century Theories of Consciousness -- 2010: jorgensen-lm:2010 (Jorgensen, Larry M.), 2014: jorgensen-lm:2014 (Jorgensen, Larry M.), 2020: jorgensen-lm:2020 (Jorgensen, Larry M.)
- Animal Consciousness -- 1995: allen-c:1995a (Allen, Colin), 2002: allen-c:2002a (Allen, Colin), 2003: allen-c:2003 (Allen, Colin), 2004: allen-c:2004a (Allen, Colin), 2005: allen-c:2005 (Allen, Colin), 2006: allen-c:2006 (Allen, Colin), 2009: allen-c:2009 (Allen, Colin), 2010: allen-c:2010a (Allen, Colin), 2014: allen-c-trestman:2014 (Allen, Colin and Trestman, Michael A.), 2015: allen-c-trestman:2015 (Allen, Colin and Trestman, Michael A.), 2016: allen-c-trestman:2016 (Allen, Colin and Trestman, Michael A.)
- Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness -- 2001: carruthers:2001a (Carruthers, Peter), 2007: carruthers:2007b (Carruthers, Peter), 2011: carruthers:2011a (Carruthers, Peter), 2020: carruthers-gennaro:2020 (Carruthers, Peter and Gennaro, Rocco J.)
- Consciousness and Intentionality -- 2002: siewert:2002 (Siewert, Charles), 2006: siewert:2006 (Siewert, Charles), 2016: siewert:2016a (Siewert, Charles), 2022: siewert:2022 (Siewert, Charles)
- The Neuroscience of Consciousness -- 2018: wu-w:2018 (Wu, Wayne), 2024: wu-w-morales:2024 (Wu, Wayne and Morales, Jorge)
- Representational Theories of Consciousness -- 2000: lycan:2000b (Lycan, William G.), 2004: lycan:2004b (Lycan, William G.), 2006: lycan:2006e (Lycan, William G.), 2015: lycan:2015a (Lycan, William G.), 2019: lycan:2019b (Lycan, William G.), 2023: lycan:2023 (Lycan, William G.)
- Temporal Consciousness -- 2010: dainton:2010b (Dainton, Barry), 2017: dainton:2017c (Dainton, Barry), 2023: dainton:2023 (Dainton, Barry)
- The Unity of Consciousness -- 2001: brook-a:2001a (Brook, Andrew), 2006: brook-a-raymont:2006 (Brook, Andrew and Raymont, Paul), 2010: brook-a-raymont:2010 (Brook, Andrew and Raymont, Paul), 2017: brook-a-raymont:2017 (Brook, Andrew and Raymont, Paul)
- Consciousness -- 2004: vangulick:2004c (van Gulick, Robert), 2014: vangulick:2014 (van Gulick, Robert)
- Propositional Consequence Relations and Algebraic Logic -- 2006: jansana:2006 (Jansana, Ramon), 2011: jansana:2011 (Jansana, Ramon)
- Medieval Theories of Consequence -- 2012: dutilhnovaes:2012a (Dutilh-Novaes, Catarina), 2016: dutilhnovaes:2016b (Dutilh-Novaes, Catarina), 2020: dutilhnovaes:2020b (Dutilh-Novaes, Catarina)
- Rule Consequentialism -- 2003: hooker-b:2003 (Hooker, Brad), 2008: hooker-b:2008 (Hooker, Brad), 2015: hooker-b:2015 (Hooker, Brad), 2023: hooker-b:2023 (Hooker, Brad)
- Consequentialism -- 2003: sinnottarmstrong:2003b (Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter), 2006: sinnottarmstrong:2006b (Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter), 2011: sinnottarmstrong:2011a (Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter), 2015: sinnottarmstrong:2015 (Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter), 2019: sinnottarmstrong:2019 (Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter), 2023: sinnottarmstrong:2023 (Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter)
- Consequentializing -- 2022: portmore:2022 (Portmore, Douglas W.)
- Conservation Biology -- 2004: sarkar-s:2004 (Sarkar, Sahotra), 2016: odenbaugh:2016 (Odenbaugh, Jay), 2021: odenbaugh:2021 (Odenbaugh, Jay)
- Conservatism -- 2015: hamilton-an:2015 (Hamilton, Andy), 2019: hamilton-an:2019a (Hamilton, Andy)
- Constitutionalism -- 2001: waluchow:2001 (Waluchow, Wil J.), 2004: waluchow:2004 (Waluchow, Wil J.), 2012: waluchow:2012 (Waluchow, Wil J.), 2017: waluchow:2017 (Waluchow, Wil J.), 2023: waluchow-kyritsis:2023 (Waluchow, Wil J. and Kyritsis, Dimitrios)
- Constructive Empiricism -- 2008: monton-mohler:2008 (Monton, Bradley and Mohler, Chad), 2012: monton-mohler:2012 (Monton, Bradley and Mohler, Chad), 2017: monton-mohler:2017 (Monton, Bradley and Mohler, Chad), 2021: monton-mohler:2021 (Monton, Bradley and Mohler, Chad)
- Constructivism in Metaethics -- 2011: bagnoli:2011c (Bagnoli, Carla), 2017: bagnoli:2017a (Bagnoli, Carla), 2021: bagnoli:2021 (Bagnoli, Carla)
- Constructivism in Political Philosophy -- 2024: williams-a:2024 (Williams, Andrew)
- Causal Theories of Mental Content -- 2010: adams-f-aizawa:2010 (Adams, Frederick and Aizawa, Kenneth), 2017: adams-f-aizawa:2017 (Adams, Frederick and Aizawa, Kenneth), 2021: adams-f-aizawa:2021 (Adams, Frederick and Aizawa, Kenneth)
- Externalism about Mental Content -- 2002: lau-j:2002 (Lau, Joe Y.F.), 2008: lau-j-deutsch:2008 (Lau, Joe Y.F. and Deutsch, Max Emil), 2014: lau-j-deutsch:2014 (Lau, Joe Y.F. and Deutsch, Max Emil), 2020: rowlands-etal:2020 (Rowlands, Mark and Lau, Joe Y.F. and Deutsch, Max Emil)
- Narrow Mental Content -- 2002: brown-cu:2002 (Brown, Curtis), 2007: brown-cu:2007 (Brown, Curtis), 2011: brown-cu:2011 (Brown, Curtis), 2016: brown-cu:2016 (Brown, Curtis), 2022: brown-cu:2022 (Brown, Curtis)
- Nonconceptual Mental Content -- 2003: bermudez-jl:2003c (Bermúdez, José-Luis), 2008: bermudez-jl-cahen:2008 (Bermúdez, José-Luis and Cahen, Arnon), 2015: bermudez-jl-cahen:2015 (Bermúdez, José-Luis and Cahen, Arnon), 2020: bermudez-jl-cahen:2020 (Bermúdez, José-Luis and Cahen, Arnon), 2024: bermudez-jl-cahen:2024 (Bermúdez, José-Luis and Cahen, Arnon)
- Teleological Theories of Mental Content -- 2004: neander:2004 (Neander, Karen), 2012: neander:2012 (Neander, Karen), 2020: neander-schulte:2020 (Neander, Karen and Schulte, Peter), 2022: schulte-p-neander:2022 (Schulte, Peter and Neander, Karen)
- Epistemic Contextualism -- 2007: rysiew:2007b (Rysiew, Patrick), 2011: rysiew:2011c (Rysiew, Patrick), 2016: rysiew:2016a (Rysiew, Patrick), 2020: rysiew:2020b (Rysiew, Patrick)
- Continental Rationalism -- 2007: lennon-tm-dea:2007 (Lennon, Thomas M. and Dea, Shannon), 2012: lennon-tm-dea:2012 (Lennon, Thomas M. and Dea, Shannon), 2017: dea-s-etal:2017 (Dea, Shannon and Walsh, Julie and Lennon, Thomas M.)
- Continuity and Infinitesimals -- 2005: bell-jl:2005b (Bell, John L.), 2009: bell-jl:2009 (Bell, John L.), 2022: bell-jl:2022 (Bell, John L.)
- The Continuum Hypothesis -- 2013: koellner:2013a (Koellner, Peter)
- Philosophy of Contract Law -- 2021: markovits-d-atiq:2021 (Markovits, Daniel and Atiq, Emad H.)
- Contemporary Approaches to the Social Contract -- 1996: dagostino-f:1996a (D'Agostino, Fred B.), 2003: dagostino-f:2003a (D'Agostino, Fred B.), 2008: dagostini-f-gaus:2008 (D'Agostino, Fred B. and Gaus, Gerald F.), 2011: dagostino-f-etal:2011 (D'Agostino, Fred B. and Gaus, Gerald F. and Thrasher, John), 2017: dagostino-f-etal:2017 (D'Agostino, Fred B. and Gaus, Gerald F. and Thrasher, John), 2021: dagostino-f-etal:2021 (D'Agostino, Fred B. and Gaus, Gerald F. and Thrasher, John)
- Contractarianism -- 2000: cudd:2000 (Cudd, Ann E.), 2007: cudd:2007 (Cudd, Ann E.), 2012: cudd:2012 (Cudd, Ann E.), 2017: cudd-eftekhari:2017 (Cudd, Ann E. and Eftekhari, Seena), 2021: cudd-eftekhari:2021 (Cudd, Ann E. and Eftekhari, Seena)
- Theories of the Common Law of Contracts -- 2015: markovits-d:2015 (Markovits, Daniel)
- Contractualism -- 2007: ashford-mulgan:2007 (Ashford, Elizabeth and Mulgan, Timothy), 2012: ashford-mulgan:2012 (Ashford, Elizabeth and Mulgan, Timothy), 2018: ashford-mulgan:2018 (Ashford, Elizabeth and Mulgan, Timothy)
- Contradiction -- 2006: horn-lr:2006a (Horn, Laurence R.), 2010: horn-lr:2010 (Horn, Laurence R.), 2018: horn-lr:2018b (Horn, Laurence R.), 2024: horn-lr:2024 (Horn, Laurence R.)
- Convention -- 2007: rescorla:2007b (Rescorla, Michael), 2011: rescorla:2011 (Rescorla, Michael), 2015: rescorla:2015d (Rescorla, Michael), 2019: rescorla:2019b (Rescorla, Michael), 2024: rescorla:2024 (Rescorla, Michael)
- Lady Anne Conway -- 2003: hutton-s:2003 (Hutton, Sarah), 2020: hutton-s:2020a (Hutton, Sarah)
- Nicolaus Copernicus -- 2004: rabin-s:2004 (Rabin, Sheila), 2005: rabin-s:2005 (Rabin, Sheila), 2010: rabin-s:2010 (Rabin, Sheila), 2015: rabin-s:2015 (Rabin, Sheila), 2019: rabin-s:2019 (Rabin, Sheila), 2023: rabin-s:2023 (Rabin, Sheila)
- Geraud de Cordemoy -- 2005: ablondi:2005a (Ablondi, Frederick)
- Géraud de Cordemoy -- 2014: ablondi:2014 (Ablondi, Frederick), 2018: ablondi:2018 (Ablondi, Frederick)
- Corruption -- 2005: miller-se:2005 (Miller, Seumas), 2011: miller-se:2011 (Miller, Seumas), 2018: miller-se:2018a (Miller, Seumas), 2023: miller-se:2023 (Miller, Seumas)
- Cosmological Argument -- 2004: reichenbach-b:2004 (Reichenbach, Bruce R.), 2008: reichenbach-b:2008 (Reichenbach, Bruce R.), 2012: reichenbach-b:2012 (Reichenbach, Bruce R.), 2016: reichenbach-b:2016 (Reichenbach, Bruce R.), 2017: reichenbach-b:2017 (Reichenbach, Bruce R.), 2021: reichenbach-b:2021 (Reichenbach, Bruce R.), 2022: reichenbach-b:2022 (Reichenbach, Bruce R.)
- Cosmology: Methodological Debates in the 1930s and 1940s -- 2002: gale-g:2002 (Gale, George), 2019: gale-g:2019 (Gale, George), 2023: gale-g:2023 (Gale, George)
- Cosmology and Theology -- 1998: leslie-j:1998 (Leslie, John), 2011: halvorson-h-kragh:2011 (Halvorson, Hans and Kragh, Helge), 2017: halvorson-h-kragh:2017 (Halvorson, Hans and Kragh, Helge), 2021: halvorson-h-kragh:2021 (Halvorson, Hans and Kragh, Helge)
- Philosophy of Cosmology -- 2017: smeenk-ellis:2017 (Smeenk, Christopher and Ellis, George F.R.)
- Cosmopolitanism -- 2002: kleingeld-brown:2002 (Kleingeld, Pauline and Brown, Eric), 2006: kleingeld-brown:2006 (Kleingeld, Pauline and Brown, Eric), 2013: kleingeld-brown:2013 (Kleingeld, Pauline and Brown, Eric), 2019: kleingeld-brown:2019 (Kleingeld, Pauline and Brown, Eric)
- Counterfactuals -- 2019: starr-wb:2019 (Starr, William B.)
- William Crathorn -- 2005: robert-a:2005 (Robert, Aurélien), 2011: robert-a:2011 (Robert, Aurélien), 2015: robert-a:2015 (Robert, Aurélien), 2022: robert-a:2022 (Robert, Aurélien)
- Creation and Conservation -- 2007: kvanvig:2007b (Kvanvig, Jonathan L.), 2014: kvanvig-vanderlaan:2014 (Kvanvig, Jonathan L. and Vander Laan, David A.), 2017: vanderlaan:2017 (Vander Laan, David A.), 2022: vanderlaan:2022 (Vander Laan, David A.)
- Creationism -- 2003: ruse:2003b (Ruse, Michael E.), 2007: ruse:2007 (Ruse, Michael E.), 2014: ruse:2014 (Ruse, Michael E.), 2018: ruse:2018a (Ruse, Michael E.)
- Creativity -- 2023: paul-es-stokes:2023 (Paul, Elliot Samuel and Stokes, Dustin R.)
- Hasdai Crescas -- 2012: sadik:2012a (Sadik, Shalom), 2015: sadik:2015 (Sadik, Shalom), 2024: sadik:2024 (Sadik, Shalom)
- Theories of Criminal Law -- 2002: duff-ra:2002 (Duff, R. Anthony), 2008: duff-ra:2008a (Duff, R. Anthony), 2013: duff-ra:2013a (Duff, R. Anthony), 2018: edwards-jc:2018a (Edwards, James C.)
- Critical Philosophy of Race -- 2021: alcoff-lm:2021 (Alcoff, Linda Martín)
- Critical Theory -- 2005: bohman:2005 (Bohman, James F.), 2023: celikates-flynn:2023 (Celikates, Robin and Flynn, Jeffrey)
- Critical Thinking -- 2018: hitchcock-d:2018 (Hitchcock, David), 2022: hitchcock-d:2022 (Hitchcock, David)
- Croce's Aesthetics -- 2008: kemp-g:2008 (Kemp, Gary), 2009: kemp-g:2009a (Kemp, Gary), 2017: kemp-g:2017a (Kemp, Gary), 2021: kemp-g:2021 (Kemp, Gary)
- Ralph Cudworth -- 2021: hutton-s:2021a (Hutton, Sarah)
- Culture and Cognitive Science -- 2011: prinz-jj:2011c (Prinz, Jesse J.), 2022: kelly-dan-deblock:2022 (Kelly, Daniel Ryan and De Block, Andreas)
- Culture -- 2020: lenard-pt:2020 (Lenard, Patti Tamara)
- Curry's Paradox -- 2001: beall:2001 (Beall, J.C.), 2008: beall:2008a (Beall, J.C.), 2017: shapiro-li-beall:2017 (Shapiro, Lionel and Beall, J.C.), 2018: shapiro-li-beall:2018 (Shapiro, Lionel and Beall, J.C.)
- Cusanus, Nicolaus [Nicolas of Cusa] -- 2009: miller-cl:2009 (Miller, Clyde Lee), 2013: miller-cl:2013 (Miller, Clyde Lee), 2017: miller-cl:2017 (Miller, Clyde Lee)
- The Philosophy of Dance -- 2015: bresnahan:2015a (Bresnahan, Aili), 2019: bresnahan:2019b (Bresnahan, Aili)
- Dante Alighieri -- 2001: wetherbee:2001 (Wetherbee, Winthrop), 2005: wetherbee:2005 (Wetherbee, Winthrop), 2009: wetherbee:2009a (Wetherbee, Winthrop), 2014: wetherbee:2014 (Wetherbee, Winthrop), 2018: wetherbee-aleksander:2018 (Wetherbee, Winthrop and Aleksander, Jason), 2022: wetherbee-aleksander:2022 (Wetherbee, Winthrop and Aleksander, Jason)
- Religious Daoism -- 2016: pregadio-f:2016 (Pregadio, Fabrizio), 2020: pregadio-f:2020 (Pregadio, Fabrizio)
- Darwinism -- 2004: lennox-jg:2004 (Lennox, James G.), 2010: lennox-jg:2010 (Lennox, James G.), 2015: lennox-jg:2015b (Lennox, James G.), 2019: lennox-jg:2019 (Lennox, James G.), 2024: lennox-jg-pence:2024 (Lennox, James G. and Pence, Charles H.)
- David Lewis -- 2009: weatherson:2009a (Weatherson, Brian), 2014: weatherson:2014a (Weatherson, Brian), 2021: weatherson:2021 (Weatherson, Brian)
- David -- 2003: wildberg:2003a (Wildberg, Christian), 2018: wildberg:2018a (Wildberg, Christian)
- Donald Davidson -- 1996: malpas-je:1996 (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2002: malpas-je:2002a (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2003: malpas-je:2003d (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2005: malpas-je:2005 (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2009: malpas-je:2009 (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2014: malpas-je:2014 (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2019: malpas-je:2019 (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2023: malpas-je:2023 (Malpas, Jeff E.)
- The Definition of Death -- 2007: degrazia:2007 (DeGrazia, David), 2011: degrazia:2011 (DeGrazia, David), 2016: degrazia:2016 (DeGrazia, David), 2021: degrazia:2021 (DeGrazia, David)
- Death -- 2002: luper:2002 (Luper, Steven), 2006: luper:2006 (Luper, Steven), 2009: luper:2009a (Luper, Steven), 2014: luper:2014a (Luper, Steven), 2019: luper:2019 (Luper, Steven), 2021: luper:2021 (Luper, Steven)
- Decision-Making Capacity -- 2008: charland:2008a (Charland, Louis C.), 2011: charland:2011 (Charland, Louis C.), 2020: hawkins-je-charland:2020 (Hawkins, Jennifer S. and Charland, Louis C.)
- Causal Decision Theory -- 2008: weirich:2008a (Weirich, Paul), 2012: weirich:2012a (Weirich, Paul), 2016: weirich:2016 (Weirich, Paul), 2020: weirich:2020a (Weirich, Paul)
- Descriptive Decision Theory -- 2017: chandler-ja:2017b (Chandler, Jake)
- Decision Theory -- 2015: steele-k-stefansson:2015 (Steele, Katie and Stefánsson, H. Orri), 2020: steele-k-stefansson:2020 (Steele, Katie and Stefánsson, H. Orri)
- Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics -- 2008: reck-e:2008a (Reck, Erich H.), 2011: reck-e:2011 (Reck, Erich H.), 2016: reck-e:2016 (Reck, Erich H.), 2020: reck-e:2020 (Reck, Erich H.)
- Deductivism in the Philosophy of Mathematics -- 2023: paseau-pregel:2023 (Paseau, Alexander C. and Pregel, Fabian)
- Defaults in Semantics and Pragmatics -- 2006: jaszczolt:2006a (Jaszczolt, Katarzyna [Kasia] M.), 2010: jaszczolt:2010 (Jaszczolt, Katarzyna [Kasia] M.), 2014: jaszczolt:2014 (Jaszczolt, Katarzyna [Kasia] M.), 2018: jaszczolt:2018b (Jaszczolt, Katarzyna [Kasia] M.), 2022: jaszczolt:2022 (Jaszczolt, Katarzyna [Kasia] M.)
