EPP Fribourg

Ethics and Political Philosophy of the University of Fribourg

Currently, the EPP consists of one full professorship (Ralph Bader), two graduate assistant, one PhD assistant, one post-doc and two PhD students SNF.

Find more Information here


A PhD Colloquium takes place every Wednesday from 10:15-12 in the room MIS 03 3026

Spring Program:

22.02. Olivier Massin (Neuchâtel)
02.03. Billy Christmas (King’s College London)
08.03. Dominic Roser (Fribourg) & Jack Baker (Bern)
15.03. Anthrony Taylor (Fribourg)
22.03. Emanuela Ceva (Genève)
29.03. Luke Davies (Oxford)
05.04. Sarah Köglsperger (Fribourg)
19.04. Gaspard Lemaire (Fribourg)
26.04. Paul Keller (Fribourg)
03.05. Jörg Löschke (Zurich)
10.05. Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger (Fribourg)
17.05. Sze Ching Wong (Fribourg)
24.05. Ralf Bader (Fribourg)
31.05. Davide Dalla Rosa (Fribourg)

If you would like to register for the colloquium, please write an e-mail to Gaspard Lemaire (gaspard.lemaire@unifr.ch) or Sarah Köglsperger (sarah.koeglsperger@unifr.ch).