- Definitions -- 2008: gupta-a:2008 (Gupta, Anil), 2015: gupta-a:2015 (Gupta, Anil), 2021: gupta-a:2021 (Gupta, Anil), 2023: gupta-a-mackereth:2023 (Gupta, Anil and Mackereth, Stephen)
- Gilles Deleuze -- 2008: smith-dw-protevi:2008 (Smith, Daniel W. and Protevi, John), 2012: smith-dw-protevi:2012 (Smith, Daniel W. and Protevi, John), 2018: smith-dw-protevi:2018 (Smith, Daniel W. and Protevi, John), 2022: smith-dw-etal:2022 (Smith, Daniel W. and Protevi, John and Voss, Daniela)
- Giambattista della Porta -- 2015: kodera-s:2015 (Kodera, Sergius), 2021: kodera-s:2021 (Kodera, Sergius)
- Elijah Delmedigo -- 2005: ross-ja:2005 (Ross, Jacob), 2019: engel-mi:2019 (Engel, Michael), 2016: ross-ja:2016 (Ross, Jacob)
- Delusion -- 2009: bortolotti:2009a (Bortolotti, Lisa), 2013: bortolotti:2013a (Bortolotti, Lisa), 2018: bortolotti:2018a (Bortolotti, Lisa), 2022: bortolotti:2022 (Bortolotti, Lisa)
- Democracy -- 2006: christiano-t:2006 (Christiano, Thomas), 2021: christiano-t-bajaj:2021 (Christiano, Thomas and Bajaj, Sameer), 2022: christiano-t-bajaj:2022 (Christiano, Thomas and Bajaj, Sameer), 2024: christiano-t-bajaj:2024 (Christiano, Thomas and Bajaj, Sameer)
- Democritus -- 2004: berryman-s:2004 (Berryman, Sylvia), 2010: berryman-s:2010b (Berryman, Sylvia), 2016: berryman-s:2016 (Berryman, Sylvia)
- Medieval Theories of Demonstration -- 2005: longeway:2005 (Longeway, John)
- Ontological Dependence -- 2005: lowe-ej:2005i (Lowe, Edward Jonathan), 2009: lowe-ej:2009e (Lowe, Edward Jonathan), 2015: tahko:2015 (Tahko, Tuomas E.)
- Depiction -- 2017: hyman-j-bantinaki:2017 (Hyman, John and Bantinaki, Katerina), 2021: hyman-j-bantinaki:2021 (Hyman, John and Bantinaki, Katerina)
- Jacques Derrida -- 2006: lawlor-l:2006a (Lawlor, Leonard), 2014: lawlor-l:2014 (Lawlor, Leonard), 2019: lawlor-l:2019 (Lawlor, Leonard), 2021: lawlor-l:2021 (Lawlor, Leonard)
- Descartes' Epistemology -- 1997: newman-l:1997 (Newman, Lex), 2005: newman-l:2005a (Newman, Lex), 2010: newman-l:2010 (Newman, Lex), 2014: newman-l:2014 (Newman, Lex), 2019: newman-l:2019 (Newman, Lex), 2023: newman-l:2023 (Newman, Lex)
- Descartes' Ethics -- 2003: rutherford-d:2003b (Rutherford, Donald P.), 2008: rutherford-d:2008c (Rutherford, Donald P.), 2013: rutherford-d:2013 (Rutherford, Donald P.), 2017: rutherford-d:2017a (Rutherford, Donald P.), 2021: rutherford-d:2021a (Rutherford, Donald P.)
- Descartes' Theory of Ideas -- 2013: smith-k:2013 (Smith, Kurt), 2017: smith-k:2017 (Smith, Kurt), 2021: smith-k:2021 (Smith, Kurt)
- Descartes's Theory of Ideas -- 2007: pessin-a:2007 (Pessin, Andrew)
- Descartes' Mathematics -- 2011: domski:2011 (Domski, Mary), 2015: domski:2015 (Domski, Mary), 2021: domski:2021 (Domski, Mary)
- Descartes' Method -- 2020: dika-tr:2020 (Dika, Tarek R.)
- Descartes' Modal Metaphysics -- 2002: cunning:2002 (Cunning, David), 2006: cunning:2006a (Cunning, David), 2011: cunning:2011 (Cunning, David), 2018: cunning:2018a (Cunning, David), 2023: cunning:2023 (Cunning, David)
- Descartes' Ontological Argument -- 2001: nolan-l:2001 (Nolan, Lawrence), 2011: nolan-l:2011c (Nolan, Lawrence), 2015: nolan-l:2015a (Nolan, Lawrence), 2020: nolan-l:2020 (Nolan, Lawrence)
- Descartes' Physics -- 2009: slowik:2009 (Slowik, Edward), 2013: slowik:2013 (Slowik, Edward), 2017: slowik:2017 (Slowik, Edward), 2021: slowik:2021 (Slowik, Edward)
- Descartes's Physics -- 2005: slowik:2005a (Slowik, Edward)
- Descartes' Life and Works -- 2001: smith-k:2001a (Smith, Kurt), 2002: smith-k:2002 (Smith, Kurt), 2003: smith-k:2003a (Smith, Kurt), 2007: smith-k:2007 (Smith, Kurt), 2010: smith-k:2010a (Smith, Kurt), 2014: smith-k:2014 (Smith, Kurt), 2018: smith-k:2018 (Smith, Kurt)
- René Descartes -- 2008: hatfield-gc:2008a (Hatfield, Gary C.), 2014: hatfield-gc:2014 (Hatfield, Gary C.), 2023: hatfield-gc:2023 (Hatfield, Gary C.)
- Descriptions -- 2004: ludlow-p:2004a (Ludlow, Peter J.), 2005: ludlow-p:2005b (Ludlow, Peter J.), 2007: ludlow-p:2007a (Ludlow, Peter J.), 2013: ludlow-p:2013a (Ludlow, Peter J.), 2018: ludlow-p:2018 (Ludlow, Peter J.), 2022: ludlow-p:2022 (Ludlow, Peter J.)
- Desert -- 2002: mcleod-o:2002 (McLeod, Owen), 2008: mcleod-o:2008 (McLeod, Owen), 2015: feldman-f-skow:2015 (Feldman, Fred and Skow, Bradford), 2020: feldman-f-skow:2020 (Feldman, Fred and Skow, Bradford)
- Robert Desgabets -- 2001: easton-p:2001 (Easton, Patricia), 2018: easton-p:2018 (Easton, Patricia), 2023: easton-p:2023 (Easton, Patricia)
- Desire -- 2009: schroeder-t:2009 (Schroeder, Timothy), 2015: schroeder-t:2015a (Schroeder, Timothy)
- Determinables and Determinates -- 2017: wilson-jm:2017a (Wilson, Jessica M.), 2023: wilson-jm:2023 (Wilson, Jessica M.), 2002: sanford-dh:2002a (Sanford, David H.), 2006: sanford-dh:2006 (Sanford, David H.), 2011: sanford-dh:2011a (Sanford, David H.)
- Causal Determinism -- 2003: hoefer-c:2003 (Hoefer, Carl), 2008: hoefer-c:2008b (Hoefer, Carl), 2010: hoefer-c:2010 (Hoefer, Carl), 2016: hoefer-c:2016 (Hoefer, Carl), 2023: hoefer-c:2023 (Hoefer, Carl)
- Dewey's Aesthetics -- 2006: leddy:2006 (Leddy, Thomas), 2011: leddy:2011 (Leddy, Thomas), 2016: leddy:2016 (Leddy, Thomas), 2021: leddy-puolakka:2021 (Leddy, Thomas and Puolakka, Kalle)
- Dewey's Moral Philosophy -- 2023: anderson-el:2023a (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2005: anderson-el:2005a (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2010: anderson-el:2010a (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2014: anderson-el:2014 (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2018: anderson-el:2018 (Anderson, Elizabeth)
- Dewey's Political Philosophy -- 2005: festenstein:2005 (Festenstein, Matthew), 2014: festenstein:2014 (Festenstein, Matthew), 2018: festenstein:2018 (Festenstein, Matthew), 2023: festenstein:2023 (Festenstein, Matthew)
- John Dewey -- 2018: hildebrand-da:2018 (Hildebrand, David L.), 2024: hildebrand-da:2024 (Hildebrand, David L.)
- Dharmakīrti -- 2011: tillemans:2011 (Tillemans, Tom), 2016: tillemans:2016 (Tillemans, Tom), 2020: tillemans:2020 (Tillemans, Tom)
- Diagrams -- 2001: shin-sj-lemon:2001 (Shin, Sun-Joo and Lemon, Oliver J.), 2003: shin-sj-lemon:2003 (Shin, Sun-Joo and Lemon, Oliver J.), 2008: shin-sj-lemon:2008 (Shin, Sun-Joo and Lemon, Oliver J.), 2013: shin-sj-etal:2013 (Shin, Sun-Joo and Lemon, Oliver J. and Mumma, John), 2018: shin-sj-etal:2018 (Shin, Sun-Joo and Lemon, Oliver J. and Mumma, John)
- Dialectical School -- 2004: bobzien:2004 (Bobzien, Susanne), 2023: bobzien-duncombe:2023 (Bobzien, Susanne and Duncombe, Matthew)
- Dialetheism -- 1998: priest-g:1998c (Priest, Graham), 2004: priest-g:2004c (Priest, Graham), 2008: priest-g-berto:2008 (Priest, Graham and Berto, Francesco), 2013: priest-g-berto:2013 (Priest, Graham and Berto, Francesco), 2018: priest-g-etal:2018 (Priest, Graham and Berto, Francesco and Weber, Zach), 2022: priest-g-etal:2022 (Priest, Graham and Berto, Francesco and Weber, Zach)
- Denis Diderot -- 2019: wolfe-ct-shank:2019 (Wolfe, Charles T. and Shank, J.B.)
- Dietrich of Freiberg -- 2005: fuehrer:2005 (Führer, Markus L.)
- Dietrich of Freiberg -- 2015: fuehrer:2015 (Führer, Markus L.)
- The Philosophy of Digital Art -- 2015: thomsonjones-k:2015 (Thomson-Jones, Katherine), 2019: thomsonjones-k-moser:2019 (Thomson-Jones, Katherine and Moser, Shelby), 2023: thomsonjones-k-moser:2023 (Thomson-Jones, Katherine and Moser, Shelby)
- Dignity -- 2023: debes:2023 (Debes, Remy)
- Wilhelm Dilthey -- 2008: makkreel:2008b (Makkreel, Rudolf A.), 2012: makkreel:2012 (Makkreel, Rudolf A.), 2016: makkreel:2016c (Makkreel, Rudolf A.), 2020: makkreel:2020 (Makkreel, Rudolf A.)
- Diodorus Cronus -- 2009: sedley:2009c (Sedley, David), 2013: sedley:2013a (Sedley, David), 2018: sedley:2018a (Sedley, David), 2024: duncombe:2024 (Duncombe, Matthew)
- The Problem of Dirty Hands -- 2009: coady-cajt:2009 (Coady, C.A.J. [Tony]), 2014: coady-cajt:2014a (Coady, C.A.J. [Tony]), 2018: coady-cajt:2018a (Coady, C.A.J. [Tony]), 2023: coady-cajt:2023 (Coady, C.A.J. [Tony])
- Disability and Health Care Rationing -- 2016: bickenbach-je:2016 (Bickenbach, Jér{\^o}me E.)
- Critical Disability Theory -- 2019: hall-mc:2019 (Hall, Melinda C.)
- Disability: Health, Well-Being, and Personal Relationships -- 2016: wasserman-d-etal:2016a (Wasserman, David and Asch, Adrienne and Blustein, Jeffrey and Putnam, Daniel)
- Disability and Justice -- 2013: wasserman-d-etal:2013 (Wasserman, David and Asch, Adrienne and Blustein, Jeffrey and Putnam, Daniel), 2019: putnam-d-etal:2019 (Putnam, Daniel and Wasserman, David and Blustein, Jeffrey and Asch, Adrienne)
- Disability: Definitions and Models -- 2022: wasserman-d-aas:2022 (Wasserman, David and Aas, Sean), 2011: wasserman-d-etal:2011 (Wasserman, David and Asch, Adrienne and Blustein, Jeffrey and Putnam, Daniel), 2016: wasserman-d-etal:2016 (Wasserman, David and Asch, Adrienne and Blustein, Jeffrey and Putnam, Daniel)
- Moral Disagreement -- 2021: tersman:2021 (Tersman, Folke)
- Disagreement -- 2018: frances-b-matheson:2018 (Frances, Bryan and Matheson, Jonathan D.), 2024: frances-b-matheson:2024 (Frances, Bryan and Matheson, Jonathan D.)
- Discourse Representation Theory -- 2007: geurts-b-beaver:2007 (Geurts, Bart and Beaver, David I.), 2011: geurts-b-beaver:2011 (Geurts, Bart and Beaver, David I.), 2015: geurts-b-etal:2015 (Geurts, Bart and Beaver, David I. and Maier, Emar), 2020: geurts-b-etal:2020 (Geurts, Bart and Beaver, David I. and Maier, Emar), 2024: geurts-b-etal:2024 (Geurts, Bart and Beaver, David I. and Maier, Emar)
- Discrimination -- 2011: altman-a:2011 (Altman, Andrew), 2015: altman-a:2015 (Altman, Andrew), 2020: altman-a:2020 (Altman, Andrew)
- Disjunction -- 2001: jennings-rae:2001 (Jennings, Raymond E.), 2008: jennings-rae-hartline:2008 (Jennings, Raymond E. and Hartline, Andrew), 2016: aloni:2016 (Aloni, Maria)
- Dispositions -- 2006: fara-m:2006 (Fara, Michael), 2012: choi-s-fara:2012 (Choi, Sungho and Fara, Michael), 2018: choi-s-fara:2018 (Choi, Sungho and Fara, Michael)
- Divine Freedom -- 2007: rowe-wl:2007b (Rowe, William L.), 2003: rowe-wl:2003 (Rowe, William L.)
- Hiddenness of God -- 2016: howardsnyder-d-green:2016 (Howard-Snyder, Daniel and Green, Adam), 2022: howardsnyder-d-green:2022 (Howard-Snyder, Daniel and Green, Adam)
- Divine Revelation -- 2020: wahlberg:2020 (Wahlberg, Mats), 2024: wahlberg:2024 (Wahlberg, Mats)
- Divine Simplicity -- 2006: vallicella:2006 (Vallicella, William F.), 2010: vallicella:2010a (Vallicella, William F.), 2015: vallicella:2015 (Vallicella, William F.), 2019: vallicella:2019 (Vallicella, William F.), 2023: vallicella:2023 (Vallicella, William F.)
- Doing vs. Allowing Harm -- 2002: howardsnyder-f:2002 (Howard-Snyder, Frances), 2007: howardsnyder-f:2007 (Howard-Snyder, Frances), 2011: howardsnyder-f:2011 (Howard-Snyder, Frances), 2016: woollard-howardsnyder:2016 (Woollard, Fiona and Howard-Snyder, Frances), 2021: woollard-howardsnyder:2021 (Woollard, Fiona and Howard-Snyder, Frances)
- Domination -- 2018: mccammon:2018 (McCammon, Christopher)
- Double Consciousness -- 2016: pittman-jp:2016 (Pittman, John P.), 2023: pittman-jp:2023 (Pittman, John P.)
- Doctrine of Double Effect -- 2004: mcintyre-a:2004 (McIntyre, Alison), 2009: mcintyre-a:2009 (McIntyre, Alison), 2014: mcintyre-a:2014 (McIntyre, Alison), 2018: mcintyre-a:2018 (McIntyre, Alison), 2023: mcintyre-a:2023 (McIntyre, Alison)
- Doxography of Ancient Philosophy -- 2004: mansfeld-j:2004 (Mansfeld, Jaap), 2008: mansfeld-j:2008 (Mansfeld, Jaap), 2016: mansfeld-j:2016 (Mansfeld, Jaap), 2020: mansfeld-j:2020 (Mansfeld, Jaap), 2024: mansfeld-j-runia:2024 (Mansfeld, Jaap and Runia, David T.)
- Dreams and Dreaming -- 2015: windt-jm:2015a (Windt, Jennifer M.), 2019: windt-jm:2019 (Windt, Jennifer M.)
- Jean-Baptiste Du Bos -- 2019: young-jo-cameron:2019 (Young, James O. and Cameron, Margaret Anne), 2023: young-jo-cameron:2023 (Young, James O. and Cameron, Margaret Anne)
- Dualism -- 2003: robinson-how:2003a (Robinson, Howard), 2011: robinson-how:2011 (Robinson, Howard), 2016: robinson-how:2016a (Robinson, Howard), 2020: robinson-how:2020 (Robinson, Howard)
- W.E.B. Du Bois -- 2017: goodingwilliams:2017a (Gooding-Williams, Robert), 2023: goodingwilliams:2023 (Gooding-Williams, Robert)
- Pierre Duhem -- 2007: ariew-r:2007 (Ariew, Roger), 2022: ariew-r:2022 (Ariew, Roger)
- John Duns Scotus -- 2001: williams-t:2001 (Williams, Thomas), 2007: williams-t:2007 (Williams, Thomas), 2015: williams-t:2015 (Williams, Thomas), 2019: williams-t:2019a (Williams, Thomas)
- Dutch Book Arguments -- 2011: vineberg:2011a (Vineberg, Susan), 2016: vineberg:2016 (Vineberg, Susan), 2022: vineberg:2022 (Vineberg, Susan)
- Dynamic Choice -- 2007: andreou:2007b (Andreou, Chrisoula), 2012: andreou:2012a (Andreou, Chrisoula), 2016: andreou:2016a (Andreou, Chrisoula), 2020: andreou:2020 (Andreou, Chrisoula)
- Dynamic Epistemic Logic -- 2016: baltag-renne:2016 (Baltag, Alexandru and Renne, Bryan)
- Dynamic Semantics -- 2010: vaneijck-j-visser:2010 (van Eijck, Jan and Visser, Albert), 2016: nouwen-etal:2016 (Nouwen, Rick W.F. and Brasoveanu, Adrian and van Eijck, Jan and Visser, Albert)
- Analytic Philosophy in Early Modern India -- 2009: ganeri-j:2009 (Ganeri, Jonardon), 2014: ganeri-j:2014a (Ganeri, Jonardon), 2019: ganeri-j:2019 (Ganeri, Jonardon)
- Ecological Genetics -- 2021: wade-m:2021 (Wade, Michael)
- Ecology -- 2005: sarkar-s:2005 (Sarkar, Sahotra), 2024: elliottgraves:2024 (Elliott-Graves, Alkistis)
- Economics and Economic Justice -- 2004: fleurbaey:2004 (Fleurbaey, Marc), 2008: fleurbaey:2008 (Fleurbaey, Marc), 2012: fleurbaey:2012 (Fleurbaey, Marc), 2016: fleurbaey:2016 (Fleurbaey, Marc), 2021: fleurbaey:2021 (Fleurbaey, Marc)
- Normative Economics and Economic Justice -- 2021: fleurbaey:2021a (Fleurbaey, Marc)
- Economics in Early Modern Philosophy -- 2022: schabas:2022 (Schabas, Margaret)
- Philosophy of Economics -- 2003: hausman-dm:2003 (Hausman, Daniel M.), 2008: hausman-dm:2008a (Hausman, Daniel M.), 2012: hausman-dm:2012a (Hausman, Daniel M.), 2018: hausman-dm:2018 (Hausman, Daniel M.)
- Philosophy of Education -- 2008: phillips-dc:2008 (Phillips, D.C.), 2013: phillips-dc-siegel:2013 (Phillips, D.C. and Siegel, Harvey), 2018: siegel-h-etal:2018 (Siegel, Harvey and Phillips, D.C. and Callan, Eamonn)
- Jonathan Edwards -- 2002: wainwright-wj:2002a (Wainwright, William J.), 2009: wainwright-wj:2009a (Wainwright, William J.), 2012: wainwright-wj:2012b (Wainwright, William J.), 2020: wainwright-wj:2020 (Wainwright, William J.)
- Egalitarianism -- 2013: arneson-rj:2013 (Arneson, Richard J.)
- Egoism -- 2002: shaver-r:2002 (Shaver, Robert), 2010: shaver-r:2010 (Shaver, Robert), 2014: shaver-r:2014a (Shaver, Robert), 2019: shaver-r:2019a (Shaver, Robert), 2023: shaver-r:2023 (Shaver, Robert)
- Christian von Ehrenfels -- 2015: rollinger-rd-ierna:2015 (Rollinger, Robin D. and Ierna, Carlo), 2019: rollinger-rd-ierna:2019 (Rollinger, Robin D. and Ierna, Carlo)
- Einstein's Philosophy of Science -- 2004: howard-da:2004 (Howard, Don A.), 2019: howard-da-giovanelli:2019 (Howard, Don A. and Giovanelli, Marco)
- Elias -- 2003: wildberg:2003b (Wildberg, Christian), 2016: wildberg:2016a (Wildberg, Christian), 2022: wildberg:2022 (Wildberg, Christian)
- Elisabeth, Princess of Bohemia -- 2013: shapiro-l:2013 (Shapiro, Lisa), 2021: shapiro-l:2021 (Shapiro, Lisa)
- Embodied Cognition -- 2011: wilson-ra-foglia:2011 (Wilson, Robert A. and Foglia, Lucia), 2015: wilson-ra-foglia:2015 (Wilson, Robert A. and Foglia, Lucia), 2021: shapiro-la-spaulding:2021 (Shapiro, Lawrence A. and Spaulding, Shannon)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- 2002: goodman-rb:2002 (Goodman, Russell B.), 2010: goodman-rb:2010 (Goodman, Russell B.), 2014: goodman-rb:2014 (Goodman, Russell B.), 2022: goodman-rb:2022 (Goodman, Russell B.)
- Émilie du Châtelet -- 2013: detlefsen-k:2013a (Detlefsen, Karen), 2014: detlefsen-k:2014a (Detlefsen, Karen)
- Emily Elizabeth Constance Jones -- 2011: ostertag:2011 (Ostertag, Gary), 2020: ostertag:2020a (Ostertag, Gary)
- Emotions in the Christian Tradition -- 2006: roberts-rc:2006 (Roberts, Robert C.), 2011: roberts-rc:2011 (Roberts, Robert C.), 2016: roberts-rc:2016 (Roberts, Robert C.), 2021: roberts-rc:2021a (Roberts, Robert C.)
- Emotion -- 2003: desousa-r:2003 (DeSousa, Ronald B.), 2007: desousa-r:2007b (DeSousa, Ronald B.), 2010: desousa-r:2010a (DeSousa, Ronald B.), 2013: desousa-r:2013 (DeSousa, Ronald B.), 2018: scarantino-a-desousa:2018 (Scarantino, Andrea and DeSousa, Ronald B.)
- 17th and 18th Century Theories of Emotions -- 2006: schmitter-am:2006 (Schmitter, Amy Morgan), 2010: schmitter-am:2010a (Schmitter, Amy Morgan), 2021: schmitter-am:2021 (Schmitter, Amy Morgan)
- The Emotions in Early Chinese Philosophy -- 2021: seok:2021 (Seok, Bongrae)
- Empathy -- 2008: stueber:2008 (Stueber, Karsten R.), 2013: stueber:2013 (Stueber, Karsten R.), 2019: stueber:2019 (Stueber, Karsten R.)
- Empedocles -- 2005: parry-r:2005 (Parry, Richard D.), 2012: parry-r:2012 (Parry, Richard D.), 2019: kingsley-s-parry:2019 (Kingsley, K. Scarlett and Parry, Richard D.), 2020: kingsley-s-parry:2020 (Kingsley, K. Scarlett and Parry, Richard D.)
- Ancient and Medieval Empiricism -- 2017: dawes-gw:2017 (Dawes, Gregory W.), 2023: dawes-gw:2023 (Dawes, Gregory W.)
- Human Enhancement -- 2015: juengst-moseley:2015 (Juengst, Eric T. and Moseley, Daniel)
- Enlightenment -- 2010: bristow:2010 (Bristow, William F.), 2017: bristow:2017 (Bristow, William F.)
- Environmental Aesthetics -- 2024: parsons-gg-carlson:2024 (Parsons, Glenn G. and Carlson, Allen), 2007: carlson-a:2007 (Carlson, Allen), 2010: carlson-a:2010 (Carlson, Allen), 2015: carlson-a:2015 (Carlson, Allen), 2019: carlson-a:2019 (Carlson, Allen)
- Envy -- 2002: darms:2002 (D'Arms, Justin), 2009: darms:2009 (D'Arms, Justin), 2016: darms:2016 (D'Arms, Justin)
- Epictetus -- 2008: graver:2008 (Graver, Margaret R.), 2013: graver:2013 (Graver, Margaret R.), 2017: graver:2017a (Graver, Margaret R.), 2021: graver:2021 (Graver, Margaret R.)
- Epicurus -- 2005: konstan:2005a (Konstan, David), 2014: konstan:2014a (Konstan, David), 2018: konstan:2018 (Konstan, David), 2022: konstan:2022 (Konstan, David)
- Epigenesis and Preformationism -- 2005: maienschein:2005 (Maienschein, Jane)
- Epiphenomenalism -- 1999: robinson-ws:1999a (Robinson, William S.), 2003: robinson-ws:2003 (Robinson, William S.), 2007: robinson-ws:2007 (Robinson, William S.), 2011: robinson-ws:2011 (Robinson, William S.), 2015: robinson-ws:2015 (Robinson, William S.), 2019: robinson-ws:2019 (Robinson, William S.), 2023: robinson-ws:2023 (Robinson, William S.)
- Episteme and Techne -- 2003: parry-r:2003a (Parry, Richard D.), 2007: parry-r:2007a (Parry, Richard D.), 2014: parry-r:2014a (Parry, Richard D.), 2020: parry-r:2020 (Parry, Richard D.)
- Epistemic Foundations of Game Theory -- 2015: pacuit-roy:2015 (Pacuit, Eric and Roy, Olivier)
- Epistemic Paradoxes -- 2006: sorensen-ra:2006e (Sørensen, Roy A.), 2011: sorensen-ra:2011f (Sørensen, Roy A.), 2011: sorensen-ra:2011h (Sørensen, Roy A.), 2017: sorensen-ra:2017 (Sørensen, Roy A.), 2022: sorensen-ra:2022b (Sørensen, Roy A.)
- Epistemic Self-Doubt -- 2017: roush:2017b (Roush, Sherrilyn)
- Epistemic Utility Arguments for Epistemic Norms -- 2023: pettigrew:2023 (Pettigrew, Richard), 2011: pettigrew:2011 (Pettigrew, Richard), 2015: pettigrew:2015d (Pettigrew, Richard), 2019: pettigrew:2019c (Pettigrew, Richard)
- Bayesian Epistemology -- 2001: talbott-wj:2001 (Talbott, William J.), 2006: talbott-wj:2006 (Talbott, William J.), 2008: talbott-wj:2008 (Talbott, William J.), 2022: lin-h:2022 (Lin, Hanti)
- Evolutionary Epistemology -- 2001: bradie-harms:2001 (Bradie, Michael and Harms, William F.), 2004: bradie-harms:2004 (Bradie, Michael and Harms, William F.), 2008: bradie-harms:2008 (Bradie, Michael and Harms, William F.), 2012: bradie-harms:2012 (Bradie, Michael and Harms, William F.), 2016: bradie-harms:2016 (Bradie, Michael and Harms, William F.), 2020: bradie-harms:2020 (Bradie, Michael and Harms, William F.)
- Epistemology of Geometry -- 2013: gray-jj:2013 (Gray, Jeremy J.), 2017: gray-jj:2017 (Gray, Jeremy J.), 2021: gray-jj-ferreiros:2021 (Gray, Jeremy J. and Ferreir{\'o}s, José)
- Epistemology in Classical Indian Philosophy -- 2011: phillips-s:2011 (Phillips, Stephen H.), 2015: phillips-s:2015 (Phillips, Stephen H.), 2019: phillips-s:2019 (Phillips, Stephen H.), 2024: phillips-s-vaidya:2024 (Phillips, Stephen H. and Vaidya, Anand Jayprakash)
- Tibetan Epistemology and Philosophy of Language -- 2011: hugon:2011 (Hugon, Pascale), 2020: hugon:2020 (Hugon, Pascale)
- Epistemology in Latin America -- 2018: machuca:2018c (Machuca, Diego E.), 2022: machuca:2022a (Machuca, Diego E.)
- Naturalism in Epistemology -- 2016: rysiew:2016 (Rysiew, Patrick), 2020: rysiew:2020a (Rysiew, Patrick)
- Naturalized Epistemology -- 2001: feldman-rh:2001a (Feldman, Richard H.)
- Social Epistemology -- 2001: goldman-ai:2001 (Goldman, Alvin I.), 2006: goldman-ai:2006a (Goldman, Alvin I.), 2015: goldman-ai-blanchard:2015 (Goldman, Alvin I. and Blanchard, Thomas), 2019: goldman-ai-oconnor:2019 (Goldman, Alvin I. and O'Connor, Cailin), 2023: oconnor-c-etal:2023 (O'Connor, Cailin and Goldberg, Sanford C. and Goldman, Alvin I.), 2024: oconnor-c-etal:2024 (O'Connor, Cailin and Goldberg, Sanford C. and Goldman, Alvin I.)
- Virtue Epistemology -- 1999: greco-j:1999b (Greco, John), 2004: greco-j:2004d (Greco, John), 2009: greco-j-turri:2009 (Greco, John and Turri, John), 2017: greco-j-etal:2017 (Greco, John and Alfano, Mark and Turri, John), 2021: greco-j-etal:2021 (Greco, John and Alfano, Mark and Turri, John)
- The Epistemology of Visual Thinking in Mathematics -- 2015: giaquinto-m:2015a (Giaquinto, Marcus), 2020: giaquinto-m:2020 (Giaquinto, Marcus)
- Epistemology -- 2005: steup:2005 (Steup, Matthias), 2020: steup-neta:2020 (Steup, Matthias and Neta, Ram)
- The Epsilon Calculus -- 2002: avigad-zach:2002 (Avigad, Jeremy D. and Zach, Richard J.), 2007: avigad-zach:2007 (Avigad, Jeremy D. and Zach, Richard J.), 2013: avigad-zach:2013 (Avigad, Jeremy D. and Zach, Richard J.), 2019: avigad-zach:2019 (Avigad, Jeremy D. and Zach, Richard J.), 2024: avigad-zach:2024 (Avigad, Jeremy D. and Zach, Richard J.)
- Equality of Educational Opportunity -- 2017: shields-l-etal:2017 (Shields, Liam and Newman, Anne and Satz, Debra), 2023: shields-l-etal:2023 (Shields, Liam and Newman, Anne and Satz, Debra)
- Equality of Opportunity -- 2002: arneson-rj:2002 (Arneson, Richard J.), 2015: arneson-rj:2015a (Arneson, Richard J.), 2023: elford-g:2023a (Elford, Gideon)
- Equality -- 2001: gosepath:2001a (Gosepath, Stefan), 2007: gosepath:2007 (Gosepath, Stefan), 2021: gosepath:2021 (Gosepath, Stefan)
- The Equivalence of Mass and Energy -- 2001: fernflores-f:2001 (Fernflores, Francisco), 2004: fernflores-f:2004 (Fernflores, Francisco), 2007: fernflores-f:2007 (Fernflores, Francisco), 2010: fernflores-f:2010 (Fernflores, Francisco), 2012: fernflores-f:2012 (Fernflores, Francisco), 2019: fernflores-f:2019 (Fernflores, Francisco)
- Desiderius Erasmus -- 2008: nauert:2008 (Nauert, Charles), 2012: nauert:2012 (Nauert, Charles), 2017: rummel:2017 (Rummel, Erika), 2021: rummel-macphail:2021 (Rummel, Erika and MacPhail, Eric)
- Thomas of Erfurt -- 2002: zupko:2002b (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack]), 2006: zupko:2006b (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack]), 2015: zupko:2015a (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack]), 2023: zupko:2023 (Zupko, John Alexander [Jack])
- The Ergodic Hierarchy -- 2011: frigg-etal:2011 (Frigg, Roman and Berkovitz, Joseph and Kronz, Frederick M.), 2016: frigg-etal:2016 (Frigg, Roman and Berkovitz, Joseph and Kronz, Frederick M.), 2020: frigg-etal:2020 (Frigg, Roman and Berkovitz, Joseph and Kronz, Frederick M.)
- Ernst Mach -- 2008: pojman-p:2008 (Pojman, Paul), 2009: pojman-p:2009 (Pojman, Paul)
- Erotic Art -- 2014: maes-h:2014 (Maes, Hans), 2018: maes-h:2018 (Maes, Hans), 2023: maes-h:2023 (Maes, Hans)
- Essential vs. Accidental Properties -- 2008: robertsonishii:2008 (Robertson Ishii, Teresa), 2013: robertsonishii-atkins:2013 (Robertson Ishii, Teresa and Atkins, Philip), 2016: robertsonishii-atkins:2016 (Robertson Ishii, Teresa and Atkins, Philip), 2020: robertsonishii-atkins:2020a (Robertson Ishii, Teresa and Atkins, Philip)
- Eternity -- 2006: helm-p:2006 (Helm, Paul), 2010: helm-p:2010b (Helm, Paul), 2018: deng-n:2018a (Deng, Natalja), 2023: deng-n:2023 (Deng, Natalja)
- Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics -- 2020: mueller-vc:2020 (Müller, Vincent C.)
- Ancient Ethical Theory -- 2004: parry-r:2004a (Parry, Richard D.), 2009: parry-r:2009 (Parry, Richard D.), 2014: parry-r:2014 (Parry, Richard D.), 2021: parry-r-thorsrud:2021 (Parry, Richard D. and Thorsrud, Harald)
- The Ethics of Belief -- 2010: chignell-a:2010a (Chignell, Andrew), 2016: chignell-a:2016 (Chignell, Andrew)
- Business Ethics -- 2008: marcoux-a:2008 (Marcoux, Alexei), 2016: moriarty-j:2016 (Moriarty, Jeffrey), 2021: moriarty-j:2021 (Moriarty, Jeffrey)
- Chinese Ethics -- 2008: wong-db:2008 (Wong, David B.), 2013: wong-db:2013 (Wong, David B.), 2018: wong-db:2018 (Wong, David B.), 2023: wong-db:2023a (Wong, David B.)
- Computer and Information Ethics -- 2008: bynum-t:2008 (Bynum, Terrell Ward), 2015: bynum-t:2015 (Bynum, Terrell Ward), 2001: bynum-t:2001 (Bynum, Terrell Ward)
- The Ethics of Cultural Heritage -- 2018: matthes-eh:2018a (Matthes, Erich Hatala)
- Deontological Ethics -- 2007: alexander-la-moore:2007 (Alexander, Larry A. and Moore, Michael S.), 2012: alexander-la-moore:2012 (Alexander, Larry A. and Moore, Michael S.), 2016: alexander-la-moore:2016 (Alexander, Larry A. and Moore, Michael S.), 2020: alexander-la-moore:2020 (Alexander, Larry A. and Moore, Michael S.)
- Environmental Ethics -- 2002: brennan-aa-lo:2002 (Brennan, Andrew A. and Lo, Yeuk-Sze), 2008: brennan-aa-lo:2008 (Brennan, Andrew A. and Lo, Yeuk-Sze), 2015: brennan-aa-lo:2015 (Brennan, Andrew A. and Lo, Yeuk-Sze), 2021: brennan-aa-lo:2021 (Brennan, Andrew A. and Lo, Yeuk-Sze)
- Ethics in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism -- 2010: goodman-c:2010 (Goodman, Charles), 2017: goodman-c:2017 (Goodman, Charles), 2024: goodman-c-schultz:2024 (Goodman, Charles and Schultz, Aaron)
- Internet Research Ethics -- 2012: buchanan-ea-zimmer:2012 (Buchanan, Elizabeth A. and Zimmer, Michael), 2016: buchanan-ea-zimmer:2016 (Buchanan, Elizabeth A. and Zimmer, Michael), 2021: buchanan-ea-zimmer:2021 (Buchanan, Elizabeth A. and Zimmer, Michael)
- Phenomenological Approaches to Ethics and Information Technology -- 2005: introna:2005 (Introna, Lucas), 2011: introna:2011 (Introna, Lucas), 2017: introna:2017 (Introna, Lucas)
- The Ethics of Manipulation -- 2018: noggle-r:2018 (Noggle, Robert), 2020: noggle-r:2020 (Noggle, Robert), 2022: noggle-r:2022 (Noggle, Robert)
- Pregnancy, Birth, and Medicine -- 2011: kukla-qr-wayne:2011 (Kukla, Quill and Wayne, Katherine), 2016: kukla-qr-wayne:2016 (Kukla, Quill and Wayne, Katherine), 2024: kukla-qr-etal:2024 (Kukla, Quill and Baron, Teresa and Wayne, Katherine)
- Search Engines and Ethics -- 2012: tavani:2012 (Tavani, Herman), 2016: tavani:2016 (Tavani, Herman), 2020: tavani:2020 (Tavani, Herman)
- Social Networking and Ethics -- 2012: vallor-s:2012 (Vallor, Shannon), 2015: vallor-s:2015 (Vallor, Shannon), 2021: vallor-s:2021a (Vallor, Shannon)
- Virtue Ethics -- 2003: hursthouse:2003 (Hursthouse, Rosalind), 2007: hursthouse:2007 (Hursthouse, Rosalind), 2012: hursthouse:2012a (Hursthouse, Rosalind), 2016: hursthouse-pettigrove:2016 (Hursthouse, Rosalind and Pettigrove, Glen A.)
- Eugenics -- 2014: goering-s:2014 (Goering, Sara), 2022: demelomartin-goering:2022 (de Melo-Martín, Inmaculada and Goering, Sara)
- Voluntary Euthanasia -- 1996: young-roa:1996 (Young, Robert A.), 2002: young-roa:2002 (Young, Robert A.), 2006: young-roa:2006 (Young, Robert A.), 2007: young-roa:2007 (Young, Robert A.), 2014: young-roa:2014 (Young, Robert A.), 2019: young-roa:2019 (Young, Robert A.), 2020: young-roa:2020 (Young, Robert A.), 2022: young-roa:2022 (Young, Robert A.), 2024: young-roa:2024 (Young, Robert A.)
- Events -- 2002: casati-r-varzi:2002 (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.), 2014: casati-r-varzi:2014 (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.), 2020: casati-r-varzi:2020 (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.), 2023: casati-r-varzi:2023 (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.)
- The Legal Concept of Evidence -- 2015: ho-hl:2015 (Ho, Hock Lai), 2021: ho-hl:2021a (Ho, Hock Lai)
- Evidence -- 2006: kelly-t:2006a (Kelly, Thomas), 2014: kelly-t:2014 (Kelly, Thomas)
- Kinds and Origins of Evil -- 2021: chignell-a:2021a (Chignell, Andrew)
- The Problem of Evil -- 2002: tooley:2002 (Tooley, Michael), 2007: tooley:2007a (Tooley, Michael), 2012: tooley:2012a (Tooley, Michael), 2015: tooley:2015 (Tooley, Michael)
- Evolutionary Thought Before Darwin -- 2019: sloan-p:2019a (Sloan, Phillip R.), 2023: sloan-p:2023 (Sloan, Phillip R.)
- Cultural Evolution -- 2007: lewens:2007b (Lewens, Tim), 2013: lewens:2013 (Lewens, Tim), 2018: lewens:2018 (Lewens, Tim), 2023: lewens-buskell:2023 (Lewens, Tim and Buskell, Andrew)
- Evolution and Development -- 2020: baedke-j-gilbert:2020 (Baedke, Jan and Gilbert, Scott F.)
- The Concept of Evolution to 1872 -- 2014: sloan-p:2014 (Sloan, Phillip R.)
- Evolution -- 2005: sloan-p:2005 (Sloan, Phillip R.), 2008: sloan-p:2008a (Sloan, Phillip R.), 2017: millstein:2017 (Millstein, Roberta L.), 2021: millstein:2021 (Millstein, Roberta L.)
- Evolutionary Genetics -- 2005: wade-m:2005 (Wade, Michael)
- Evolutionary Psychology -- 2008: downes-s:2008 (Downes, Stephen M.), 2014: downes-s:2014a (Downes, Stephen M.), 2018: downes-s:2018 (Downes, Stephen M.), 2024: downes-s:2024 (Downes, Stephen M.)
- Existence -- 1996: miller-b:1996a (Miller, Barry), 2002: miller-b:2002a (Miller, Barry), 2012: nelson-m:2012 (Nelson, Michael), 2020: nelson-m:2020 (Nelson, Michael)
- Existentialism -- 2004: crowell-s:2004 (Crowell, Steven Gait), 2010: crowell-s:2010 (Crowell, Steven Gait), 2015: crowell-s:2015b (Crowell, Steven Gait), 2020: crowell-s:2020 (Crowell, Steven Gait), 2023: aho-k:2023 (Aho, Kevin)
- Experimental Moral Philosophy -- 2014: alfano-loeb:2014 (Alfano, Mark and Loeb, Don), 2018: alfano-etal:2018 (Alfano, Mark and Loeb, Don and Plakias, Alexandra), 2022: alfano-etal:2022 (Alfano, Mark and Machery, Edouard and Plakias, Alexandra and Loeb, Don)
- Experimental Philosophy -- 2017: knobe-nichols:2017 (Knobe, Joshua and Nichols, Shaun)
- Exploitation -- 2001: wertheimer-a:2001 (Wertheimer, Alan P.), 2012: wertheimer-a-zwolinski:2012 (Wertheimer, Alan P. and Zwolinski, Matt), 2016: wertheimer-a-zwolinski:2016 (Wertheimer, Alan P. and Zwolinski, Matt), 2022: zwolinski-m-etal:2022 (Zwolinski, Matt and Ferguson, Benjamin and Wertheimer, Alan P.)
- Facts -- 2007: mulligan-k-correia:2007 (Mulligan, Kevin and Correia, Fabrice), 2013: mulligan-k-correia:2013 (Mulligan, Kevin and Correia, Fabrice), 2017: mulligan-k-correia:2017 (Mulligan, Kevin and Correia, Fabrice), 2020: mulligan-k-correia:2020 (Mulligan, Kevin and Correia, Fabrice)
- Faith -- 2010: bishop-j:2010 (Bishop, John), 2016: bishop-j:2016 (Bishop, John), 2022: bishop-j-mckaughan:2022 (Bishop, John and McKaughan, Daniel J.), 2023: bishop-j-mckaughan:2023 (Bishop, John and McKaughan, Daniel J.)
- Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera -- 2007: harvey-s:2007 (Harvey, Steven), 2020: harvey-s:2020 (Harvey, Steven)
- Fallacies -- 2015: hansen-hv:2015 (Hansen, Hans V.), 2019: hansen-hv:2019 (Hansen, Hans V.), 2020: hansen-hv:2020 (Hansen, Hans V.), 2024: hansen-hv:2024 (Hansen, Hans V.)
- Fatalism -- 2002: rice-h:2002 (Rice, Hugh), 2006: rice-h:2006 (Rice, Hugh), 2010: rice-h:2010 (Rice, Hugh), 2014: rice-h:2014 (Rice, Hugh), 2018: rice-h:2018 (Rice, Hugh), 2022: rice-h:2022 (Rice, Hugh), 2023: rice-h:2023 (Rice, Hugh)
- Gustav Theodor Fechner -- 2020: beiser:2020a (Beiser, Frederick C.)
- Federalism -- 2003: follesdal-a:2003 (Føllesdal, Andreas), 2006: follesdal-a:2006 (Føllesdal, Andreas), 2010: follesdal-a:2010 (Føllesdal, Andreas), 2014: follesdal-a:2014b (Føllesdal, Andreas), 2018: follesdal-a:2018a (Føllesdal, Andreas), 2022: follesdal-a:2022 (Føllesdal, Andreas)
- Herbert Feigl -- 2014: neuber-m:2014c (Neuber, Matthias), 2018: neuber-m:2018a (Neuber, Matthias), 2022: neuber-m:2022 (Neuber, Matthias)
- Feminist Approaches to the Intersection of Analytic and Continental Philosophy -- 2003: warnke-g:2003b (Warnke, Georgia)
- Intersections between Analytic and Continental Feminism -- 2008: warnke-g:2008 (Warnke, Georgia), 2012: warnke-g:2012 (Warnke, Georgia), 2018: warnke-g:2018 (Warnke, Georgia), 2023: warnke-g:2023 (Warnke, Georgia)
- Analytic Feminism -- 2004: garry-a:2004 (Garry, Ann), 2012: garry-a:2012 (Garry, Ann), 2021: garry-a:2021 (Garry, Ann)
- Continental Feminism -- 2005: cahill-aj:2005 (Cahill, Ann J.), 2013: hansen-je:2013 (Hansen, Jennifer), 2020: huseyinzadegan-etal:2020 (Huseyinzadegan, Dilek and McAuliffe, Jana and Shorter-Bourhanou, Jameliah Inga and Kimoto, Tamsin and Islekel, Ege Selin and Draz, Marie and Brown, Erika)
- Feminist Approaches to the Intersection of Pragmatism and Continental Philosophy -- 2002: sullivan-s:2002 (Sullivan, Shannon)
- Intersections between Pragmatist and Continental Feminism -- 2007: sullivan-s:2007a (Sullivan, Shannon), 2011: sullivan-s:2011 (Sullivan, Shannon), 2015: sullivan-s:2015b (Sullivan, Shannon), 2019: sullivan-s-tarver:2019 (Sullivan, Shannon and Tarver, Erin C.), 2024: sullivan-s-tarver:2024 (Sullivan, Shannon and Tarver, Erin C.)
- Pragmatist Feminism -- 2004: whipps:2004 (Whipps, Judy D.), 2010: whipps:2010 (Whipps, Judy D.), 2016: whipps-lake:2016 (Whipps, Judy D. and Lake, Danielle), 2020: whipps-lake:2020 (Whipps, Judy D. and Lake, Danielle)
- Feminist Aesthetics -- 2004: korsmeyer:2004 (Korsmeyer, Carolyn), 2008: korsmeyer:2008a (Korsmeyer, Carolyn), 2012: korsmeyer:2012a (Korsmeyer, Carolyn), 2017: korsmeyer:2017 (Korsmeyer, Carolyn), 2021: korsmeyer-weiser:2021 (Korsmeyer, Carolyn and Weiser, Peg Brand)
- Approaches to Feminism -- 2004: tuana:2004 (Tuana, Nancy), 2011: tuana:2011 (Tuana, Nancy)
- Feminist Perspectives on Argumentation -- 2021: hundleby:2021a (Hundleby, Catherine E.)
- Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy -- 2013: stoljar-n:2013 (Stoljar, Natalie), 2018: stoljar-n:2018b (Stoljar, Natalie), 2024: stoljar-n:2024 (Stoljar, Natalie)
- Feminist Perspectives on Class and Work -- 2004: ferguson-ad:2004 (Ferguson, Ann), 2010: ferguson-an-hennessy:2010 (Ferguson, Ann and Hennessy, Rosemarie), 2016: ferguson-an-etal:2016 (Ferguson, Ann and Hennessy, Rosemarie and Nagel, Mechthild), 2022: ferguson-an-etal:2022 (Ferguson, Ann and Hennessy, Rosemarie and Nagel, Mechthild)
- Feminist Perspectives on Disability -- 2009: silvers-a:2009a (Silvers, Anita), 2013: silvers-a:2013 (Silvers, Anita)
- Feminist Environmental Philosophy -- 2014: warren-kj:2014 (Warren, Karen J.), 2015: warren-kj:2015 (Warren, Karen J.)
- Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science -- 2000: anderson-el:2000 (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2001: anderson-el:2001a (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2003: anderson-el:2003 (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2007: anderson-el:2007 (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2010: anderson-el:2010 (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2011: anderson-el:2011 (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2015: anderson-el:2015 (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2020: anderson-el:2020 (Anderson, Elizabeth), 2024: anderson-el:2024 (Anderson, Elizabeth)
- Feminist Ethics -- 1998: tong-r:1998 (Tong, Rosemarie), 2006: tong-r-williams:2006 (Tong, Rosemarie and Williams, Nancy), 2009: tong-r-williams:2009 (Tong, Rosemarie and Williams, Nancy), 2019: norlock:2019a (Norlock, Kathryn J.)
- Feminist Perspectives on Reproduction and the Family -- 2004: satz:2004 (Satz, Debra), 2010: satz:2010a (Satz, Debra), 2013: satz:2013 (Satz, Debra)
- Feminist History of Philosophy -- 2000: witt-ch:2000 (Witt, Charlotte), 2006: witt-ch:2006 (Witt, Charlotte), 2007: witt-ch:2007 (Witt, Charlotte), 2014: witt-ch-shapiro:2014 (Witt, Charlotte and Shapiro, Lisa)
- Feminist Perspectives on Sex and Gender -- 2008: mikkola-m:2008a (Mikkola, Mari), 2011: mikkola-m:2011a (Mikkola, Mari), 2016: mikkola-m:2016b (Mikkola, Mari), 2017: mikkola-m:2017d (Mikkola, Mari), 2022: mikkola-m:2022 (Mikkola, Mari)
- Feminist Perspectives on Globalization -- 2014: parekh-s-wilcox:2014 (Parekh, Serena and Wilcox, Shelley), 2020: parekh-s-wilcox:2020 (Parekh, Serena and Wilcox, Shelley)
- Feminist Philosophy of Language -- 2004: saul-jm:2004 (Saul, Jennifer Mather), 2005: saul-jm:2005 (Saul, Jennifer Mather), 2007: saul-jm:2007a (Saul, Jennifer Mather), 2010: saul-jm:2010 (Saul, Jennifer Mather), 2017: saul-jm-diazleon:2017 (Saul, Jennifer Mather and Díaz-Le{\'o}n, Esa)
- Latin American Feminism -- 2018: riveraberruz:2018 (Rivera Berruz, Stephanie), 2023: riveraberruz:2023 (Rivera Berruz, Stephanie)
- Feminist Philosophy of Law -- 2009: smith-pa:2009 (Smith, Patricia), 2013: francis-lp-smith:2013 (Francis, Leslie P. and Smith, Patricia), 2017: francis-lp-smith:2017 (Francis, Leslie P. and Smith, Patricia)
- Liberal Feminism -- 2007: baehr-ar:2007 (Baehr, Amy R.), 2013: baehr-ar:2013a (Baehr, Amy R.), 2020: baehr-ar:2020a (Baehr, Amy R.)
- Feminist Metaphysics -- 2007: haslanger:2007a (Haslanger, Sally), 2011: haslanger-asta:2011 (Haslanger, Sally and {{\'A}sta [{\'A}sta Kristjana Sveinsd{\'o}ttir]}), 2017: haslanger-asta:2017 (Haslanger, Sally and {{\'A}sta [{\'A}sta Kristjana Sveinsd{\'o}ttir]})
- Feminist Moral Psychology -- 2009: superson:2009a (Superson, Anita M.), 2012: superson:2012 (Superson, Anita M.), 2020: superson:2020 (Superson, Anita M.)
- Feminist Perspectives on Objectification -- 2010: papadaki:2010 (Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina)), 2011: papadaki:2011 (Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina)), 2014: papadaki:2014 (Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina)), 2015: papadaki:2015a (Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina)), 2024: papadaki:2024 (Papadaki, Evangelia (Lina))
- Feminist Political Philosophy -- 2009: mcafee-n:2009 (McAfee, Noëlle), 2014: mcafee-n:2014 (McAfee, Noëlle), 2018: mcafee-n-howard:2018 (McAfee, Noëlle and Howard, Katie B.), 2023: mcafee-n-howard:2023 (McAfee, Noëlle and Howard, Katie B.)
- Psychoanalytic Feminism -- 2011: zakin:2011 (Zakin, Emily)
- Feminist Perspectives on Rape -- 2009: whisnant:2009 (Whisnant, Rebecca), 2013: whisnant:2013 (Whisnant, Rebecca), 2017: whisnant:2017 (Whisnant, Rebecca), 2021: whisnant:2021 (Whisnant, Rebecca)
- Feminist Perspectives on the Self -- 1999: meyers-d:1999 (Meyers, Diana Tietjens), 2015: willett-c-etal:2015 (Willett, Cynthia and Anderson, Ellen and Meyers, Diana Tietjens), 2020: anderson-ell-etal:2020 (Anderson, Ellen and Willett, Cynthia and Meyers, Diana Tietjens)
- Topics in Feminism -- 2012: haslanger-etal:2012 (Haslanger, Sally and Tuana, Nancy and O'Connor, Peg), 2003: haslanger-etal:2003 (Haslanger, Sally and Tuana, Nancy)
- Feminist Perspectives on Trans Issues -- 2009: bettcher:2009 (Bettcher, Talia Mae), 2014: bettcher:2014 (Bettcher, Talia Mae)
- Feminist Bioethics -- 2004: donchin-a:2004 (Donchin, Anne), 2009: donchin-a:2009 (Donchin, Anne), 2015: donchin-a-scully:2015 (Donchin, Anne and Scully, Jackie Leach), 2023: scully-jl:2023 (Scully, Jackie Leach)
- Feminist Perspectives on the Body -- 2010: lennon-k:2010 (Lennon, Kathleen), 2014: lennon-k:2014 (Lennon, Kathleen), 2019: lennon-k:2019 (Lennon, Kathleen), 2024: lennon-k-fischer:2024 (Lennon, Kathleen and Fischer, Clara)
- Feminist Philosophy of Biology -- 2011: fehr-c:2011 (Fehr, Carla), 2024: fehr-c-meynell:2024 (Fehr, Carla and Meynell, Letitia)
- Feminist Philosophy -- 2018: mcafee-n:2018 (McAfee, Noëlle), 2023: mcafee-n-etal:2023 (McAfee, Noëlle and Garry, Ann and Superson, Anita M. and Grasswick, Heidi E. and Khader, Serene J.)
- Feminist Perspectives on Power -- 2005: allen-a:2005 (Allen, Amy), 2011: allen-a:2011 (Allen, Amy), 2016: allen-a:2016 (Allen, Amy), 2021: allen-a:2021 (Allen, Amy)
- Feminist Philosophy of Religion -- 2005: frankenberry:2005 (Frankenberry, Nancy), 2011: frankenberry:2011 (Frankenberry, Nancy), 2018: frankenberry:2018 (Frankenberry, Nancy)
- Feminist Perspectives on Science -- 2020: crasnow:2020a (Crasnow, Sharon), 2010: wylie-a-etal:2010 (Wylie, Alison and Potter, Elizabeth and Bauchspies, Wenda K.), 2015: wylie-a-etal:2015 (Wylie, Alison and Bauchspies, Wenda K. and Potter, Elizabeth)
- Feminist Perspectives on Sex Markets -- 2004: shrage:2004 (Shrage, Laurie), 2007: shrage:2007 (Shrage, Laurie), 2012: shrage:2012 (Shrage, Laurie), 2016: shrage:2016a (Shrage, Laurie), 2020: shrage:2020 (Shrage, Laurie)
- Feminist Social Epistemology -- 2006: grasswick:2006 (Grasswick, Heidi E.), 2013: grasswick:2013 (Grasswick, Heidi E.), 2018: grasswick:2018a (Grasswick, Heidi E.)
- Paul Feyerabend -- 1997: preston-jm:1997b (Preston, John M.), 2007: preston-jm:2007 (Preston, John M.), 2012: preston-jm:2012 (Preston, John M.), 2020: preston-jm:2020 (Preston, John M.)
- Marsilio Ficino -- 2011: celenza-cs:2011 (Celenza, Christopher S.), 2012: celenza-cs:2012 (Celenza, Christopher S.), 2017: celenza-cs:2017 (Celenza, Christopher S.), 2024: celenza-cs:2024 (Celenza, Christopher S.)
- Emotional Responses to Fiction -- 2024: tullmann:2024 (Tullmann, Katherine)
- Fiction -- 2011: kroon-fw-voltolini:2011 (Kroon, Frederick William and Voltolini, Alberto), 2019: kroon-fw-voltolini:2019 (Kroon, Frederick William and Voltolini, Alberto)
- Fictional Entities -- 2018: kroon-fw-voltolini:2018 (Kroon, Frederick William and Voltolini, Alberto), 2023: kroon-fw-voltolini:2023 (Kroon, Frederick William and Voltolini, Alberto)
- Fictionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics -- 2008: balaguer:2008a (Balaguer, Mark), 2011: balaguer:2011b (Balaguer, Mark), 2018: balaguer:2018 (Balaguer, Mark)
- Modal Fictionalism -- 2002: nolan-dp:2002 (Nolan, Daniel Patrick), 2007: nolan-dp:2007b (Nolan, Daniel Patrick), 2011: nolan-dp:2011b (Nolan, Daniel Patrick), 2016: nolan-dp:2016e (Nolan, Daniel Patrick), 2020: nolan-dp:2020a (Nolan, Daniel Patrick), 2024: nolan-dp:2024 (Nolan, Daniel Patrick)
- Fictionalism -- 2007: eklund-m:2007e (Eklund, Matti), 2011: eklund-m:2011c (Eklund, Matti), 2015: eklund-m:2015a (Eklund, Matti), 2019: eklund-m:2019a (Eklund, Matti), 2024: eklund-m:2024 (Eklund, Matti)
- Fideism -- 2005: amesbury:2005a (Amesbury, Richard), 2009: amesbury:2009 (Amesbury, Richard), 2012: amesbury:2012 (Amesbury, Richard), 2016: amesbury:2016 (Amesbury, Richard), 2022: amesbury:2022 (Amesbury, Richard)
- Philosophy of Film -- 2004: wartenberg-te:2004 (Wartenberg, Thomas E.), 2008: wartenberg-te:2008 (Wartenberg, Thomas E.), 2015: wartenberg-te:2015 (Wartenberg, Thomas E.)
- John Niemeyer Findlay -- 2019: lackey-dp:2019 (Lackey, Douglas P.), 2024: lackey-dp:2024 (Lackey, Douglas P.)
- Fine-Tuning -- 2017: friederich-s:2017b (Friederich, Simon), 2021: friederich-s:2021a (Friederich, Simon)
- Fitch's Paradox of Knowability -- 2002: brogaard-salerno:2002 (Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]), 2004: brogaard-salerno:2004 (Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]), 2008: brogaard-salerno:2008 (Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]), 2013: brogaard-salerno:2013a (Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]), 2019: brogaard-salerno:2019 (Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe])
- Fitness -- 2002: rosenberg-a-bouchard:2002 (Rosenberg, Alexander and Bouchard, Frédéric), 2008: rosenberg-a-bouchard:2008 (Rosenberg, Alexander and Bouchard, Frédéric), 2015: rosenberg-a-bouchard:2015 (Rosenberg, Alexander and Bouchard, Frédéric)
- Fitting Attitude Theories of Value -- 2011: jacobson-d:2011 (Jacobson, Daniel), 2023: howard-c:2023 (Howard, Christopher)
- Richard FitzRalph -- 2013: dunne-mw:2013 (Dunne, Michael W.), 2019: dunne-mw:2019 (Dunne, Michael W.), 2024: dunne-mw:2024 (Dunne, Michael W.)
- Ludwik Fleck -- 2012: sady:2012 (Sady, Wojciech), 2016: sady:2016 (Sady, Wojciech), 2021: sady:2021 (Sady, Wojciech)
- Folk Psychology as Mental Simulation -- 1997: gordon-rm:1997 (Gordon, Robert M.), 2004: gordon-rm:2004 (Gordon, Robert M.), 2009: gordon-rm:2009 (Gordon, Robert M.), 2017: barlassina-gordon:2017 (Barlassina, Luca and Gordon, Robert M.)
- Folk Psychology as a Theory -- 1997: ravenscroft-i:1997a (Ravenscroft, Ian), 2004: ravenscroft-i:2004 (Ravenscroft, Ian), 2010: ravenscroft-i:2010 (Ravenscroft, Ian), 2016: ravenscroft-i:2016 (Ravenscroft, Ian), 2021: hutto-ravenscroft:2021 (Hutto, Daniel D. and Ravenscroft, Ian)
- Forgiveness -- 2010: hughes-pm:2010 (Hughes, Paul M.), 2014: hughes-pm:2014 (Hughes, Paul M.), 2017: hughes-pm-warmke:2017 (Hughes, Paul M. and Warmke, Brandon)
- Form vs. Matter -- 2016: ainsworth-t:2016 (Ainsworth, Thomas), 2024: ainsworth-t:2024 (Ainsworth, Thomas)
- Formal Representations of Belief -- 2008: huber-f:2008b (Huber, Franz), 2011: huber-f:2011 (Huber, Franz), 2012: huber-f:2012 (Huber, Franz), 2013: huber-f:2013c (Huber, Franz), 2014: huber-f:2014 (Huber, Franz), 2016: huber-f:2016 (Huber, Franz), 2020: genin-k-huber:2020 (Genin, Konstantin and Huber, Franz)
- Formal Epistemology -- 2015: weisberg-jon:2015a (Weisberg, Jonathan), 2021: weisberg-jon:2021 (Weisberg, Jonathan)
- Formalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics -- 2011: weir-a:2011 (Weir, Alan), 2015: weir-a:2015 (Weir, Alan), 2019: weir-a:2019 (Weir, Alan), 2024: weir-a:2024 (Weir, Alan)
- Michel Foucault -- 2003: gutting:2003c (Gutting, Gary M.), 2008: gutting:2008a (Gutting, Gary M.), 2013: gutting:2013a (Gutting, Gary M.), 2018: gutting-oksala:2018 (Gutting, Gary M. and Oksala, Johanna), 2022: gutting-oksala:2022 (Gutting, Gary M. and Oksala, Johanna)
- The Frame Problem -- 2004: shanahan-m:2004 (Shanahan, Murray), 2009: shanahan-m:2009 (Shanahan, Murray), 2016: shanahan-m:2016 (Shanahan, Murray)
- Francis Bacon -- 2003: klein-ju:2003 (Klein, Juergen), 2012: klein-ju:2012 (Klein, Juergen)
- Francis of Marchia -- 2001: schabel:2001 (Schabel, Christopher), 2007: schabel:2007e (Schabel, Christopher), 2008: schabel:2008 (Schabel, Christopher), 2015: schabel:2015 (Schabel, Christopher)
- Francisco Sanches -- 2020: perez-r:2020 (Pérez, Rolando)
- François Poulain de la Barre -- 2013: clarke-dm:2013 (Clarke, Desmond M.), 2019: reuter-mar:2019 (Reuter, Martina)
- Frantz Fanon -- 2019: drabinski:2019 (Drabinski, John E.)
- Frederick Douglass -- 2012: sundstrom-r:2012 (Sundstrom, Ronald R.), 2017: sundstrom-r:2017 (Sundstrom, Ronald R.), 2022: sundstrom-r:2022 (Sundstrom, Ronald R.), 2023: sundstrom-r:2023a (Sundstrom, Ronald R.)
- The Free Rider Problem -- 2003: hardin-r:2003 (Hardin, Russell), 2020: hardin-r-cullity:2020 (Hardin, Russell and Cullity, Garrett)
- Foreknowledge and Free Will -- 2004: zagzebski:2004b (Zagzebski, Linda Trinkaus), 2011: zagzebski:2011c (Zagzebski, Linda Trinkaus), 2017: zagzebski:2017b (Zagzebski, Linda Trinkaus), 2021: hunt-d-zagzebski:2021 (Hunt, David Paul and Zagzebski, Linda Trinkaus)
- Ancient Theories of Freedom and Determinism -- 2020: okeefe-ti:2020a (O'Keefe, Tim)
- Freedom of Association -- 2019: brownlee-ki-jenkins:2019 (Brownlee, Kimberley and Jenkins, David), 2024: brownlee-ki-jenkins:2024 (Brownlee, Kimberley and Jenkins, David)
- Freedom of Speech -- 2002: vanmill-d:2002 (van Mill, David), 2008: vanmill-d:2008 (van Mill, David), 2012: vanmill-d:2012 (van Mill, David), 2016: vanmill-d:2016 (van Mill, David), 2024: howard-jw:2024 (Howard, Jeffrey W.)
- Free Will -- 2002: oconnor-t:2002c (O'Connor, Timothy), 2005: oconnor-t:2005b (O'Connor, Timothy), 2010: oconnor-t:2010a (O'Connor, Timothy), 2018: oconnor-t-franklin:2018 (O'Connor, Timothy and Franklin, Christopher Evan), 2022: oconnor-t-franklin:2022 (O'Connor, Timothy and Franklin, Christopher Evan)
- The Frege-Hilbert Controversy -- 2009: blanchette-pa:2009 (Blanchette, Patricia A.), 2018: blanchette-pa:2018 (Blanchette, Patricia A.), 2024: blanchette-pa:2024 (Blanchette, Patricia A.)
- Frege's Logic, Theorem, and Foundations for Arithmetic -- 1998: zalta:1998 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2001: zalta:2001a (Zalta, Edward N.), 2003: zalta:2003a (Zalta, Edward N.), 2004: zalta:2004a (Zalta, Edward N.), 2005: zalta:2005 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2006: zalta:2006b (Zalta, Edward N.), 2007: zalta:2007 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2008: zalta:2008a (Zalta, Edward N.), 2009: zalta:2009a (Zalta, Edward N.), 2010: zalta:2010 (Zalta, Edward N.)
- Frege's Logic -- 2023: cook-rt:2023 (Cook, Roy T.)
- Frege's Theorem and Foundations for Arithmetic -- 2013: zalta:2013 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2017: zalta:2017 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2018: zalta:2018 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2021: zalta:2021 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2023: zalta:2023 (Zalta, Edward N.)
- Gottlob Frege -- 1995: zalta:1995a (Zalta, Edward N.), 2004: zalta:2004b (Zalta, Edward N.), 2005: zalta:2005a (Zalta, Edward N.), 2008: zalta:2008 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2012: zalta:2012 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2015: zalta:2015 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2019: zalta:2019 (Zalta, Edward N.), 2022: zalta:2022a (Zalta, Edward N.)
- Friedrich Hayek -- 2012: schmidtz:2012 (Schmidtz, David), 2016: schmidtz:2016a (Schmidtz, David), 2021: schmidtz-boetke:2021 (Schmidtz, David and Boetke, Peter)
- Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi -- 2023: livieri-p-digiovanni:2023 (Livieri, Paolo and di Giovanni, George)
- Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi -- 2001: digiovanni-g:2001 (di Giovanni, George), 2010: digiovanni-g:2010 (di Giovanni, George), 2018: digiovanni-g-livieri:2018 (di Giovanni, George and Livieri, Paolo)
- Friedrich Albert Lange -- 2005: hussain-n:2005 (Hussain, Nadeem J.Z.), 2012: hussain-n-patton:2012 (Hussain, Nadeem J.Z. and Patton, Lydia), 2016: hussain-n-patton:2016 (Hussain, Nadeem J.Z. and Patton, Lydia), 2021: hussain-n-patton:2021 (Hussain, Nadeem J.Z. and Patton, Lydia)
- Friendship -- 2005: helm-bw:2005 (Helm, Bennett W.), 2009: helm-bw:2009c (Helm, Bennett W.), 2013: helm-bw:2013 (Helm, Bennett W.), 2017: helm-bw:2017b (Helm, Bennett W.), 2021: helm-bw:2021 (Helm, Bennett W.)
- Margaret Fuller -- 2021: howe-d:2021 (Howe, Daniel)
- Functionalism -- 2004: levin-j:2004a (Levin, Janet), 2009: levin-j:2009a (Levin, Janet), 2013: levin-j:2013a (Levin, Janet), 2018: levin-j:2018a (Levin, Janet), 2023: levin-j:2023 (Levin, Janet)
- Fundamentality -- 2018: tahko:2018a (Tahko, Tuomas E.), 2023: tahko:2023 (Tahko, Tuomas E.)
- Future Contingents -- 2011: ohrstrom-hasle:2011 ({\O}hrstrøm, Peter and Hasle, F.V. Per), 2015: ohrstrom-hasle:2015 ({\O}hrstrøm, Peter and Hasle, F.V. Per), 2020: ohrstrom-hasle:2020 ({\O}hrstrøm, Peter and Hasle, F.V. Per), 2024: ohrstrom-hasle:2024 ({\O}hrstrøm, Peter and Hasle, F.V. Per)
- Gadamer's Aesthetics -- 2007: davey-n:2007 (Davey, Nicholas), 2016: davey-n:2016c (Davey, Nicholas), 2023: davey-n-nielsen:2023 (Davey, Nicholas and Nielsen, Cynthia R.)
- Hans-Georg Gadamer -- 2003: malpas-je:2003e (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2005: malpas-je:2005a (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2009: malpas-je:2009a (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2014: malpas-je:2014a (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2018: malpas-je:2018 (Malpas, Jeff E.), 2022: malpas-je:2022 (Malpas, Jeff E.)
- Galen -- 2016: singer-pn:2016 (Singer, P.N.), 2021: singer-pn:2021 (Singer, P.N.)
- Galileo Galilei -- 2005: machamer:2005 (Machamer, Peter K.), 2009: machamer:2009b (Machamer, Peter K.), 2013: machamer:2013 (Machamer, Peter K.), 2017: machamer:2017 (Machamer, Peter K.), 2021: machamer-miller:2021 (Machamer, Peter K. and Miller, David Marshall)
- Game Theory and Ethics -- 2004: verbeek-b-morris:2004 (Verbeek, Bruno and Morris, Christopher W.), 2010: verbeek-b-morris:2010 (Verbeek, Bruno and Morris, Christopher W.), 2021: hankins-k-vanderschraaf:2021 (Hankins, Keith and Vanderschraaf, Peter)
- Evolutionary Game Theory -- 2002: alexander-jm:2002 (Alexander, J. McKenzie), 2009: alexander-jm:2009 (Alexander, J. McKenzie), 2021: alexander-jm:2021 (Alexander, J. McKenzie)
- Game Theory -- 1997: ross-d:1997 (Ross, Don), 2001: ross-d:2001 (Ross, Don), 2005: ross-d:2005 (Ross, Don), 2006: ross-d:2006 (Ross, Don), 2010: ross-d:2010 (Ross, Don), 2014: ross-d:2014c (Ross, Don), 2019: ross-d:2019 (Ross, Don), 2023: ross-d:2023 (Ross, Don)
- Games, Full Abstraction and Full Completeness -- 2017: cardone-f:2017 (Cardone, Felice), 2021: cardone-f:2021 (Cardone, Felice)
- The Donation and Sale of Human Eggs and Sperm -- 2017: brandt-re-etal:2017 (Brandt, Reuven and Wilkinson, Stephen and Williams, Nicola), 2021: brandt-re-etal:2021 (Brandt, Reuven and Wilkinson, Stephen and Williams, Nicola)
- Gaṅgeśa -- 2020: phillips-s:2020 (Phillips, Stephen H.), 2024: phillips-s:2024 (Phillips, Stephen H.)
- Pierre Gassendi -- 2024: fisher-s:2024 (Fisher, Saul), 2013: fisher-s:2013 (Fisher, Saul), 2009: fisher-s:2009 (Fisher, Saul), 2005: fisher-s:2005a (Fisher, Saul)
- José Ortega y Gasset -- 2011: holmes-o:2011 (Holmes, Oliver), 2014: holmes-o:2014 (Holmes, Oliver), 2017: holmes-o:2017 (Holmes, Oliver), 2022: holmes-o:2022 (Holmes, Oliver)
- Gelukpa [dge lugs pa] -- 2014: duckworth-d:2014 (Duckworth, Douglas), 2018: duckworth-d:2018 (Duckworth, Douglas), 2022: duckworth-d:2022 (Duckworth, Douglas)
- Gene -- 2004: rheinberger-muellerwille:2004 (Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg and Müller-Wille, Staffan), 2009: rheinberger-muellerwille:2009 (Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg and Müller-Wille, Staffan), 2015: rheinberger-muellerwille:2015 (Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg and Müller-Wille, Staffan and Meunier, Robert), 2022: meunier-r:2022 (Meunier, Robert)
- Generalized Quantifiers -- 2005: westerstahl:2005 (Westerst{\aa}hl, Dag), 2011: westerstahl:2011 (Westerst{\aa}hl, Dag), 2019: westerstahl:2019 (Westerst{\aa}hl, Dag), 2024: westerstahl:2024 (Westerst{\aa}hl, Dag)
- Generic Generalizations -- 2016: leslie-sj-lerner:2016 (Leslie, Sarah-Jane and Lerner, Adam J.), 2022: leslie-sj-lerner:2022 (Leslie, Sarah-Jane and Lerner, Adam J.)
- Genetic Drift -- 2016: millstein:2016a (Millstein, Roberta L.), 2021: millstein:2021a (Millstein, Roberta L.)
- Genetics -- 2019: tabery:2019 (Tabery, James), 2023: tabery:2023 (Tabery, James)
- Genomics and Postgenomics -- 2016: guttinger-s-dupre:2016 (Guttinger, Stephan and Dupré, John)
- The Genotype/Phenotype Distinction -- 2004: lewontin:2004 (Lewontin, Richard C.), 2017: taylor-pj-lewontin:2017 (Taylor, Peter J. and Lewontin, Richard C.), 2011: lewontin:2011 (Lewontin, Richard C.)
- Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity -- 2001: ryckman-ta:2001a (Ryckman, Thomas A.), 2006: ryckman-ta:2006 (Ryckman, Thomas A.), 2012: ryckman-ta:2012b (Ryckman, Thomas A.), 2018: ryckman-ta:2018 (Ryckman, Thomas A.), 2024: ryckman-ta:2024 (Ryckman, Thomas A.)
- Nineteenth Century Geometry -- 1999: torretti:1999b (Torretti, Roberto), 2003: torretti:2003a (Torretti, Roberto), 2007: torretti:2007 (Torretti, Roberto), 2010: torretti:2010 (Torretti, Roberto), 2016: torretti:2016 (Torretti, Roberto)
- Finitism in Geometry -- 2002: vanbendegem:2002a (van Bendegem, Jean Paul), 2010: vanbendegem:2010 (van Bendegem, Jean Paul), 2015: vanbendegem:2015 (van Bendegem, Jean Paul), 2019: vanbendegem:2019 (van Bendegem, Jean Paul), 2023: vanbendegem:2023 (van Bendegem, Jean Paul)
- Gersonides -- 2001: rudavsky:2001 (Rudavsky, Tamar M.), 2015: rudavsky:2015 (Rudavsky, Tamar M.), 2020: rudavsky:2020 (Rudavsky, Tamar M.)
- Giles of Rome -- 2001: lambertini:2001 (Lambertini, Roberto), 2004: lambertini:2004 (Lambertini, Roberto), 2009: lambertini:2009 (Lambertini, Roberto), 2014: lambertini:2014b (Lambertini, Roberto), 2019: lambertini:2019 (Lambertini, Roberto)
- Global Democracy -- 2015: kuyper-j:2015 (Kuyper, Jonathan)
- Globalization -- 2002: scheuerman:2002 (Scheuerman, William E.), 2006: scheuerman:2006a (Scheuerman, William E.), 2010: scheuerman:2010 (Scheuerman, William E.), 2014: scheuerman:2014 (Scheuerman, William E.), 2018: scheuerman:2018a (Scheuerman, William E.), 2023: scheuerman:2023 (Scheuerman, William E.)
- God and Other Necessary Beings -- 2005: davidson-m:2005 (Davidson, Matthew), 2012: davidson-m:2012 (Davidson, Matthew), 2013: davidson-m:2013a (Davidson, Matthew), 2013: davidson-m:2013b (Davidson, Matthew), 2019: davidson-m:2019 (Davidson, Matthew)
- God and Other Ultimates -- 2021: diller-ja:2021 (Diller, Jeanine)
- Godfrey of Fontaines -- 2001: wippel-jf:2001 (Wippel, John F.), 2006: wippel-jf:2006b (Wippel, John F.), 2010: wippel-jf:2010 (Wippel, John F.), 2014: wippel-jf:2014 (Wippel, John F.), 2018: wippel-jf:2018 (Wippel, John F.)
- William Godwin -- 2000: philp-m:2000 (Philp, Mark), 2009: philp-m:2009 (Philp, Mark), 2013: philp-m:2013a (Philp, Mark), 2017: philp-m:2017a (Philp, Mark), 2021: philp-m:2021a (Philp, Mark)
- Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems -- 2013: raatikainen:2013 (Raatikainen, Panu)
- Kurt Gödel -- 2007: kennedy-j:2007 (Kennedy, Juliette), 2011: kennedy-j:2011 (Kennedy, Juliette), 2015: kennedy-j:2015a (Kennedy, Juliette)
- Gómez Pereira -- 2022: garciavalverde:2022 (García Valverde, José Manuel)
- Goodman's Aesthetics -- 2005: giovannelli-a:2005 (Giovannelli, Alessandro), 2010: giovannelli-a:2010 (Giovannelli, Alessandro), 2017: giovannelli-a:2017 (Giovannelli, Alessandro)
- Nelson Goodman -- 2014: cohnitz-rossberg:2014 (Cohnitz, Daniel and Rossberg, Marcus), 2016: cohnitz-rossberg:2016 (Cohnitz, Daniel and Rossberg, Marcus), 2019: cohnitz-rossberg:2019 (Cohnitz, Daniel and Rossberg, Marcus), 2024: cohnitz-rossberg:2024 (Cohnitz, Daniel and Rossberg, Marcus)
- Gorampa [go rams pa] -- 2011: kassor:2011 (Kassor, Constance), 2016: kassor:2016 (Kassor, Constance), 2020: kassor:2020 (Kassor, Constance), 2021: kassor:2021 (Kassor, Constance)
- Antonio Gramsci -- 2023: martin-jam:2023 (Martin, James)
- Gratitude -- 2015: manela:2015a (Manela, Tony), 2019: manela:2019 (Manela, Tony)
- Thomas Hill Green -- 2003: tyler-c:2003 (Tyler, Colin), 2006: tyler-c:2006 (Tyler, Colin), 2011: tyler-c:2011 (Tyler, Colin), 2021: brink-do:2021a (Brink, David Owen)
- Gregory of Rimini -- 2001: schabel:2001a (Schabel, Christopher), 2007: schabel:2007a (Schabel, Christopher), 2015: schabel:2015a (Schabel, Christopher), 2022: schabel-girard:2022 (Schabel, Christopher and Girard, Charles)
- Paul Grice -- 2005: grandy-re-warner:2005 (Grandy, Richard E. and Warner, Richard), 2013: grandy-re-warner:2013 (Grandy, Richard E. and Warner, Richard), 2017: grandy-re-warner:2017 (Grandy, Richard E. and Warner, Richard), 2021: grandy-re-warner:2021 (Grandy, Richard E. and Warner, Richard)
- Robert Grosseteste -- 2007: lewis-n:2007 (Lewis, Neil), 2013: lewis-n:2013 (Lewis, Neil), 2019: lewis-n:2019 (Lewis, Neil)
- Hugo Grotius -- 2005: miller-ja:2005a (Miller, Jon A.), 2011: miller-ja:2011a (Miller, Jon A.), 2021: miller-ja:2021 (Miller, Jon A.)
- Metaphysical Grounding -- 2014: bliss-rl-trogdon:2014 (Bliss, Ricki Leigh and Trogdon, Kelly), 2021: bliss-rl-trogdon:2021 (Bliss, Ricki Leigh and Trogdon, Kelly)
- The Grounds of Moral Status -- 2013: jaworska-tannenbaum:2013 (Jaworska, Agnieszka and Tannenbaum, Julie), 2018: jaworska-tannenbaum:2018 (Jaworska, Agnieszka and Tannenbaum, Julie), 2021: jaworska-tannenbaum:2021 (Jaworska, Agnieszka and Tannenbaum, Julie)
- Jürgen Habermas -- 2007: bohman-rehg:2007 (Bohman, James F. and Rehg, William), 2011: bohman-rehg:2011 (Bohman, James F. and Rehg, William), 2014: bohman-rehg:2014 (Bohman, James F. and Rehg, William), 2023: finlayson-jg-rees:2023 (Finlayson, James Gordon and Rees, Dafydd Huw)
- Haecceitism -- 2015: cowling-s:2015b (Cowling, Sam), 2022: cowling-s:2022 (Cowling, Sam)
- Judah Halevi -- 2008: kogan-bs:2008 (Kogan, Barry S.), 2014: kogan-bs:2014 (Kogan, Barry S.)
- Johann Georg Hamann -- 2002: griffithdickson:2002 (Griffith-Dickson, Gwen), 2013: griffithdickson:2013b (Griffith-Dickson, Gwen)
- Philosophy in Han Dynasty China -- 2022: mcleod-a:2022 (McLeod, Alexus)
- Happiness -- 2011: haybron:2011 (Haybron, Daniel M.), 2020: haybron:2020 (Haybron, Daniel M.)
- Richard Mervyn Hare -- 2014: price-aw:2014 (Price, Anthony William), 2019: price-aw:2019 (Price, Anthony William)
- Harriet Taylor Mill -- 2002: miller-dae:2002 (Miller, Dale E.), 2009: miller-dae:2009 (Miller, Dale E.), 2013: miller-dae:2013b (Miller, Dale E.), 2015: miller-dae:2015 (Miller, Dale E.), 2018: miller-dae:2018 (Miller, Dale E.), 2022: miller-dae:2022 (Miller, Dale E.)
- David Hartley -- 2002: allen-r:2002 (Allen, Richard), 2009: allen-r:2009 (Allen, Richard)
- Charles Hartshorne -- 2001: dombrowski:2001a (Dombrowski, Daniel A.), 2005: dombrowski:2005 (Dombrowski, Daniel A.), 2020: dombrowski:2020a (Dombrowski, Daniel A.), 2024: dombrowski:2024 (Dombrowski, Daniel A.)
- Hate Speech -- 2022: anderson-lu-barnes:2022 (Anderson, Luvell and Barnes, Michael)
- Concepts of Disease and Health -- 2008: murphy-d:2008 (Murphy, Dominic), 2015: murphy-d:2015 (Murphy, Dominic), 2020: murphy-d:2020 (Murphy, Dominic)
- Heaven and Hell -- 2003: kvanvig:2003a (Kvanvig, Jonathan L.), 2008: kvanvig:2008c (Kvanvig, Jonathan L.), 2013: talbott-tb:2013 (Talbott, Thomas B.), 2017: talbott-tb:2017 (Talbott, Thomas B.), 2021: talbott-tb:2021 (Talbott, Thomas B.)
- Hedonism -- 2004: moore-an:2004 (Moore, Andrew), 2013: moore-an:2013 (Moore, Andrew)
- Hegel's Aesthetics -- 2009: houlgate:2009b (Houlgate, Stephen), 2016: houlgate:2016 (Houlgate, Stephen), 2020: houlgate:2020 (Houlgate, Stephen), 2024: houlgate:2024 (Houlgate, Stephen)
- Hegel's Dialectics -- 2016: maybee-j:2016 (Maybee, Julie E.), 2020: maybee-j:2020 (Maybee, Julie E.)
- Hegel's Social and Political Philosophy -- 2021: brooks-t:2021a (Brooks, Thom)
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- 1997: redding:1997 (Redding, Paul), 2002: redding:2002 (Redding, Paul), 2006: redding:2006 (Redding, Paul), 2010: redding:2010 (Redding, Paul), 2015: redding:2015a (Redding, Paul), 2020: redding:2020a (Redding, Paul)
- Heidegger's Aesthetics -- 2010: thomson-i:2010 (Thomson, Iain D.), 2011: thomson-i:2011b (Thomson, Iain D.), 2015: thomson-i:2015 (Thomson, Iain D.), 2019: thomson-i:2019 (Thomson, Iain D.), 2024: thomson-i:2024 (Thomson, Iain D.)
- Martin Heidegger -- 2011: wheeler-m:2011a (Wheeler, Michael)
- Heinrich Rickert -- 2013: staiti:2013 (Staiti, Andrea), 2022: staiti-oliva:2022 (Staiti, Andrea and Oliva, Luca), 2024: staiti-oliva:2024 (Staiti, Andrea and Oliva, Luca)
- Carl Hempel -- 2010: fetzer-jh:2010a (Fetzer, James H.), 2017: fetzer-jh:2017 (Fetzer, James H.), 2022: fetzer-jh:2022 (Fetzer, James H.)
- Henricus Regius -- 2008: clarke-dm:2008 (Clarke, Desmond M.), 2011: clarke-dm:2011d (Clarke, Desmond M.), 2015: clarke-dm:2015a (Clarke, Desmond M.)
- Henry of Ghent -- 2007: porro-p:2007 (Porro, Pasquale), 2014: porro-p:2014 (Porro, Pasquale)
- Henry More -- 2007: henry-j:2007 (Henry, John), 2012: henry-j:2012 (Henry, John), 2016: henry-j:2016 (Henry, John), 2020: henry-j:2020 (Henry, John)
- Heraclitus -- 2007: graham-dw:2007 (Graham, Daniel W.), 2011: graham-dw:2011 (Graham, Daniel W.), 2015: graham-dw:2015 (Graham, Daniel W.), 2019: graham-dw:2019a (Graham, Daniel W.), 2023: graham-dw:2023 (Graham, Daniel W.)
- Johann Gottfried von Herder -- 2001: forster-m:2001 (Forster, Michael N.), 2007: forster-m:2007a (Forster, Michael N.), 2017: forster-m:2017c (Forster, Michael N.), 2022: forster-m:2022a (Forster, Michael N.)
- Heredity and Heritability -- 2004: downes-s:2004 (Downes, Stephen M.), 2009: downes-s:2009 (Downes, Stephen M.), 2015: downes-s:2015 (Downes, Stephen M.), 2019: downes-s-matthews:2019 (Downes, Stephen M. and Matthews, Lucas J.)
- Heritability -- 2024: downes-s-matthews:2024 (Downes, Stephen M. and Matthews, Lucas J.)
- Hermann von Helmholtz -- 2008: patton-l:2008 (Patton, Lydia), 2010: patton-l:2010 (Patton, Lydia), 2014: patton-l:2014 (Patton, Lydia), 2018: patton-l:2018 (Patton, Lydia), 2023: patton-l:2023 (Patton, Lydia)
- Hermann Lotze -- 2005: sullivan-dg:2005 (Sullivan, David G.), 2010: sullivan-dg:2010 (Sullivan, David G.), 2014: sullivan-dg:2014 (Sullivan, David G.), 2018: sullivan-dg:2018 (Sullivan, David G.)
- Hermeneutics -- 2005: ramberg-b-gjesdal:2005 (Ramberg, Bjørn T. and Gjesdal, Kristin), 2016: mantzavinos:2016a (Mantzavinos, Chrysostomos), 2020: george-t:2020a (George, Theodore)
- William Heytesbury -- 2003: longeway:2003a (Longeway, John), 2007: longeway:2007 (Longeway, John), 2018: hanke-m-elzbieta:2018 (Hanke, Miroslav and Jung, Elzbieta), 2022: hanke-m-elzbieta:2022 (Hanke, Miroslav and Jung, Elzbieta)
- Higher-Order Evidence -- 2022: horowitz-s:2022 (Horowitz, Sophie)
- Hilbert's Program -- 2003: zach:2003 (Zach, Richard J.), 2015: zach:2015 (Zach, Richard J.), 2019: zach:2019 (Zach, Richard J.), 2023: zach:2023 (Zach, Richard J.)
- History of Western Philosophy of Music: Since 1800 -- 2021: ravasio-m:2021a (Ravasio, Matteo)
- History of Western Philosophy of Music: Antiquity to 1800 -- 2021: ravasio-m:2021 (Ravasio, Matteo)
- The History of Feminism: Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet -- 2009: landes-jo:2009 (Landes, Joan B.), 2016: landes-jo:2016 (Landes, Joan B.), 2022: landes-jo:2022 (Landes, Joan B.)
- Philosophy of History -- 2007: little-da:2007 (Little, Daniel), 2011: little-da:2011a (Little, Daniel), 2012: little-da:2012 (Little, Daniel), 2016: little-da:2016 (Little, Daniel), 2020: little-da:2020 (Little, Daniel)
- Hobbes's Moral and Political Philosophy -- 2002: lloyd-sa:2002 (Lloyd, Sharon A.), 2008: lloyd-sa-sredhaar:2008 (Lloyd, Sharon A. and Sreedhar, Susanne), 2014: lloyd-sa-sredhaar:2014 (Lloyd, Sharon A. and Sreedhar, Susanne), 2018: lloyd-sa-sredhaar:2018 (Lloyd, Sharon A. and Sreedhar, Susanne), 2022: lloyd-sa-sredhaar:2022 (Lloyd, Sharon A. and Sreedhar, Susanne)
- Hobbes' Philosophy of Science -- 2019: adams-mp:2019a (Adams, Marcus P.), 2023: adams-mp:2023 (Adams, Marcus P.)
- Thomas Hobbes -- 2009: duncan-st:2009a (Duncan, Stewart), 2013: duncan-st:2013 (Duncan, Stewart), 2017: duncan-st:2017 (Duncan, Stewart), 2021: duncan-st:2021a (Duncan, Stewart)
- Paul-Henri Dietrich (Baron) d'Holbach -- 2002: lebuffe:2002 (LeBuffe, Michael), 2010: lebuffe:2010b (LeBuffe, Michael)
- Holes -- 1996: casati-r-varzi:1996a (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.), 2003: casati-r-varzi:2003 (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.), 2009: casati-r-varzi:2009 (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.), 2014: casati-r-varzi:2014a (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.), 2019: casati-r-varzi:2019 (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.), 2023: casati-r-varzi:2023a (Casati, Roberto and Varzi, Achille C.)
- Methodological Holism in the Social Sciences -- 2016: zahle:2016 (Zahle, Julie), 2023: zahle:2023 (Zahle, Julie)
- Robert Holkot -- 2001: gelber-h:2001 (Gelber, Hester Goodenough), 2017: gelber-h-slotemaker:2017 (Gelber, Hester Goodenough and Slotemaker, John T.)
- Homosexuality -- 2002: pickett-b:2002 (Pickett, Brent), 2006: pickett-b:2006 (Pickett, Brent), 2011: pickett-b:2011 (Pickett, Brent), 2015: pickett-b:2015 (Pickett, Brent), 2020: pickett-b:2020 (Pickett, Brent)
- Hope -- 2017: bloeser-stahl:2017 (Blöser, Claudia and Stahl, Titus), 2022: bloeser-stahl:2022 (Blöser, Claudia and Stahl, Titus)
- Max Horkheimer -- 2009: berendzen:2009 (Berendzen, Joseph C.), 2013: berendzen:2013 (Berendzen, Joseph C.), 2017: berendzen:2017 (Berendzen, Joseph C.)
- The Human Genome Project -- 2008: gannett-l:2008 (Gannett, Lisa), 2023: gannett-l:2023 (Gannett, Lisa)
- Human Nature -- 2021: roughley-n:2021 (Roughley, Neil)
- Civic Humanism -- 2002: moulakis:2002 (Moulakis, Athanasios), 2007: moulakis:2007 (Moulakis, Athanasios), 2011: moulakis:2011 (Moulakis, Athanasios), 2019: nederman:2019 (Nederman, Cary J.), 2023: nederman:2023 (Nederman, Cary J.), 2024: nederman:2024 (Nederman, Cary J.)
- Hume's Aesthetics -- 2003: gracyk:2003 (Gracyk, Theodore), 2011: gracyk:2011 (Gracyk, Theodore), 2016: gracyk:2016a (Gracyk, Theodore), 2020: gracyk:2020 (Gracyk, Theodore)
- Hume on Free Will -- 2007: russell-p:2007a (Russell, Paul), 2014: russell-p:2014 (Russell, Paul), 2020: russell-p:2020 (Russell, Paul)
- Hume's Moral Philosophy -- 2004: cohon:2004 (Cohon, Rachel), 2010: cohon:2010 (Cohon, Rachel), 2018: cohon:2018 (Cohon, Rachel)
- Hume's Newtonianism and Anti-Newtonianism -- 2007: schliesser:2007 (Schliesser, Eric), 2020: schliesser-demeter:2020 (Schliesser, Eric and Demeter, Tamás)
- Hume on Religion -- 2005: russell-p:2005 (Russell, Paul), 2013: russell-p:2013 (Russell, Paul), 2017: russell-p-kraal:2017 (Russell, Paul and Kraal, Anders)
- David Hume -- 2001: morris-we:2001 (Morris, William Edward), 2007: morris-we:2007 (Morris, William Edward), 2009: morris-we:2009a (Morris, William Edward), 2014: morris-we-brown:2014 (Morris, William Edward and Brown, Charlotte R.), 2019: morris-we-brown:2019 (Morris, William Edward and Brown, Charlotte R.)
- Philosophy of Humor -- 2012: morreall:2012 (Morreall, John), 2016: morreall:2016 (Morreall, John), 2020: morreall:2020 (Morreall, John), 2024: morreall:2024 (Morreall, John)
- Edmund Husserl -- 2003: beyer-c:2003 (Beyer, Christian), 2007: beyer-c:2007a (Beyer, Christian), 2011: beyer-c:2011 (Beyer, Christian), 2016: beyer-c:2016 (Beyer, Christian), 2020: beyer-c:2020 (Beyer, Christian), 2022: beyer-c:2022 (Beyer, Christian)
- Francis Hutcheson -- 2021: dorsey-d:2021a (Dorsey, Dale)
- Hyperintensionality -- 2021: berto-nolan:2021 (Berto, Francesco and Nolan, Daniel Patrick)
- Iamblichus -- 2019: chiaradonna-lecerf:2019 (Chiaradonna, Riccardo and Lecerf, Adrien), 2023: chiaradonna-lecerf:2023 (Chiaradonna, Riccardo and Lecerf, Adrien)
- Ibn 'Arabî -- 2019: chittick-wc:2019 (Chittick, William C.), 2008: chittick-wc:2008a (Chittick, William C.), 2014: chittick-wc:2014 (Chittick, William C.)
- Ibn Bâjja -- 2012: montada-jp:2012 (Montada, Josef Puig), 2018: montada-jp:2018 (Montada, Josef Puig), 2022: montada-jp:2022 (Montada, Josef Puig), 2007: montada-jp:2007 (Montada, Josef Puig)
- Abraham Ibn Ezra -- 2006: langermann:2006 (Langermann, Y. Tzvi), 2014: langermann:2014 (Langermann, Y. Tzvi), 2018: langermann:2018 (Langermann, Y. Tzvi)
- Solomon Ibn Gabirol [Avicebron] -- 2010: pessin-s:2010 (Pessin, Sarah)
- Ibn Kammūna -- 2022: langermann:2022 (Langermann, Y. Tzvi), 2024: langermann:2024 (Langermann, Y. Tzvi), 2007: langermann:2007 (Langermann, Y. Tzvi), 2013: langermann:2013 (Langermann, Y. Tzvi), 2018: langermann:2018a (Langermann, Y. Tzvi)
- Ibn Rushd's Natural Philosophy -- 2018: montada-jp:2018a (Montada, Josef Puig), 2023: montada-jp:2023 (Montada, Josef Puig)
- Ibn Rushd [Averroes] -- 2021: ahmed-fb-pasnau:2021 (Ahmed, Fouad Ben and Pasnau, Robert)
- Ibn Sina's Logic -- 2018: strobino:2018 (Strobino, Riccardo)
- Ibn Sina's Metaphysics -- 2015: lizzini-o:2015 (Lizzini, Olga L.), 2020: lizzini-o:2020 (Lizzini, Olga L.)
- Ibn Sina's Natural Philosophy -- 2016: mcginnis-j:2016c (McGinnis, Jon), 2020: mcginnis-j:2020 (McGinnis, Jon)
- Ibn Sina [Avicenna] -- 2016: gutas-d:2016 (Gutas, Dimitri)
- Ibn Taymiyya -- 2024: hoover-j:2024 (Hoover, Jon)
- Idealism -- 2015: guyer-p-horstmann:2015 (Guyer, Paul and Horstmann, Rolf-Peter)
- Personal Identity and Ethics -- 2005: shoemaker-d:2005 (Shoemaker, David W.), 2008: shoemaker-d:2008 (Shoemaker, David W.), 2012: shoemaker-d:2012 (Shoemaker, David W.), 2015: shoemaker-d:2015d (Shoemaker, David W.)
- The Identity of Indiscernibles -- 1996: forrest-p:1996e (Forrest, Peter), 2002: forrest-p:2002e (Forrest, Peter), 2010: forrest-p:2010b (Forrest, Peter)
- Personal Identity -- 2002: olson-et:2002d (Olson, Eric T.), 2007: olson-et:2007a (Olson, Eric T.), 2008: olson-et:2008d (Olson, Eric T.), 2010: olson-et:2010 (Olson, Eric T.), 2015: olson-et:2015c (Olson, Eric T.), 2019: olson-et:2019a (Olson, Eric T.), 2023: olson-et:2023 (Olson, Eric T.)
- Identity Politics -- 2007: heyes-cr:2007a (Heyes, Cressida J.), 2012: heyes-cr:2012 (Heyes, Cressida J.), 2016: heyes-cr:2016 (Heyes, Cressida J.), 2020: heyes-cr:2020 (Heyes, Cressida J.)
- Relative Identity -- 2002: deutsch-h:2002 (Deutsch, Harry), 2018: deutsch-d-garbacz:2018 (Deutsch, Harry and Garbacz, Pawe{\l}), 2022: deutsch-d-garbacz:2022 (Deutsch, Harry and Garbacz, Pawe{\l})
- Identity Over Time -- 2005: gallois-an:2005a (Gallois, André Norman), 2011: gallois-an:2011a (Gallois, André Norman), 2016: gallois-an:2016 (Gallois, André Norman)
- Transworld Identity -- 2006: mackie-p:2006a (Mackie, Penelope), 2013: mackie-p-jago:2013 (Mackie, Penelope and Jago, Mark), 2017: mackie-p-jago:2017 (Mackie, Penelope and Jago, Mark), 2022: mackie-p-jago:2022 (Mackie, Penelope and Jago, Mark)
- Identity -- 2004: noonan:2004 (Noonan, Harold W.), 2006: noonan:2006a (Noonan, Harold W.), 2014: noonan-curtis:2014 (Noonan, Harold W. and Curtis, Benjamin L.), 2018: noonan-curtis:2018 (Noonan, Harold W. and Curtis, Benjamin L.), 2022: noonan-curtis:2022 (Noonan, Harold W. and Curtis, Benjamin L.)
- Idiolects -- 2004: barber-a:2004 (Barber, Alex), 2010: barber-a:2010 (Barber, Alex), 2017: barber-a-garciaramirez:2017 (Barber, Alex and García-Ramírez, Eduardo), 2021: barber-a-garciaramirez:2021 (Barber, Alex and García-Ramírez, Eduardo)
- Ikhwân al-Safâ -- 2012: baffioni:2012 (Baffioni, Carmela), 2016: baffioni:2016 (Baffioni, Carmela), 2021: baffioni:2021 (Baffioni, Carmela), 2008: baffioni:2008a (Baffioni, Carmela)
- Divine Illumination -- 1999: pasnau:1999a (Pasnau, Robert), 2002: pasnau:2002d (Pasnau, Robert), 2011: pasnau:2011b (Pasnau, Robert), 2020: pasnau:2020b (Pasnau, Robert), 2024: pasnau:2024 (Pasnau, Robert)
- Imagination -- 2011: gendler:2011a (Gendler, Tamar Szab{\'o}), 2018: liao-sy-gendler:2018 (Liao, Shen-yi and Gendler, Tamar Szab{\'o}), 2019: liao-sy-gendler:2019 (Liao, Shen-yi and Gendler, Tamar Szab{\'o})
- Imaginative Resistance -- 2020: handetuna:2020 (Hande Tuna, Emine), 2024: handetuna:2024 (Hande Tuna, Emine)
- Immigration -- 2010: wellman-c:2010 (Wellman, Christopher Heath), 2015: wellman-c:2015 (Wellman, Christopher Heath), 2019: wellman-c:2019 (Wellman, Christopher Heath)
- Philosophy of Immunology -- 2016: tauber-a:2016 (Tauber, Aflred I.), 2020: swiatczak-b-tauber:2020 (Swiatczak, Bartlomiej and Tauber, Aflred I.)
- Immutability -- 2002: leftow:2002b (Leftow, Brian), 2014: leftow:2014 (Leftow, Brian), 2024: leftow:2024 (Leftow, Brian)
- Impartiality -- 2002: jollimore:2002 (Jollimore, Troy), 2006: jollimore:2006a (Jollimore, Troy), 2011: jollimore:2011a (Jollimore, Troy), 2017: jollimore:2017 (Jollimore, Troy), 2021: jollimore:2021a (Jollimore, Troy)
- Optimality-Theoretic and Game-Theoretic Approaches to Implicature -- 2006: vanrooij-r:2006a (van Rooij, Robert), 2011: vanrooij-r:2011b (van Rooij, Robert), 2015: vonrooij-r-franke:2015 (van Rooij, Robert and Franke, Michael), 2021: vonrooij-r-franke:2021 (van Rooij, Robert and Franke, Michael), 2022: vonrooij-r-franke:2022 (van Rooij, Robert and Franke, Michael)
- Implicature -- 2005: davis-wa:2005a (Davis, Wayne A.), 2010: davis-wa:2010a (Davis, Wayne A.), 2014: davis-wa:2014a (Davis, Wayne A.), 2019: davis-wa:2019a (Davis, Wayne A.), 2024: davis-wa:2024 (Davis, Wayne A.)
- Implicit Bias -- 2015: brownstein-m:2015 (Brownstein, Michael), 2019: brownstein-m:2019 (Brownstein, Michael)
- Impossible Worlds -- 2009: berto:2009c (Berto, Francesco), 2013: berto:2013b (Berto, Francesco), 2018: berto-jago:2018 (Berto, Francesco and Jago, Mark), 2023: berto-jago:2023 (Berto, Francesco and Jago, Mark)
- Imprecise Probabilities -- 2014: bradley-s:2014 (Bradley, Seamus), 2019: bradley-s:2019 (Bradley, Seamus)
- The Incommensurability of Scientific Theories -- 2009: oberheim-hoyningenhuene:2009 (Oberheim, Eric and Hoyningen-Huene, Paul), 2013: oberheim-hoyningenhuene:2013 (Oberheim, Eric and Hoyningen-Huene, Paul), 2018: oberheim-hoyningenhuene:2018 (Oberheim, Eric and Hoyningen-Huene, Paul), 2024: oberheim-hoyningenhuene:2024 (Oberheim, Eric and Hoyningen-Huene, Paul)
- Arguments for Incompatibilism -- 2003: vihvelin:2003 (Vihvelin, Kadri), 2007: vihvelin:2007a (Vihvelin, Kadri), 2011: vihvelin:2011a (Vihvelin, Kadri), 2017: vihvelin:2017 (Vihvelin, Kadri), 2022: vihvelin:2022 (Vihvelin, Kadri)
- Incompatibilist (Nondeterministic) Theories of Free Will -- 2004: clarke-r:2004a (Clarke, Randolph), 2008: clarke-r:2008b (Clarke, Randolph), 2013: clarke-r-capes:2013 (Clarke, Randolph and Capes, Justin A.), 2017: clarke-r-capes:2017 (Clarke, Randolph and Capes, Justin A.), 2021: clarke-r-etal:2021 (Clarke, Randolph and Capes, Justin A. and Swenson, Philip)
- Independence and Large Cardinals -- 2010: koellner:2010 (Koellner, Peter)
- Indexicals -- 2001: braun-d:2001a (Braun, David), 2007: braun-d:2007 (Braun, David), 2015: braun-d:2015b (Braun, David)
- The Problem of Induction -- 2014: vickers-jm:2014 (Vickers, John M.), 2006: vickers-jm:2006 (Vickers, John M.), 2008: vickers-jm:2008 (Vickers, John M.), 2009: vickers-jm:2009 (Vickers, John M.), 2010: vickers-jm:2010 (Vickers, John M.), 2012: vickers-jm:2012 (Vickers, John M.), 2018: henderson-l:2018 (Henderson, Leah), 2022: henderson-l:2022 (Henderson, Leah)
- Infinite Regress Arguments -- 2018: cameron-rp:2018b (Cameron, Ross P.), 2022: cameron-rp:2022a (Cameron, Ross P.)
- Infinity -- 2021: oppy-etal:2021 (Oppy, Graham and Hájek, Alan and Easwaran, Kenny and Mancosu, Paolo), 2023: easwaran-etal:2023 (Easwaran, Kenny and Hájek, Alan and Mancosu, Paolo and Oppy, Graham)
- Biological Information -- 2007: godfreysmith-p-sterelny:2007 (Godfrey-Smith, Peter and Sterelny, Kim), 2016: godfreysmith-p-sterelny:2016 (Godfrey-Smith, Peter and Sterelny, Kim), 2024: artiga:2024 (Artiga, Marc)
- Information Processing and Thermodynamic Entropy -- 2009: maroney:2009 (Maroney, Owen J.E.)
- Semantic Conceptions of Information -- 2005: floridi:2005a (Floridi, Luciano), 2011: floridi:2011b (Floridi, Luciano), 2015: floridi:2015 (Floridi, Luciano), 2022: sequoiahgrayson-s-floridi:2022 (Sequoiah-Grayson, Sebastian and Floridi, Luciano)
- Information -- 2012: adriaans:2012 (Adriaans, Pieter), 2018: adriaans:2018 (Adriaans, Pieter), 2020: adriaans:2020 (Adriaans, Pieter), 2023: adriaans:2023 (Adriaans, Pieter)
- Informed Consent -- 2011: eyal-n:2011 (Eyal, Nir), 2019: eyal-n:2019 (Eyal, Nir)
- Roman Ingarden -- 2003: thomasson:2003b (Thomasson, Amie L.), 2016: thomasson:2016d (Thomasson, Amie L.), 2020: thomasson:2020c (Thomasson, Amie L.)
- Inheritance Systems -- 2012: lamm-e:2012 (Lamm, Ehud), 2018: lamm-e:2018 (Lamm, Ehud)
- The Distinction Between Innate and Acquired Characteristics -- 2009: griffiths-pe:2009 (Griffiths, Paul E.), 2021: griffiths-pe-linquist:2021 (Griffiths, Paul E. and Linquist, Stefan), 2022: griffiths-pe-linquist:2022 (Griffiths, Paul E. and Linquist, Stefan)
- Innateness and Contemporary Theories of Cognition -- 2012: samet-j-zaitchik:2012 (Samet, Jerry and Zaitchik, Deborah), 2014: samet-j-zaitchik:2014 (Samet, Jerry and Zaitchik, Deborah), 2017: samet-j-zaitchik:2017 (Samet, Jerry and Zaitchik, Deborah)
- The Historical Controversies Surrounding Innateness -- 2008: samet-j:2008 (Samet, Jerry), 2019: samet-j:2019 (Samet, Jerry)
- Innateness and Language -- 2008: cowie-f:2008 (Cowie, Fiona)
- Inner Speech -- 2023: gregory-da-langlandhassan:2023 (Gregory, Daniel and Langland-Hassan, Peter)
- Insolubles -- 2001: spade-pv:2001 (Spade, Paul Vincent), 2005: spade-pv:2005a (Spade, Paul Vincent), 2009: spade-pv-read:2009 (Spade, Paul Vincent and Read, Stephen), 2013: spade-pv-read:2013 (Spade, Paul Vincent and Read, Stephen), 2017: spade-pv-read:2017 (Spade, Paul Vincent and Read, Stephen), 2021: spade-pv-read:2021 (Spade, Paul Vincent and Read, Stephen)
- Integrity -- 2001: cox-d-etal:2001 (Cox, Damian and La Cazé, Marguerite and Levine, Michael Philip), 2005: cox-d-etal:2005 (Cox, Damian and La Cazé, Marguerite and Levine, Michael Philip), 2008: cox-d-etal:2008 (Cox, Damian and La Cazé, Marguerite and Levine, Michael Philip), 2013: cox-d-etal:2013 (Cox, Damian and La Cazé, Marguerite and Levine, Michael Philip), 2017: cox-d-etal:2017 (Cox, Damian and La Cazé, Marguerite and Levine, Michael Philip), 2021: cox-d-etal:2021 (Cox, Damian and La Cazé, Marguerite and Levine, Michael Philip)
- Intellectual Property -- 2011: moore-ad:2011 (Moore, Adam), 2014: moore-ad-himma:2014 (Moore, Adam and Himma, Kenneth Einar [Ken]), 2018: moore-ad-himma:2018 (Moore, Adam and Himma, Kenneth Einar [Ken]), 2022: moore-ad-himma:2022 (Moore, Adam and Himma, Kenneth Einar [Ken])
- Intensional Transitive Verbs -- 2004: forbes-g:2004 (Forbes, Graeme [R.]), 2010: forbes-g:2010b (Forbes, Graeme [R.]), 2020: forbes-g:2020a (Forbes, Graeme [R.])
- Intention -- 2009: setiya:2009b (Setiya, Kieran), 2014: setiya:2014a (Setiya, Kieran), 2018: setiya:2018a (Setiya, Kieran), 2022: setiya:2022 (Setiya, Kieran)
- Intentionality in Ancient Philosophy -- 2003: caston-v:2003 (Caston, Victor), 2007: caston-v:2007 (Caston, Victor), 2019: caston-v:2019b (Caston, Victor)
- Intentionality -- 2003: jacob-p:2003 (Jacob, Pierre), 2010: jacob-p:2010 (Jacob, Pierre), 2014: jacob-p:2014 (Jacob, Pierre), 2019: jacob-p:2019a (Jacob, Pierre), 2023: jacob-p:2023 (Jacob, Pierre)
- International Distributive Justice -- 2013: blake-m-smith:2013 (Blake, Michael and Smith, Patrick Taylor), 2020: blake-m-smith:2020 (Blake, Michael and Smith, Patrick Taylor), 2005: blake-m:2005b (Blake, Michael)
- Philosophy of International Law -- 2022: tasioulas-verdirame:2022 (Tasioulas, John and Verdirame, Guglielmo)
- Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Properties -- 2002: weatherson:2002 (Weatherson, Brian), 2006: weatherson:2006b (Weatherson, Brian), 2012: weatherson:2012a (Weatherson, Brian), 2012: weatherson-marshall:2012 (Weatherson, Brian and Marshall, Dan), 2018: marshall-d-weatherson:2018 (Marshall, Dan and Weatherson, Brian), 2023: marshall-d-weatherson:2023 (Marshall, Dan and Weatherson, Brian)
- Introspection -- 2010: schwitzgebel:2010b (Schwitzgebel, Eric), 2014: schwitzgebel:2014a (Schwitzgebel, Eric), 2019: schwitzgebel:2019a (Schwitzgebel, Eric), 2024: schwitzgebel:2024 (Schwitzgebel, Eric)
- Intuition -- 2017: pust:2017 (Pust, Joel), 2024: pust:2024 (Pust, Joel), 2012: pust:2012a (Pust, Joel)
- Intuitionism in Ethics -- 2014: strattonlake:2014 (Stratton-Lake, Philip), 2020: strattonlake:2020 (Stratton-Lake, Philip)
- Intuitionism in the Philosophy of Mathematics -- 2008: iemhoff:2008 (Iemhoff, Rosalie), 2013: iemhoff:2013 (Iemhoff, Rosalie), 2019: iemhoff:2019 (Iemhoff, Rosalie)
- The Development of Intuitionistic Logic -- 2008: vanatten:2008 (van Atten, Mark), 2009: vanatten:2009 (van Atten, Mark), 2017: vanatten:2017 (van Atten, Mark), 2022: vanatten:2022 (van Atten, Mark)
- Isaac Israeli -- 2007: levin-le-walker:2007 (Levin, Leonard and Walker, R. David), 2013: levin-le-walker:2013 (Levin, Leonard and Walker, R. David), 2018: levin-le-etal:2018 (Levin, Leonard and Walker, R. David and Sadik, Shalom)
- Information Technology and Moral Values -- 2012: sullins:2012 (Sullins, John), 2018: sullins:2018 (Sullins, John)
- Privacy and Information Technology -- 2014: vandenhoven-etal:2014 (van den Hoven, Jeroen and Blaauw, Martijn and Pieters, Wolter and Warnier, Martijn), 2019: vandenhoven-etal:2019 (van den Hoven, Jeroen and Blaauw, Martijn and Pieters, Wolter and Warnier, Martijn)
- Jaina Philosophy -- 2023: gorisse-mh:2023 (Gorisse, Marie-Hélène)
- James Mill -- 2005: ball-t:2005 (Ball, Terence), 2020: ball-t-loizides:2020 (Ball, Terence and Loizides, Antis), 2024: ball-t-loizides:2024 (Ball, Terence and Loizides, Antis), 2014: ball-t:2014 (Ball, Terence)
- James of Viterbo -- 2011: cote-a:2011 (C{\^o}té, Antoine), 2013: cote-a:2013 (C{\^o}té, Antoine), 2020: cote-a:2020 (C{\^o}té, Antoine)
- James Ward -- 2009: basile-p:2009b (Basile, Pierfrancesco)
- William James -- 2000: goodman-rb:2000 (Goodman, Russell B.), 2005: goodman-rb:2005 (Goodman, Russell B.), 2009: goodman-rb:2009a (Goodman, Russell B.), 2013: goodman-rb:2013 (Goodman, Russell B.), 2017: goodman-rb:2017a (Goodman, Russell B.), 2021: goodman-rb:2021 (Goodman, Russell B.)
- Japanese Aesthetics -- 2005: parkes-g:2005 (Parkes, Graham), 2011: parkes-g:2011 (Parkes, Graham), 2018: parkes-g-loughnane:2018 (Parkes, Graham and Loughnane, Adam), 2023: parkes-g-loughnane:2023 (Parkes, Graham and Loughnane, Adam)
- Japanese Confucian Philosophy -- 2008: tucker-j:2008 (Tucker, John V.), 2013: tucker-j:2013 (Tucker, John V.), 2018: tucker-j:2018 (Tucker, John V.), 2022: tucker-j:2022 (Tucker, John V.)
- Japanese Philosophy -- 2019: kasulis:2019 (Kasulis, Thomas)
- Japanese Pure Land Philosophy -- 2012: hirota:2012 (Hirota, Dennis), 2017: hirota:2017 (Hirota, Dennis), 2022: hirota:2022 (Hirota, Dennis)
- Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy -- 2006: nagatomo:2006 (Nagatomo, Shigenori), 2010: nagatomo:2010 (Nagatomo, Shigenori), 2015: nagatomo:2015 (Nagatomo, Shigenori), 2019: nagatomo:2019 (Nagatomo, Shigenori), 2024: nagatomo:2024 (Nagatomo, Shigenori)
- Karl Jaspers -- 2006: thornhill-c:2006a (Thornhill, Chris), 2017: thornhill-c-miron:2017 (Thornhill, Chris and Miron, Ronny), 2018: thornhill-c-miron:2018 (Thornhill, Chris and Miron, Ronny), 2022: thornhill-c-miron:2022 (Thornhill, Chris and Miron, Ronny)
- Jayarāśi -- 2011: balcerowicz:2011 (Balcerowicz, Piotr), 2020: balcerowicz:2020 (Balcerowicz, Piotr)
- Thomas Jefferson -- 2015: holowchak-ma:2015 (Holowchak, M. Andrew), 2019: holowchak-ma:2019 (Holowchak, M. Andrew)
- Joane Petrizi -- 2006: iremadze:2006 (Iremadze, Tengiz), 2023: iremadze:2023 (Iremadze, Tengiz)
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte -- 2001: breazeale:2001a (Breazeale, Daniel E.), 2006: breazeale:2006a (Breazeale, Daniel E.), 2014: breazeale:2014b (Breazeale, Daniel E.)
- Johann Friedrich Herbart -- 2015: kim-a:2015a (Kim, Alan)
- Johann Sturm -- 2020: sangiacomo-a-henkel:2020 (Sangiacomo, Andrea and Henkel, Christian), 2024: sangiacomo-a-henkel:2024 (Sangiacomo, Andrea and Henkel, Christian)
- John Italos -- 2024: kraft-a:2024 (Kraft, András)
- John Norris -- 2007: yang-j:2007 (Yang, June), 2014: yang-j:2014 (Yang, June)
- John of Salisbury -- 2005: guilfoy:2005 (Guilfoy, Kevin), 2016: bollermann-k-nederman:2016 (Bollermann, Karen and Nederman, Cary J.), 2022: bollermann-k-nederman:2022 (Bollermann, Karen and Nederman, Cary J.)
- Jury Theorems -- 2021: dietrich-f-spiekermann:2021 (Dietrich, Franz and Spiekermann, Kai)
- Coherentist Theories of Epistemic Justification -- 2003: kvanvig:2003e (Kvanvig, Jonathan L.), 2012: olsson-ej:2012 (Olsson, Erik J.), 2017: olsson-ej:2017b (Olsson, Erik J.), 2021: olsson-ej:2021 (Olsson, Erik J.)
- Foundationalist Theories of Epistemic Justification -- 2000: fumerton:2000a (Fumerton, Richard A.), 2005: fumerton:2005d (Fumerton, Richard A.), 2010: fumerton:2010d (Fumerton, Richard A.), 2016: hasan-a-fumerton:2016 (Hasan, Ali and Fumerton, Richard A.), 2022: hasan-a-fumerton:2022 (Hasan, Ali and Fumerton, Richard A.)
- Internalist vs. Externalist Conceptions of Epistemic Justification -- 2005: pappas-gs:2005 (Pappas, George Sotiros), 2014: pappas-gs:2014 (Pappas, George Sotiros)
- Justice and Bad Luck -- 2005: lippertrasmussen:2005a (Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper), 2009: lippertrasmussen:2009 (Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper), 2014: lippertrasmussen:2014c (Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper), 2018: lippertrasmussen:2018d (Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper), 2023: lippertrasmussen:2023a (Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper)
- Climate Justice -- 2020: caney:2020 (Caney, Simon)
- Distributive Justice -- 1996: lamont-ju:1996 (Lamont, Julian), 2002: lamont-ju:2002 (Lamont, Julian), 2007: lamont-ju-favor:2007 (Lamont, Julian and Favor, Christi), 2012: lamont-ju-favor:2012 (Lamont, Julian and Favor, Christi), 2017: lamont-ju-favor:2017 (Lamont, Julian and Favor, Christi)
- Global Justice -- 2015: brock-g:2015c (Brock, Gillian), 2023: brock-g-hassoun:2023 (Brock, Gillian and Hassoun, Nicole)
- Justice and Access to Health Care -- 2008: daniels-n:2008 (Daniels, Norman), 2013: daniels-n:2013 (Daniels, Norman), 2017: daniels-n:2017 (Daniels, Norman)
- Justice, Inequality, and Health -- 2008: sreenivasan:2008a (Sreenivasan, Gopal), 2014: sreenivasan:2014 (Sreenivasan, Gopal), 2021: mackay-do-sreenivasan:2021 (MacKay, Douglas and Sreenivasan, Gopal)
- Intergenerational Justice -- 2003: meyer-l:2003 (Meyer, Lukas Heinrich), 2008: meyer-l:2008 (Meyer, Lukas Heinrich), 2015: meyer-l:2015a (Meyer, Lukas Heinrich), 2021: meyer-l:2021 (Meyer, Lukas Heinrich)
- Distributive Justice and Empirical Moral Psychology -- 2015: miller-cb:2015c (Miller, Christian B.), 2020: miller-cb:2020 (Miller, Christian B.)
- Retributive Justice -- 2014: walen-a:2014 (Walen, Alec D.), 2020: walen-a:2020 (Walen, Alec D.)
- Transitional Justice -- 2009: eisikovits-n:2009 (Eisikovits, Nir), 2014: eisikovits-n:2014 (Eisikovits, Nir)
- Justice as a Virtue -- 2002: slote:2002 (Slote, Michael Anthony), 2010: slote:2010e (Slote, Michael Anthony), 2014: slote:2014a (Slote, Michael Anthony), 2016: lebar-slote:2016 (LeBar, Mark and Slote, Michael Anthony), 2020: lebar:2020a (LeBar, Mark), 2024: lebar:2024 (LeBar, Mark)
- Justice -- 2017: miller-da:2017 (Miller, David), 2021: miller-da:2021 (Miller, David)
- Public Justification -- 1996: dagostino-f:1996b (D'Agostino, Fred B.), 2003: dagostino-f:2003b (D'Agostino, Fred B.), 2007: dagostino-f:2007 (D'Agostino, Fred B.), 2012: vallier-dagostino:2012 (Vallier, Kevin and D'Agostino, Fred B.), 2018: vallier:2018a (Vallier, Kevin), 2022: vallier:2022 (Vallier, Kevin)
- Justus Lipsius -- 2004: papy-j:2004 (Papy, Jan), 2011: papy-j:2011 (Papy, Jan)
- Kant's Aesthetics and Teleology -- 2005: ginsborg-h:2005a (Ginsborg, Hannah), 2013: ginsborg-h:2013a (Ginsborg, Hannah), 2022: ginsborg-h:2022 (Ginsborg, Hannah)
- Kantian Conceptualism/Nonconceptualism -- 2020: mclear:2020b (McLear, Colin)
- Kant's Philosophical Development -- 2003: schoenfeld-m:2003a (Schönfeld, Martin), 2007: schoenfeld-m:2007 (Schönfeld, Martin), 2014: schoenfeld-m-thompson:2014 (Schönfeld, Martin and Thompson, Michael L.)
- Kant and Hume on Causality -- 2008: depierris-friedman:2008 (de Pierris, Graciela and Friedman, Michael), 2013: depierris-friedman:2013 (de Pierris, Graciela and Friedman, Michael), 2018: depierris-friedman:2018 (de Pierris, Graciela and Friedman, Michael)
- Kant and Hume on Morality -- 2008: denis-l:2008a (Denis, Lara), 2012: denis-l:2012 (Denis, Lara), 2016: denis-l-wilson:2016 (Denis, Lara and Wilson, Eric Entrican), 2018: wilson-ee-denis:2018 (Wilson, Eric Entrican and Denis, Lara), 2022: wilson-ee-denis:2022 (Wilson, Eric Entrican and Denis, Lara)
- Kant's Theory of Judgment -- 2004: hanna-r:2004 (Hanna, Robert), 2009: hanna-r:2009a (Hanna, Robert), 2013: hanna-r:2013 (Hanna, Robert), 2017: hanna-r:2017c (Hanna, Robert)
- Kant and Leibniz -- 2004: wilson-c:2004a (Wilson, Catherine), 2008: wilson-c:2008c (Wilson, Catherine)
- Leibniz's Influence on Kant -- 2012: wilson-c:2012 (Wilson, Catherine), 2018: wilson-c:2018 (Wilson, Catherine), 2022: wilson-c:2022a (Wilson, Catherine)
- Kant's Philosophy of Mathematics -- 2013: shabel:2013 (Shabel, Lisa), 2021: shabel:2021 (Shabel, Lisa)
- Kant's Critique of Metaphysics -- 2004: grier-m:2004 (Grier, Michelle), 2007: grier-m:2007a (Grier, Michelle), 2012: grier-m:2012 (Grier, Michelle), 2018: grier-m:2018 (Grier, Michelle), 2022: grier-m:2022 (Grier, Michelle)
- Kant's View of the Mind and Consciousness of Self -- 2004: brook-a:2004 (Brook, Andrew), 2020: brook-a-wuerth:2020 (Brook, Andrew and Wuerth, Julian)
- Kant's Moral Philosophy -- 2008: johnson-r:2008 (Johnson, Robert N.), 2016: johnson-r-cureton:2016 (Johnson, Robert N. and Cureton, Adam), 2022: johnson-r-cureton:2022 (Johnson, Robert N. and Cureton, Adam)
- Kant's Account of Reason -- 2008: williams-g:2008 (Williams, Garrath), 2009: williams-g:2009 (Williams, Garrath), 2013: williams-g:2013 (Williams, Garrath), 2014: williams-g:2014 (Williams, Garrath), 2017: williams-g:2017 (Williams, Garrath), 2023: williams-g:2023 (Williams, Garrath)
- Kant's Philosophy of Religion -- 2004: rossi-pj:2004 (Rossi, Philip J.), 2005: rossi-pj:2005 (Rossi, Philip J.), 2009: rossi-pj:2009 (Rossi, Philip J.), 2014: pasternack-rossi:2014 (Pasternack, Lawrence and Rossi, Philip J.), 2020: pasternack-fugate:2020 (Pasternack, Lawrence and Fugate, Courtney D.), 2021: pasternack-fugate:2021 (Pasternack, Lawrence and Fugate, Courtney D.)
- Kant's Philosophy of Science -- 2003: watkins-e:2003a (Watkins, Eric), 2014: watkins-e-stan:2014 (Watkins, Eric and Stan, Marius), 2023: watkins-e-stan:2023 (Watkins, Eric and Stan, Marius)
- Kant's Social and Political Philosophy -- 2007: rauscher-f:2007 (Rauscher, Frederick), 2012: rauscher-f:2012 (Rauscher, Frederick), 2016: rauscher-f:2016a (Rauscher, Frederick), 2022: rauscher-f:2022 (Rauscher, Frederick)
- Kant's Views on Space and Time -- 2009: janiak:2009 (Janiak, Andrew), 2016: janiak:2016 (Janiak, Andrew), 2022: janiak:2022 (Janiak, Andrew)
- Kant's Transcendental Idealism -- 2016: stang-nf:2016a (Stang, Nicholas F.)
- Kant's Transcendental Arguments -- 2009: pereboom-de:2009c (Pereboom, Derk), 2013: pereboom-de:2013 (Pereboom, Derk), 2018: pereboom-de:2018b (Pereboom, Derk), 2022: pereboom-de:2022 (Pereboom, Derk)
- Immanuel Kant -- 2010: rohlf:2010 (Rohlf, Michael), 2016: rohlf:2016 (Rohlf, Michael), 2024: rohlf:2024 (Rohlf, Michael)
- Karl Leonhard Reinhold -- 2003: breazeale:2003b (Breazeale, Daniel E.), 2008: breazeale:2008a (Breazeale, Daniel E.), 2022: breazeale-walsh:2022 (Breazeale, Daniel E. and Walsh, John)
- Joseph Kaspi -- 2006: kasher-h:2006 (Kasher, Hannah), 2019: kasher-h-kahan:2019 (Kasher, Hannah and Kahan, Moshe), 2023: kasher-h-kahan:2023 (Kasher, Hannah and Kahan, Moshe)
- Johannes Kepler -- 2011: diliscia:2011 (Di Liscia, Daniel A.), 2015: diliscia:2015 (Di Liscia, Daniel A.), 2021: diliscia:2021 (Di Liscia, Daniel A.)
- Søren Kierkegaard -- 1996: mcdonald-w:1996 (McDonald, William), 2005: mcdonald-w:2005 (McDonald, William), 2006: mcdonald-w:2006 (McDonald, William), 2009: mcdonald-w:2009a (McDonald, William), 2012: mcdonald-w:2012 (McDonald, William), 2016: mcdonald-w:2016 (McDonald, William), 2017: mcdonald-w:2017 (McDonald, William), 2023: lippitt-evans:2023 (Lippitt, John and Evans, C. Stephen)
- Richard Kilvington -- 2001: jung-e:2001 (Jung, Elzbieta), 2011: jung-e:2011 (Jung, Elzbieta), 2016: jung-e:2016 (Jung, Elzbieta), 2022: jung-e:2022 (Jung, Elzbieta)
- Knowledge by Acquaintance vs. Description -- 2004: fumerton:2004 (Fumerton, Richard A.), 2008: fumerton:2008a (Fumerton, Richard A.), 2014: hasan-a-fumerton:2014 (Hasan, Ali and Fumerton, Richard A.), 2019: hasan-a-fumerton:2019 (Hasan, Ali and Fumerton, Richard A.)
- The Analysis of Knowledge -- 2001: steup:2001c (Steup, Matthias), 2005: steup:2005e (Steup, Matthias), 2012: ichikawa-j-steup:2012 (Ichikawa, Jonathan Jenkins and Steup, Matthias), 2017: ichikawa-j-steup:2017 (Ichikawa, Jonathan Jenkins and Steup, Matthias)
- Knowledge How -- 2012: fantl:2012 (Fantl, Jeremy), 2021: pavese-c:2021b (Pavese, Carlotta)
- The Value of Knowledge -- 2014: pritchard-d-turri:2014 (Pritchard, Duncan and Turri, John), 2007: pritchard-d:2007a (Pritchard, Duncan), 2011: pritchard-d-turri:2011 (Pritchard, Duncan and Turri, John), 2018: pritchard-d-etal:2018 (Pritchard, Duncan and Turri, John and Carter, J. Adam), 2022: pritchard-d-etal:2022 (Pritchard, Duncan and Turri, John and Carter, J. Adam)
- The Kochen-Specker Theorem -- 2000: held-c:2000a (Held, Carsten), 2006: held-c:2006 (Held, Carsten), 2013: held-c:2013 (Held, Carsten), 2018: held-c:2018 (Held, Carsten), 2022: held-c:2022 (Held, Carsten)
- The Kokugaku (Native Japan Studies) School -- 2021: fujiwara-g-nosco:2021 (Fujiwara, Gideon and Nosco, Peter), 2007: burns-s:2007 (Burns, Susan), 2018: fujiwara-g-nosco:2018 (Fujiwara, Gideon and Nosco, Peter)
- Korean Buddhism -- 2024: hyekyung:2024 (Hyekyung, Jee (Lucy))
- Korean Confucianism -- 2021: cawley-kn:2021 (Cawley, Kevin N.)
- Korean Philosophy -- 2022: kim-hal:2022 (Kim, Halla)
- Kûkai -- 2006: krummel:2006 (Krummel, John), 2010: krummel:2010 (Krummel, John), 2018: krummel:2018 (Krummel, John), 2022: krummel:2022 (Krummel, John)
- Kumārila -- 2010: arnold-d:2010 (Arnold, Daniel), 2020: arnold-d:2020 (Arnold, Daniel), 2024: arnold-d:2024 (Arnold, Daniel)
- The Kyoto School -- 2006: davis-bw:2006 (Davis, Bret W.), 2010: davis-bw:2010 (Davis, Bret W.), 2014: davis-bw:2014a (Davis, Bret W.), 2019: davis-bw:2019 (Davis, Bret W.), 2023: davis-bw:2023 (Davis, Bret W.)
- Louis de La Forge -- 2011: clarke-dm:2011a (Clarke, Desmond M.), 2015: clarke-dm:2015b (Clarke, Desmond M.), 2019: sangiacomo-a-clarke:2019 (Sangiacomo, Andrea and Clarke, Desmond M.)
- Jacques Lacan -- 2013: johnston-a:2013 (Johnston, Adrian)
- Lady Damaris Masham -- 2003: hutton-s:2003a (Hutton, Sarah), 2014: hutton-s:2014 (Hutton, Sarah), 2020: hutton-s:2020b (Hutton, Sarah)
- Imre Lakatos -- 2016: musgrave-a-pigden:2016 (Musgrave, Alan and Pigden, Charles R.), 2021: musgrave-a-pigden:2021 (Musgrave, Alan and Pigden, Charles R.)
- The Lambda Calculus -- 2012: alama:2012 (Alama, Jesse), 2013: alama:2013 (Alama, Jesse), 2017: alama:2017 (Alama, Jesse), 2018: alama-korbmacher:2018 (Alama, Jesse and Korbmacher, Johannes), 2023: alama-korbmacher:2023 (Alama, Jesse and Korbmacher, Johannes)
- Lambert of Auxerre -- 2024: uckelman:2024 (Uckelman, Sara L.)
- Language and Testimony in Classical Indian Philosophy -- 2010: deshpande-m:2010 (Deshpande, Madhav)
- The Language of Thought Hypothesis -- 1998: aydede:1998a (Aydede, Murat), 2004: aydede:2004 (Aydede, Murat), 2010: aydede:2010 (Aydede, Murat), 2019: rescorla:2019a (Rescorla, Michael), 2023: rescorla:2023 (Rescorla, Michael)
- Laozi -- 2001: chan-a:2001 (Chan, Alan), 2007: chan-a:2007 (Chan, Alan), 2012: chan-a:2012 (Chan, Alan), 2013: chan-a:2013 (Chan, Alan), 2018: chan-a:2018 (Chan, Alan)
- Large Cardinals and Determinacy -- 2013: koellner:2013 (Koellner, Peter)
- Analytic Philosophy in Latin America -- 2018: perez-di:2018 (Pérez, Diana Inés), 2023: perez-di-echeverri:2023 (Pérez, Diana Inés and Echeverri, Santiago)
- Latin American Philosophy: Metaphilosophical Foundations -- 2013: nuccetelli:2013 (Nuccetelli, Susana), 2017: nuccetelli:2017a (Nuccetelli, Susana), 2021: nuccetelli:2021 (Nuccetelli, Susana)
- Latin American Philosophy -- 2013: gracia-j-vargas:2013 (Gracia, Jorge J.E. and Vargas, Manuel R.), 2018: gracia-j-vargas:2018 (Gracia, Jorge J.E. and Vargas, Manuel R.)
- Latinx Philosophy -- 2018: vargas-m:2018 (Vargas, Manuel R.)
- Law and Ideology -- 2001: sypnowich:2001 (Sypnowich, Christine), 2010: sypnowich:2010 (Sypnowich, Christine), 2014: sypnowich:2014 (Sypnowich, Christine), 2019: sypnowich:2019 (Sypnowich, Christine), 2024: sypnowich:2024 (Sypnowich, Christine)
- Interpretivist Theories of Law -- 2003: stavropoulos:2003 (Stavropoulos, Nicos)
- Legal Interpretivism -- 2014: stavropoulos:2014 (Stavropoulos, Nicos), 2021: stavropoulos:2021 (Stavropoulos, Nicos)
- Law and Language -- 2002: endicott-t:2002 (Endicott, Timothy), 2010: endicott-t:2010 (Endicott, Timothy), 2016: endicott-t:2016 (Endicott, Timothy), 2021: endicott-t:2021 (Endicott, Timothy)
- The Limits of Law -- 2006: stantonife:2006 (Stanton-Ife, John), 2022: stantonife:2022 (Stanton-Ife, John)
- Naturalism in Legal Philosophy -- 2002: leiter-b:2002a (Leiter, Brian), 2007: leiter-b:2007a (Leiter, Brian), 2012: leiter-b:2012 (Leiter, Brian), 2017: leiter-b-etchemendy:2017 (Leiter, Brian and Etchemendy, Matthew X.), 2021: leiter-b-etchemendy:2021 (Leiter, Brian and Etchemendy, Matthew X.)
- The Nature of Law -- 2001: marmor-a:2001 (Marmor, Andrei), 2007: marmor-a:2007a (Marmor, Andrei), 2011: marmor-a:2011b (Marmor, Andrei), 2015: marmor-a-sarch:2015 (Marmor, Andrei and Sarch, Alexander F.), 2019: marmor-a-sarch:2019 (Marmor, Andrei and Sarch, Alexander F.)
- The Pure Theory of Law -- 2002: marmor-a:2002 (Marmor, Andrei), 2010: marmor-a:2010 (Marmor, Andrei), 2016: marmor-a:2016a (Marmor, Andrei)
- Laws of Nature -- 2003: carroll-jw:2003 (Carroll, John W.), 2006: carroll-jw:2006a (Carroll, John W.), 2010: carroll-jw:2010a (Carroll, John W.), 2016: carroll-jw:2016 (Carroll, John W.), 2020: carroll-jw:2020 (Carroll, John W.)
- Formal Learning Theory -- 2002: schulte-o:2002 (Schulte, Oliver), 2008: schulte-o:2008 (Schulte, Oliver), 2012: schulte-o:2012 (Schulte, Oliver), 2017: schulte-o:2017 (Schulte, Oliver), 2022: schulte-o:2022 (Schulte, Oliver)
- Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples -- 2015: oosterhoff:2015 (Oosterhoff, Richard J.), 2019: oosterhoff:2019 (Oosterhoff, Richard J.)
- Legal Philosophy: The Economic Analysis of Law -- 2001: kornhauser:2001 (Kornhauser, Lewis), 2006: kornhauser:2006 (Kornhauser, Lewis)
- The Economic Analysis of Law -- 2011: kornhauser:2011 (Kornhauser, Lewis), 2017: kornhauser:2017 (Kornhauser, Lewis), 2022: kornhauser:2022 (Kornhauser, Lewis)
- Legal Interpretation -- 2021: greenberg-m:2021 (Greenberg, Mark)
- Legal Obligation and Authority -- 2003: green-le:2003 (Green, Leslie), 2022: renzo-green:2022 (Renzo, Massimo and Green, Leslie)
- Legal Positivism -- 2003: green-le:2003a (Green, Leslie), 2019: green-le-adams:2019 (Green, Leslie and Adams, Thomas)
- Legal Probabilism -- 2021: urbaniak-dibello:2021 (Urbaniak, Rafal and Di Bello, Marcello)
- Legal Punishment -- 2001: duff-ra:2001 (Duff, R. Anthony), 2004: duff-ra:2004a (Duff, R. Anthony), 2008: duff-ra:2008 (Duff, R. Anthony), 2013: duff-ra:2013 (Duff, R. Anthony), 2017: duff-ra-hoskins:2017 (Duff, R. Anthony and Hoskins, Zachary), 2021: hoskins-z-duff:2021 (Hoskins, Zachary and Duff, R. Anthony)
- Interpretation and Coherence in Legal Reasoning -- 2001: dickson-j:2001 (Dickson, Julie), 2005: dickson-j:2005 (Dickson, Julie), 2010: dickson-j:2010 (Dickson, Julie)
- Precedent and Analogy in Legal Reasoning -- 2006: lamond:2006 (Lamond, Grant)
- Legal Rights -- 2001: campbell-ken:2001 (Campbell, Kenneth), 2009: campbell-ken:2009 (Campbell, Kenneth), 2013: campbell-ken:2013 (Campbell, Kenneth), 2017: campbell-ken:2017 (Campbell, Kenneth), 2023: herstein-oj:2023 (Herstein, Ori J.)
- Political Legitimacy -- 2010: peter-f:2010 (Peter, Fabienne), 2017: peter-f:2017a (Peter, Fabienne), 2023: peter-f:2023a (Peter, Fabienne)
- Antoine Le Grand -- 2001: easton-p:2001a (Easton, Patricia), 2012: easton-p:2012 (Easton, Patricia), 2018: easton-p:2018a (Easton, Patricia), 2023: easton-p:2023a (Easton, Patricia)
- Leibniz on Causation -- 2005: bobro:2005 (Bobro, Marc Elliott), 2009: bobro:2009 (Bobro, Marc Elliott), 2013: bobro:2013 (Bobro, Marc Elliott), 2017: bobro:2017 (Bobro, Marc Elliott), 2021: bobro:2021 (Bobro, Marc Elliott)
- Leibniz's Ethics -- 2004: youpa:2004 (Youpa, Andrew), 2016: youpa:2016 (Youpa, Andrew)
- Leibniz on the Problem of Evil -- 1998: murray-mj:1998 (Murray, Michael J.), 2003: murray-mj:2003a (Murray, Michael J.), 2005: murray-mj:2005a (Murray, Michael J.), 2013: murray-mj-greenberg:2013 (Murray, Michael J. and Greenberg, Sean)
- Leibniz's Exoteric Philosophy -- 2013: whipple:2013 (Whipple, John), 2022: whipple:2022 (Whipple, John)
- Leibniz's Influence on 19th Century Logic -- 2009: peckhaus:2009 (Peckhaus, Volker), 2018: peckhaus:2018 (Peckhaus, Volker), 2024: peckhaus:2024 (Peckhaus, Volker)
- Leibniz's Philosophy of Mind -- 1997: kulstad-carlin:1997 (Kulstad, Mark A. and Carlin, Laurence), 2002: kulstad-carlin:2002 (Kulstad, Mark A. and Carlin, Laurence), 2013: kulstad-carlin:2013 (Kulstad, Mark A. and Carlin, Laurence), 2020: